15:Permanent Retirement 2

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As Ben tries to escape, he notices the bag of golf clubs beside him. He takes one out and makes a shot on the old man's arm.


Surprisingly, the club slices right through, as if it was made of something more liquid than solid. It was enough to make Marty lose his grip and get the cart moving again. But as soon as Ben starts driving smoothly, he feels a rumble above him: Marty has made his way onto the roof of the cart. He extends his hands underneath, trying to grab Ben.


Ben can't maintain his grip on the wheel. He swerves the cart over a speed bump, causing it to fly in the air and crash on someone's lawn. Ben gets out of the cart and sees Marty standing up. Marty cracks his arm and neck back into place and extends his arms to Ben, catching him and dragging him in across the lawn. Ben panickingly tries the Omnitrix, but it's still recharging. Suddenly, a sprinkler system goes off next to Marty. He winces at the water, dropping Ben and running away. Ben lies on the lawn.

Ben:Okay...what just happened here?

At sundown, Ben finally gets back to Vera's. He rushes to Gwen and Max, in the kitchen.

Ben:Grandpa!! Gwen!!

Max:Shhh, your Aunt Vera's in bed!

Ben:Seriously? It's like only 6:30. (talking quickly) Nevermind. Listen, this whole place is way creepier than I thought. First, this old lady runs up a wall and munches a fly! Then Marty, that weird next door neighbor, is an "E.T." or something! With a face on the back of his head, and these long sticky arms and this body that oozed right through this gate and-!

Gwen:Ben, you snuck out. Aunt Vera was hurt!

Ben:Ah, she's old, she'll forget. Okay, I say I go Four Arms and we check out Marty's apartment!

Max:Well, maybe we should do some investigating, but you stay as you are! (in an old man voice) Us old fogies don't ferget as much as ya think! I'll call shield for backup.

He winks at them and leaves the room.

Gwen:(to Ben) You know, ever since you've had that watch, you're like a magnet for the weird.

Ben:(He makes his body snap and point to Gwen like a magnet.) You're right!

Gwen:Very funny.

Max opens the door to Marty's apartment.

Max: Hello? Anyone home?

The apartment is dark, deserted. The pendulum of a grandfather clock swings to and fro as Max, Gwen, and Ben walk past. Something suddenly startles them, but Max turns on the lights; only a jacket on a coat rack, blowing from the open window beside it.

Max:Well, nothing here seems out of whack...

Ben:Except for what he rolled up in his rug...that was right here!

Ben points to a rug outline on the floor. Max is puzzled.

Back at Vera's.

Max:You two sleep well. I'll be in the guest room if you need me.

Ben:But Grandpa!

Max:There's nothing more we can do tonight. I'm going for an early walk in the morning, but once I'm back, we'll check things out again this time with Natasha and Clint. Now get some rest.

As Vera sleeps that night, another sentient green blob makes its way into her room. As her limp arm falls off the bed, it crawls up it. Just as Vera wakes up, it covers her mouth and eyes.

In the morning, Ben opens up Vera's fridge.

Ben:Prune juice, prune juice and, oh, what a surprise, more prune juice. (to Gwen, pouring a glass of water) Why does it seem old people were always old?

Gwen:Morning Aunt Vera! How'd you sleep?

Vera:Just...fine. How 'bout you?

She violently grabs and shakes Ben's cheeks.

Ben(pained):Fine, Aunt Vera!

Gwen:I made you some coffee.

Gwen brings her a tray with a mug of coffee and a glass of water, but she trips and spills the both of them on the kitchen floor.


Just before the spilled water makes its way to her shoes, Vera jumps up and holds a perfect split in the room.


Gwen(stunned):I'm sorry!

Gwen starts cleaning, and Vera lands back on the ground. She looks over to the guest room; it's empty.

Vera:Where did your grandfather go?

Gwen:He said he was going for an early walk.

Vera:...Well, behave yourselves. I'll be back soon.

She walks out the house.

Ben:She's totally one of them!

Gwen:"One of" what?

Ben:Whatever's possessing these old people. Something or someone's gotten to Aunt Vera, and who knows how many other of the fossils around here?

Some time later, Ben takes Gwen for a walk through the village, taking alleys and out-of-site paths.

Gwen:So, where we headed, Sherlock?

She tightens the backpack she brought with her.

Ben quickly hides behind the corner of the alley. Some old folks walk past.

Ben:We need to get to that trapdoor by the dumpster.

He holds Gwen back, waiting for the folks to walk further before quickly crossing.

In another part of town, Marty and another old man stand shifty-eyed. Vera meets with them.

Fake Vera:Is the food supply ready for transport?

Fake Marty:The pods are in the final stages of gestation. What about the young ones?

Fake Vera:Too chewy! They need to age more before they get nice and tender...

Fake Marty:I'm not talking about eating! The boy suspects too much.

Vera smiles.

The kids continue, now close to the dumpster site.

Ben:It's right over there!

Gwen:Just follow the disgusting smell.

They pass by two old ladies, innocently playing what looks to be street curling with small pucks. Ben and Gwen keep their eyes on them. They suddenly hiss with sharp yellow teeth and whack the pucks in their direction.

Max:Guys, what's going on?

Ben:They're everywhere!

Max:I know! (His teeth are green. He starts stretching his arm, just like Marty.) Come here, I'll protect ya!

He roars.

Gwen:Let's get out of here!

The kids start running away but get stopped by Marty, Vera, and the other man, all holding up a car. Fake Max is behind them.

Ben:Ooh, this is not good!

The car is thrown.

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