42:War 2

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The Cops continuously fire at the flying chariots. It's pretty pointless. A young cop runs over to his Police Sergeant.

YOUNG COP: We need to get out! They gotta bring the National Guard!

POLICE SERGEANT: National Guard? Does the army know what's happening here?


Captain America jumps in front of them. They look up at this ridiculous looking man.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: I need men in these buildings. There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You take them through the basement or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th.

POLICE SERGEANT: Why the hell should I take orders from you?

Suddenly, an Explosion comes up from behind Cap. An Energy Blast is blocked by his shield. Two Chitauri Soldiers attack. The cops watch in shock as Captain America Fights them off with ease. The Sergeant turns to his officer.

POLICE SERGEANT: I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th.


Iron Man swerves around a building and faces the Chitauri Leviathan. He pulls out his miniature multiple rocket launcher and Fires. The Chitauri Leviathan Roars in annoyance. The Chitauri e turns to him.

IRON MAN: (TO JARVIS) We got his attention. What the hell is step two?!

IRON MAN flies away.


Hawkeye Trips a Chitauri Soldier and Rams an arrow down its throat. Black Widow gets her hands on an Energy Rifle and Stick Fights the hell out of them. Captain America joins back in and using his Shield, Swaps and Whacks oncoming Chitauri Soldiers.

It's all too much on them, until... Lightning strikes down from the sky, channeling the blast, firing the electricity out at the Chitauri Soldiers around them. They're blasted back in a massive shockwave. The Chitauri Soldiers convulse, drop dead to the ground. Thor Touches Down.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: What's the story upstairs?

THOR: The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable.

IRON MAN (V.O.): Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys.

BLACK WIDOW: How do we do this?


THOR: I have unfinished business with Loki.

HAWKEYE: Yeah, get in line.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us...

Just then, Banner Arrives On A Small Motorbike. Getting off, he looks around the city.

BANNER: So, this all seems horrible.

BLACK WIDOW: I've seen worse.

BANNER: Sorry.

BLACK WIDOW: No. We could use a little worse.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Stark? We got him.

IRON MAN (V.O.): Banner?

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Just like you said.


TONY: Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you.

Iron Man comes out from behind a building. The Leviathan follows, impatiently.


The rest of the AVENGERS look up, getting ready and standing still.

BLACK WIDOW: I... I don't see how that's a party...

Iron Man Swoops down the street. The Leviathan also swoops down, Barreling down the street like a Freight Train that keeps building and building its intensity. Banner looks behind. Cap looks at him. Banner begins to walk towards the monster.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry.

BANNER: That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry.

Banner's body starts to swell and stretch and harden. Green Shoots Through His Body. The Hulk. Aaaannndddd.........SSSMMMAAASSSHHH!!!! HULK POPS the CHITAURI LEVIATHAN IN THE NOSE. THE CREATURE FLIPS OVER A 360.

Iron Man, in mid-flight, extends his arm out and a Rocket, ready to shoot. Iron Man Fires -- the rocket hits a Soft Spot - Large Chitauri Leviathan are Blown Completely Away. Real pain from the Chitauri Leviathan.

Other pieces of meat Catch Fire and withdraw... Sizzle as they hit the pavement. Captain America raises his Shield to block them.

Gwen forms a shield over everyone else to block them.


From above and on the buildings, the Chitauri Army watches in horror as a group of Earth's Mightiest Heroes Find Themselves United Against A Common Threat. To Fight The Foes No Single Super Hero Could Withstand! The Avengers Assemble!

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