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in the lab, the egos of these people keep rubbing off each other and at any moment, the shit will hit the fan.

THOR: You speak of control, yet you court chaos.

BANNER: It's his M.O., isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're... we're a time-bomb.

NICK FURY: You need to step away.

TONY: (puts his arm around Steve) Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?

STEVE: (pushes Tony off)You know damn well why! Back off!

TONY: (comes face-to-face with Cap) Oh, I'm starting to want you to make me.

STEVE: Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?

TONY: Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

Ben and Natasha nod.

STEVE: I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. Yeah, I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.

TONY: I think I would just cut the wire.

STEVE: (SMILING) Always a way out... You know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero.

TONY: (that did it) A hero? Like you? You're a lab rat, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle!


The ramp of the carrier opens. The carrier maneuvers next to one of the large turbine engines. Barton stands at the base, holding out his bow. He pulls out a GRENADE TIPPED ARROW. He points right at the engine. Then...Barton moves his AIM and points the arrow about a hundred feet from the engine. He releases. The arrow flies out,but then SHARPLY heads for the engine. The arrow is punctured onto the engine. It has a visible timer which is COUNTING DOWN.


Back in the lab, Steve puffs up his chest at Tony, who just stands there, unmoving.

STEVE: Put on the suit, let's go a few rounds.

Thor laughs at them.

THOR: You people are so petty... and tiny.

Tony rubs his head. And Moves away from Cap.

BANNER: Yeah, this is a team...

NICK FURY: Agent Romanoff Agent Tennysons would you escort Dr.Banner back to his...

BANNER: Where? You rented my room.

BEN: and you apparently don't trust either of us.

Gwen walks over and stands next to her cousin.

NICK FURY: The cell was just in case...and the threat it was just...

BANNER: In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know! I tried! (A Beat) I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk!

Banner slowly gets upset as he looks at Romanoff, who gets unnerved.

BANNER: You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?

Black Widow and Fury have their hands down to grab their guns. And ben has hand over his omnitrix gwens hand glows pink.

STEVE: Doctor Banner... put down the scepter.

Banner Looks Down And Is Shocked To See HE's Holding Loki's Scepter. The computer beeps. They all turn to it.

TONY: Got it.

Banner puts down the scepter and walks over to the computer.

BANNER: Sorry, kids. You don't get to see my little party trick after all.

THOR: Located the Tesseract?

TONY: I can get there faster.

STEVE: Look, all of us...

THOR: The Tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it.

Tony turns to leave, but Steve stops him.

STEVE: You're not going alone!

TONY: You gonna stop me?

STEVE: Put on the suit, let's find out.

TONY: I'm not afraid to hit an old man.

STEVE: Put on the suit.

At that moment Banner who's looking at the monitor notices something about the Tesseract.

BANNER: Oh, my God!


Barton Pulls The Trigger On His Bow. The arrow then Explodes The Engine Right Off The Helicarrier


Everyone is thrown in every direction. Steve, Gwen, Fury, Thor and Tony are thrown across while Natasha Ben and Banner are down in the lower equipment room. Steve looks up at Tony.

STEVE: Put on the suit!

TONY: Yep!

Steve helps Tony up and out of the lab. Fury sits up, clutching his ribs. He puts on his Earpiece.



Pandemonium Erupts. Emergency alarms set off, fire extinguishers activate near surrounding fires and every agent is in a spinning scramble for their positions and armaments. Agent Hill keeps the bridge as calm as possible.

Ben 10 In The MCUWhere stories live. Discover now