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 After the wall of fire was extinguished, everyone hurriedly got up and prepared to find a place nearby to rest.

 At night, zombies and alien species will be more active.

 They had to find a place to spend the hard night in time, and if they stayed outside, they would be a living target.

 As night falls, various strange sounds begin to come from the streets.

 Some are zombies, and some are alien species.

 "Sister, let's go." Yao Feng stared at the other team members warily, while not forgetting to remind Bai Taotao.

 Bai Taotao was still holding the skewer from the previous barbecue in her hand. Yao Feng looked puzzled and said with a smile: "Come on, give it to me. I'll just wash it later."

 After eating so much barbecue from other girls, what does it mean to just wash the skewers?

 As a result, Bai Taotao did not give it to him. Instead, she turned a flower in her hand and said with a smile, "Keep it, maybe it can be used as a weapon."

 other people:?

 No, if you put down that lot, your heart will be broken, right?

 "Okay, sister, be careful." Yao Feng didn't care. It was naturally best for Bai Taotao to have the ability to protect herself, so they would be less stressed.

 That's right...

 Guan Yiyuan's team's mood probably won't be very good.

 In fact, Yao Feng didn't quite understand why a girl who looked so dull before suddenly exploded.

 Probably between life and death, do you understand?

 Yao Feng didn't think much about it. Anyway, he just collected money to do things. At most, he just added a little human touch.

 Yao Feng and his team, led by Yang Xiangkun, got into the nearest office building.

 This area belongs to the urban area, and there are various commercial buildings, office buildings and the like nearby.

 Yang Xiangkun doesn't pick a place, only a distance.

 He took the lead, Yao Feng and Bai Taotao walked in the middle, and the others followed at the back, acting as a front and rear protection.

 After entering the building, the first floor was so damaged that it was almost impossible to recognize its original appearance. The glass was broken all over the floor, and various architectural furnishings were also broken everywhere.

 "Go to the second floor and have a look." There was no way to deal with the situation on the first floor, so Yang Xiangkun quickly waved to everyone to continue going up.

 Now the water and electricity are completely cut off, and the elevator cannot be used, so we can only climb the dark stairs.

 "Everyone, listen to the noise." Yang Xiangkun reminded his friends when they entered the stairwell.

 The environment from the first to the fifth floor is not very good, and we even encountered alien species.

 Up to the sixth floor, it looked relatively clean, but broken glass was everywhere.

 But if you pick and choose, you can still pick a good place.

 Yang Xiangkun led them into an office. The place was not particularly large. According to rough calculation, it was about two hundred square meters and was divided into several areas by partitions.

✓ A basket of potatoes at the beginning [End Times]Where stories live. Discover now