Chapter 48.5: Their Little World

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"Just be with me. We'll figure out the details later."
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Trigger Warning: mentions of suicide and mental health disorder

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Trigger Warning: mentions of suicide and mental health disorder


Hours passed since everything happened so fast between them, Ray already had her sheets changed again, she had already taken a shower and Randy went back to his apartment to do the same. And now, they are sitting on her carpeted floor, staring at her laptop while he is watching a movie on her television with his arm wrapped around her tiny waist.

"Randy," she said in a sweet voice when something interesting caught her attention. "This is pretty, right?" she asked, pointing her finger at the screen of her laptop, showing him a photo of a treehouse somewhere in Alabama. "Can we go there?" she asked, puckering her lips because she knew it always worked.

However, she didn't have to do that since she already had him wrapped around her fingers. "Of course, baby," he said and kissed her cheek. Then he rested his chin on her shoulder, scrolling through her laptop with his eyes darted on the screen while her eyes remained on his, looking at him who was only a few centimeters away from her. His eyes drifted to hers when he noticed her stare. "What? Are you in love with me now?" he playfully asked and hoped that she wouldn't ask him that because he knew his eyes would give away the answers even if he'd denied them.

Ray looked away but he held her chin and turned it to face him again since he wasn't done memorizing her face as if he hadn't already memorized her face.

He raised his head from her shoulder to stare at her face without hindrance as he started stroking her hair, tucking every strand that was trying to cover her pretty face. Ray's eyes followed Randy's movement with her heart fluttering. And as she stared at him, she thought of something—she knew she would cry a river if she lost what they had. Though they weren't dating, they still tried to stay loyal to each other because both of them weren't ready to take risks.

But Randy was already thinking about asking her out officially because he didn't want to hide her anymore. But he still had to fix a few loose ends—make it known to every woman he flirted with before that he wasn't available anymore since he already had her, make it known to the gang that they couldn't flirt with her anymore since she was already emotionally and physically taken by him, and make it known to the world that he was going to kill everyone that would lay their hands on her.

He wanted to clarify all that, and he was going to start by talking to her dead parents to ask permission because he had been dreaming about his future with her these past few weeks; he wanted to do everything with her without holding himself back anymore. And as cringe as it may seem, he likes it—loves it rather.

"God!" he gasped quietly as he stared at her face. "You look ugly," he playfully said and gave her a sincere smile.

A tint of scarlet flushed her cheeks causing her to lower her head and suppress her smile because she knew what he meant—she already learned how he spoke. "Thanks, turkey," she said and brought his hand to her lips, kissing them.

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