Chapter 22: Traitor

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A week later

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A week later...

"Ray, are you sure you're good now?" April asked Ray when she saw her get up.

"Yes, April. I was just stressed, nothing to worry about," Ray said as she opened her fridge, grabbed a strawberry that she saw, and went back to her room.

It has been a week since the whole ordeal with Vanilla Unicorn happened. Many were so confused about how the club burnt down, but CG asked the media to block it all from spreading. It has also been a week since Ray was diagnosed with mild anemia due to fatigue. She had been doing some stuff since she went back to Philly, and her body deteriorated due to stress. That's why she was just in her apartment for a week now.

April followed her to her room. "What do you mean nothing to worry about? You collapsed, Ray! And you woke up 15 hours later, that is not 'nothing to worry about', alright?" April rolled her eyes at her stubborn friend. "Randy was so worried about you, did you know that?" she asked.

Speaking of Randy, it's also been a week since she last saw him because he never visited her once she woke up from her deep sleep. Though they always call each other whenever Randy's not busy, she still wants to see him in person.

"Did he visit you?" April asked as she took a bite of the strawberry she grabbed from Ray. She sat beside Ray and looked at her girl. "He hasn't?" April asked when she saw her shake her head.

"He told me he was busy. I think they are doing a car boost for Mister K. They need to plan that wisely," she said, vouching for her day one.

"Did he at least call you today?" She raised her red brow at her ravenette friend.

Ray grabbed her phone and showed it to her. "He has been calling me every day, April."

April grabbed the phone from her grip to confirm what she was thinking a week ago and snickered when she saw her wallpaper with her own eyes. "You guys look cute together," she said as she scrolled through the gallery of photos. She smiled to herself seeing their photos. If she hadn't known them, she would have thought that they were dating. "When was this?" she asked her friend while showing her a picture of Randy and her which made her eyebrow raise.

"When he went to Philadelphia," she answered, remembering what happened.


"You are saying some bullshit again, let's just eat," Ray said, giggling as she walked away.

"What the fuck was that mean?" Randy asked, following the raven. "Oi!" Ray laughed at his signature language. Randy took big steps and settled when he finally reached Ray. "Where are we going now?" he asked impatiently.

"We're going to eat. I'm hungry," she said as they walked out of her special place. "It's pretty, right?" she asked him. Stopping on her feet, she stared at the beautiful and bright sun above them.

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