Chapter 13: Man Down

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Trigger Warning: blood, death

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Trigger Warning: blood, death


It was almost afternoon when Ray decided to get off her bed after barely sleeping. When Randy left her apartment, she started questioning herself, rolled on her bed like a mad woman, and paced back and forth—she did them all just to forget what happened between Randy and her. In return, she only had 2 hours of sleep.

"Ugh!" she groaned, holding her head when she got up. "I'm so fucking tired," she said to herself and then laid back on her bed and closed her eyes. As she closes her eyes, she remembers when Randy kissed her on her neck. Touching the area where his lips were, she bit her lip in annoyance. "I hate him so much!" she said before grabbing a pillow and screaming into it. But she hates herself more for thinking about it.

*phone rings*

She almost had a heart attack when her phone started ringing. Tossing out the pillow, she grabbed the phone on her bedside table. "Please don't be Randy, please don't be Randy," she said—begging almost. "Oh, thank god!" She let out a sigh of relief when she saw Ramee's number on the screen. "Wamee!" she said, greeting him happily when she answered the call.

"Ray! Where are you? Mister K is looking for you," Ramee said.

"Oh shoot!" She immediately got out the bed for the nth time today. "I'll be there in 30," she said and ended the call before Ramee could even answer. She grabbed a black sleeveless cropped top and black cargo pants from her closet and ran towards her bathroom.

"WHAT'S up, boys," Ray said as soon as she walked into them inside the gallery. "What happened?" she asked when Curtis, Randy, Ramee, Taco, and Mister K looked at her with weird expressions.

"Summer is dead," Mr. K announced. Ray held her head, unable to believe what their leader just dropped. "I'm sorry, Ray," the leader said.

"How?" Ray muttered, still in shock by the news. "How was she dead, Mister K? What happened?" She asked.

How could this happen?

"Summer was about to tell us where Dexx was hiding, but someone killed her," Randy answered for their leader and looked at the woman in front of them.

"Dexx," Ray continued, making Randy nod his head. "Well, that can't be helped I guess?" She shrugged off and sat on the black couch. "What?" she asked when she noticed the boys eyeing her.

"Your neck is red, Ray." Ramee pointed at her neck. "Did you scratch that?" he asked.

Randy coughed and looked away as he let out a small laugh. Ray rolled her eyes and sighed when she noticed Randy. "It's nothing. It was just a scratch," she said, scratching the side of her neck where Randy's lips were last night. A tint of red hue crawled on her face when she remembered what happened last night making her cheeks heat up.

Randy noticed Ray blushing when he darted his eyes at her, feeling a pair of warm eyes looking at her, Ray looked away avoiding his gaze, making him giggle. "Why are you laughing, man?" Ramee asked, noticing Randy was cackling on his side.

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