Chapter 33: Self-Destruction

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Cont. of Day 3

As the skies darkened and the night deepened, Ray couldn't stop herself from looking at Randy, who was looking ahead but also noticing her gray eyes. He turned his head to face her, "What is it?" he asked, raising his hand to her face and brushing her flushed cheeks from the coldness at the top of the Mauna Kea summit. "Are you cold? Do you want to get back down?" he asked, pulling her into his arms to warm her up. She was already wearing a jacket, but Randy's arms definitely helped her warm up. He let out a small laugh when she snuggled into his arms, inhaling his scent as she hugged him back, and then he started rubbing her back for comfort. "We should probably go back," he whispered before kissing the top of her head.

"Okay," she mumbled in his chest. She put her hands inside the shirt that was underneath his hoodie and warmed her hands up from the heat that his body gave, earning a giggle from the white-haired British man. "One minute," she said, tightening her hug on him. She adjusted her head to the side and looked at the stars above them. "I'll never forget this place. Thank you for bringing me here, Randy," she said.

He let go of Ray's waist and wrapped his arms around her neck instead, pulling her closer, and earning a giggle from her. "I got you, Ray." She nodded her head in response and looked up at him, causing him to look at her. He held her chin and lowered his head before brushing his lips on her shivering ones. He chuckled when he noticed how cold her lips were and when he let go of her lips, he saw her shivering. "Alright, let's go back," he said and pulled Ray off of him and held her hand instead as they walked down from the summit. "Careful, Ray," he said when she almost slipped from the slippery slope.

"Don't worry about me, turkey." She giggled, removing his hand from her and making him look, and then she fixed their hands instead, intertwining their hands and filling each other's emptiness in one's hand. "This is much better," she said, giggling.

He smiled sheepishly, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're so dumb," he said in a teasing manner. He looked at the time from his watch and cursed upon seeing how late it was. "How is it already 8 p.m.?" he asked. They had been at the top of the summit for two hours, but their travel time took them almost four hours.

"We took too long to drive because you can't disobey their traffic laws here, Mister," Ray said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Are you saying that I am a washed driver, man?" he asked, teasing as they slowly approached the car they rented.

She snickered, wanting to fuck with him. "I think you are washed," she said, laughing when Randy suddenly stopped walking.

"Excuse me?!" he exclaimed, making her burst out in laughter. "What the fuck did you say?" he cursed, but his suppressed laughter gave him away.

"I said you are still the best driver in the city. Of course, you are not washed. How could you be washed when you are the best?" she said, feeding his ego to boost his confidence.

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