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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

My head throbbed painfully and as I let out a groan my eyes creaked open and stared at the blacked tv screen. As I lifted my head, I peeled my face from Micheal's chest as his deafening snores ceased and he stirred awake.

" Ugh it's tomorrow isn't it?" I grumbled

" Unfortunately" he hummed

" Get up lazy bones, we gotta get going if we're going to get to Bradon's before noon" Corey spat hastily as he jumped down the steps.

As Michael groaned groggily the frown stayed on my face as Corey smirked heading towards the dining room.

" So are you going to tell Corey?"

I felt my face sag from the deep frown and before I could speak he rose his hand for me to stop.

"Your face said it all, if you don't want to tell him, if you don't want to tell anyone I won't say anything. I promise"

" Thank you"

Shrugging nonchalantly Michael grinned. " What are best friends for? Besides I have something very important I need to ask you"

" What is it?"

"Can you make breakfast?"


Pulling my hair up I held my head high as if to ignore the sadness that lingered in my eyes. As usual Micheal's bear like snores pulled me into a deep sleep and I woke up more rested than I've been in a long time. Regardless I was still restless and exhausted at the same time. I just couldn't get my mind to stop. The voices and thoughts never stopped even to breath, and keeping myself from falling apart felt like I was physically holding myself together with cheap thread.

" Mia" Marco called out from the other side of Corey's door. " Are you ready yet?"

Sighing my arms dropped to my sides as I looked at my reflection, my outfit was simple and unintentionally cute. But I didn't admire my figure, I couldn't and as my bloated stomach poked at the thin fabric it was a hurtful reminder of what could've been. If I could've carried Kaleb's baby, maybe I would have called him.. Told him about what was in my head, how he still had my heart in his grasp and the baby I was carrying was definitely his... But now I had nothing of his besides the ring, it was a constant reminder of my betrayal and overall I was growing tired of my own reflection.

How I looked on the outside wasn't what I felt inside and it was like living a hideous lie.

" Yeah, I'm coming" I spoke loud enough for him to hear me and seconds passed as he hesitated but then his heavy steps thudded against the floor as he walked away. Avoiding my own gaze, I turned away and grabbed my purse off of the hook attached to the back of the door. Corey lied to his parents and told them of a huge Gudens reunion we all were heading to. Calvin was septical as usual but Diana believed Corey without question and I almost felt guilty about having Corey lie to his mom. But then I remembered that we were grown, Corey was a grown man. He didn't have to do anything I told him and if his conscious was fine lying to his mother it wasn't my place to say otherwise. At least it was partially true.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang