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⚠️ Trigger warning, this chapter is a very emotional one.

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                      Holding my sides tears rolled down my eyes as I laughed loud at Darren and Marco's argument. The debate about men eating white creamy things... It made Marco heavily uncomfortable. At least he wasn't alone but my uncomfortableness was brewing from something else. Corey's hand on my thigh, so casually it was like second nature to him. A nervous swarm of butterflies in my stomach feverishly tickled the walls of my stomach at every subtle movement of his hand. I couldn't determine if it was guilt or a unfathomable shyness but I couldn't meet his gaze. My eyes continuously flicked to the glittering stone on my ring finger and I could have been mistaken but it was like I could feel what Kaleb must be feeling.

Now here I was drowning in the presence of Corey Jayden Hendrix's, stuck in between loving and hating it. After the incredibly heated moment in the basement the throb between my legs stayed. I blamed Kaleb, my body had grown accustomed to being fed an addicting pleasure every single day. I forced myself into a withdrawal but now Corey's touch had awaken that same hunger. I needed to feel his long dick stroking against me again, all I had to do was say the words and Corey would give it to me without any hesitation.

But I couldn't, I shouldn't and whenever I thought of being underneath a powerful man, it wasn't Corey's face that appeared at the back of my mind.. it was Kaleb.

Kaleb was who I was supposed to be with and not only had I abandoned him but I betrayed him by giving into temptation with Corey.

" Mia honey, is the food alright? Do you want me to make you something else?" Diana asked sweetly putting her hands on the back of my chair.

" There's nothing wrong with your food Diana, and if Mia doesn't like it she's a grown woman she can make myself something to eat or manipulate Corey into making something for her" Calvin scolded straightening his suit jacket while glancing at me.

" Seriously?" My eyes rolled as I found myself pouting and Corey's hand gently squeeze my thigh. He still thinks I'm the cause of Corey's bad behavior.

Darren chuckled. " Oh yeah manipulate Corey into making her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, that's far as Corey's cooking skills go"

" What's wrong with that?"

" They'll never grow up if you don't stop enabling them"

As much as I hated to admit it Calvin was right, it was their date night and yet Diana made enough food for a large family just for us.

" It's my job to take care of my babies" she smiled proudly as she leaned over to kiss the side of Corey's face. "For the love of God, be good"

" I will" Corey mused nonchalantly as he slurped a long fettuccine noodle.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now