"Kong...why do you have hickey on your neck?" Yo asked reaching over the table to pull down the collar of my shirt. I quickly moved back slapping his hand away. Yo raised his eyebrow at my sudden action.

"Kong...you will answer me...Where were you the last three days" Ming asked leaving no room for arguments.

"P'Arthit went into rut, "running my hands though my hair "and before any of you say anything. No, he didn't force me to do anything. He actually told me to leave." I placed my hands on my stomach feeling the familiar movement of my baby "but I wish I did" I whisper. When my friends didn't say anything, I looked up to see them all staring at me.

"so let me get this straight...your alpha went into rut...but asked you to leave instead of just taken you by force...so you offer yourself up to him...freely?" Yo asked clearly confused. "where you scared? I mean of...everything?"

"When his pheromones hit me...I went into a trance of sort...my omega took over. What happen in the past no longer matter because it was my alpha doing it. I didn't really have time to think about being scared, or letting my fear get to me."

"but you wish you left like he asked? Why? Was it bad?" Aim asked

"No, it wasn't bad" I said shacking my head blushing "at least I don't think it was bad. I have no real experience to judge against it though."

"So why do you wish you left?" Yo asked confused. I looked at my books in front of me being sighing.

"He doesn't see me like that. He was so angry this morning and disappointed." I chuckled a little "I must have been so bad that he doesn't ever want me like that again" I said trying to chock back the tears that started to pool. "I must be so stupid to think, that maybe things would change after that. We have been sleeping in the same bed every night for a month, talking, getting to know each other." I shack my head wiping the tears off my cheek. "I know better now I won't be so stupid next time." I cross my arm on my books laying my head on them hiding my face. "is it so wrong to want the one-person ment to love and want me to actually do it? Or am I asking too much?" I asked crying into my arms. Damn hormones. I never use to be so emotional; I use to be able to hide my feelings so well.

"Kong, there is NOTHING wrong with you thinking. He is just an asshole" Ming said. "You, more than anyone deserve to be loved. The way you feel about wanting your fated mate to love you is not wrong, Please don't cry over that asshole." He said lifting my face gentle wiping the tears off my cheek. I smiled gentle at Ming. He has no idea how I feel, his mate actually wants him. Yes, P'Kit fights it, acts like Ming annoys him and pushes him away, but anyone looking at them can tell how much they mean to each other. Yo and P'Pha, Aim and May are the same way. Why can't I have something like that? Is that just too much to ask? Parks works started to play in my head "nobody will ever want a whore like you, you're a good for nothing omega. You are only good for one thing, and you can't even do that right." I started to chuckle making my friends look at me worried.

"I guess Park was right all this time." I say standing up slowly, I am still very sore everywhere.

"NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING that asshole has every told you is right do you understand me?" Ming said anger clear in his voice as he stands up as well. I give him a sad smile as I back up my things.

"About this, Ming he was right." I finish packing my books as my phone pings. Only five people have my number. Three of them are standing next to me, P'Arthit and the school. Since it wasn't my friends, it was either P'Arthit or the school. I unlocked the phone to see it was P'Arthit that was messaging me, but before I could read the message my phone started it vibrate P'Arthit name flashing on the screen. Ming quickly took the phone answering it, putting it on speaker, but keeping the volume low.

"Kong phone how may I help you?" Ming said anger in his voice.

"Who the fuck is this and where is Kong?" Arthit said sounding pissed someone else answer my phone.

"Why does it matter asshole? Why are you calling him knowing he is in school?"

"Ming!" I yelled slapping him in the arm, taken the phone from him. "hello?"

"why did he have your phone?"

"I was packing my things to head to class when you called...did you need something Khun?"

"Khun? Never mind. My mother wants you to come to a charity event as my date tomorrow night. Tutah will pick you up from school to pick out suit since I assume you don't have one."

"I'm sorry Kong has plans and won't be joining you, find someone else" Yo said hanging up the phone, then shutting it off placing it in his back pocket. "I just made a chose to have a friend's vacation. We leave tonight."

"and where are we going to go on short notice like this?" Aim said

"did you forget I have a family beach house at Ko Tao? Or do you want to go someplace with less tourism? Oh, I know let's go to the Phi Phi Islands, and then hope over to Koh Lanta. I think the ocean breeze will do Kong good."

"do I get a say in this?" I asked looking at my friends. Ming already has my bag on his shoulder, Aim is on his phone and Yo is bouncing on the ball of his feet"

"NO" they all say at the same time.

"I found a flight that leaves in three hours. The next one leaves in five hours" Aim said

"let's take the one in three hours and we can just buy clothes when we are there" Yo said clapping, walking over to me "and YOU will not agure about this Kongy" he said poking my chest. I knew I had no saw in the matter, so I just nodded watching his eyes light up even more. "YAY friend cation! Let's hurry and go so we can try and beat traffic" he says taken my head pulling me out of the library. Looks like I am going to Koh Lanta. 

**Hi everyone! So sorry for the late update! Life got in the way! I hope everyone is staying safe out there! I will try and update again in two days, but I can't promise anything, I will try and update twice next week too! Thank you for the view and likes! Have a wonderful day! :) **

Will you be mine?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ