johansson ~ f

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~ drunk ~

Tonight was supposed to be low key, that's what i kept telling myself throughout the night. We were only suppose to go out for a few drinks and have a little catch up.

We had just finished shooting the new Avengers movie and the cast wanted to go out for a low key celebration. Should have known it was gonna end like this, the marvel cast don't do anything low key.

I don't know how many drinks and shots i've had but i was extremely drunk. Scarlett had said she wasn't going to drink so i shouldn't worry about trying to stay sober. I don't think she meant to get drunk drunk but oh well, i'm a hoot drunk and she loves me so.

We were all still at our booth everyone kinda just talking to themselves all very intoxicated having seperate conversations. "Scar- ugh - lett" I hiccuped turning to Scarlett as she turned to me humming. "i wuv uuu sooo muccc" I slurred and she giggled grabbing onto me to pull me closer.

"i love you too baby, are you ready to go home?" She asked definitely not wanting me to drink anymore. I huffed shaking my head pushing her away from me.

"nooooo i wann to stayy" I went to grab the drink in front of me but Scarlett moved it away before i could and i sent her a pout to which she just chuckled shaking her head.

"no more, i don't want you throwing up in the car" I huffed crossing my arms.

"no fffairrrr, i fursty" She smiled kissing my cheek leaning in closer.

"want me to get you a new drink?" She placed her hand on my thigh and i gasped at the sensation everything being intensified by the alcohol. I nodded not being able to take my eyes off her hand on my leg.

Scarlett pecked my cheek before getting up. "okay i'll be right back" I got sad when she left watching as she walked to the bar.

"Y/n!!" Lizzie caught my attention and i saw her waving to me from across the table.

"Lizzie!!" I called back as she hiccuped chuckling.

"wanna go dance?" I looked back at Scarlett still at the bar and then back to Lizzie who started standing as i nodded trying to stand up but struggling.

Lizzie came around to help me to my feet before we stumbled to the dance floor beginning to dance extremely uncoordinatedly. I felt a hand grab my hip and i flinched tying to move again.

"hey, it's just me" Scarlett husked pulling me back before i fell over.

"Scarlyyyy!!" I shouted jumping and wrapping my arms around her neck. "i misthed uuu" I sniffled into her shoulder before Scarlett moved to check if i was actually crying cooing when there were tears in my eyes.

"oh baby, i just went to get you a drink remember?" I nodded pouting rubbing my eyes as she awed pulling me into another hug.

I tend to get emotional when i drink, Scarlett finds it adorable i think it's embarrassing yet i can't help it. "come on wanna go sit back down?" I nodded again and let her lead me back to the booth pulling me to sit on her lap.  

Scarlett handed me the glass she had been holding and i smiled bringing it to my mouth to gulp down.

"wat thisss?" I slurred confused at the taste, granted i couldn't taste much alcohol at this point so it could have been anything.

Scarlett rubbed my thighs soothingly watching me as i continued drinking the mysterious drink confused. I finished the whole drink placing the glass on the table before Scarlett could answer and then i looked down at her with a goofy smile.

"good girl" She praise and i beamed not really understanding but loving the praise. I wrapped my arms around her neck trying to get comfier in her hold. Scarlett let me squirm around until i was comfortable before holding me protectively. "comfy baby?" I nodded humming into her chest feeling very content and comfy.

I stayed in Scarlett's the lap for god knows how long just listening to her heart beat and the faint sounds of her talking to the others.

I was starting to get really tired and started yawning pulling Scarlett's attention back to me. "you tired baby?" She stroked my hair as i hummed nodding. "you wanna go home? we can cuddle and watch movies" I sat up getting excited nodding frantically.

"yes!!" Scarlett laughed at my excitement helping me stand before telling the others we were heading home. Once we said goodbye to everyone Scarlett held onto my waist helping me walk outside to the car.

She helped me into the passenger side buckling me in. "fanks" I smiled up at her as she leant forward to kiss me softly. I hummed into the kiss and when she pulled away my eyes stayed closed as a goofy smile was plastered on my lips. Scarlett just giggled making her way to the driver side.

The drive was pretty quick i just stared at Scarlett the whole time. She wasn't the biggest fan of it but she was so gorgeous i couldn't not stare at her. "stop staring at me" She giggled looking over at me.

"but you so pretty" I continued to stare as she just shook her head keeping her focus on the road. Surprisingly i didn't fall asleep on the ride home extremely content just watching Scarlett.

She pulled up parking the car and getting out to come to the passenger side. I watched as she rounded the front of the car and opened on my door.

"come on baby" She unbuckled me and helped me stand closing and locking the car behind us. She helped me up to our room placing me on the bed before going into the closet to grab us both some clothes.

"warm or cold?" She poked her head out of the closet to look at me, i thought about it making a thinking face biting my lip before answering.

"warm pwease" I answered cutely looking at her disappear again. I looked around the room moving side to side slightly waiting for her to return babbling a little to myself about something that happened earlier. When she came back out she had two baggy tees and two pairs of shorts. She came and stood in front of me placing one set on the bed and holding the other.

"want help" I nodded shyly as she leant down to kiss my head. "up" I stood up as she moved her hands to my back to unzip my dress. She pulled the thin straps down my arms letting the fabric pool at my feet. She dropped signalling me to move my feet as she pick the dress up, throwing it towards the laundry hamper we had in our room.

When she stood again i started getting self conscious and wrapped my arms around my body. Scarlett shook her head grabbing my arms, "no don't hide from me baby, you're beautiful" I blushed at her complement letting her move my arms then helping me put the shirt and shorts on.

Once i was dressed she sat me back down stepping back sightly to change her own clothes. I watched mesmerised as she unzipped her dress letting it fall to the floor before bending over to pick it up. She couldn't wear a bra with her dress so i was shamelessly staring at her boobs.

She chuckled looking at me with my mouth open gawking at her. "you're so adorable baby, you like mummy boobies?" I nodded keeping my gaze on them as she moved closer. "well i'm sorry but you're too drunk for me to do anything with you" I whined meeting her gaze with pleading eyes as she just shook her head grabbing my cheeks.

"another night when i know you can remember it" She kissed my pout before standing up straight again to put the shirt and shorts she brought out for herself.

We had gotten under the covers and Scarlett turned the tv on to play something in the background while we cuddled. "fanks Scarly" I mumbled into her chest as she stroked my hair with one hand and had the other under my shirt rubbing my back soothingly.

"i'll always take care of you baby" She kissed my head a few times tightening her grip on me. "now get some sleep princess. i love you" I moved slightly to look into her eyes smiling as i kissed her skin closest to me.

"i love you too Scarly, goodnight" I moved down to bury my face in her chest as she hummed continuing to stroke my hair and rub my back soothingly.

I fell asleep pretty soon after that, all the exhaustion from the night finally taking over.

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