romanoff ~ f / a

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~ flooded ~
because australia's basically underwater now and this happened to me yesterday
just hit 5k readers, thank you guys so much! that's insane!


"baby it's up to you" Natasha spoke as she stroked my face. "if you don't want to go in then don't, stay here with me, but if you do then you should. it's your decision baby" I nodded looking down at my lap.

"mmm i just, i-i don't know. it's raining really bad but i hate letting people down" I whispered fiddling with my fingers as Natasha grabbed my face to look at her.

"do you want me to tell you not to go in? cause i will, happily. i hate seeing you like this baby" She cooed wiping a few tears that fell.

"no i-i think i'll go in but i'll just keep an eye on the roads and the flooded areas" I nodded sniffling as Natasha smiled stroking my face and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"okay baby. you want me to help you get ready?" I nodded as she kissed my lips softly as well as my cheeks before helping me get ready.

Currently i was trying to decide if it was worth it to go into work or not. It's been raining for the past couple of days and there are a few roads around that are flooded.

I'm worried that if i go in i'm not gonna be able to get home and then i'll just be stuck at work. But i hate letting people down and i already stayed home yesterday cause of the rain i'll feel even worse if i have to stay home today.

"mm lunch, purse, keys, phone, uhhh oh bottle. i think i have everything" I spoke as i looked through my bag. "do i have everything?" I turned to Natasha, she was smiling as she watched me.

"umbrella?" She held up my umbrella as i smiled walking over to her grabbing it from her.

"umbrella. thank you Natty" I kissed her sweetly as she grabbed my waist pulling me in closer to reconnect our lips as we pulled apart.

"please be careful okay? and if you need anything call me" I nodded nuzzling my face into her neck as i hugged her tightly. "you'll be okay baby, and you'll be home before you know it" She rubbed my back soothingly before i pulled away to leave.

"i love you Natty" I whispered picking my bag up and walking towards the front door.

"i love you too baby" I kissed her one last time before opening my umbrella and walking out into the rain towards my car. I got in getting a little wet as i started it turning the heater on. I saw Nat waiting at the door for me to drive away it brought a smile to face seeing how caring she is.

I pulled out of the driveway and began driving to work. The rain wasn't too heavy so i was able to go the speed limit but i was making sure to pay extra attention. The roads were very wet and had a lot of potholes i had to look out for but i managed to get to work safely.

I did see a bunch of roads that were almost over and it kinda freaked me out but i had to stay focused and not think about it. I rushed into work trying to stay dry under my umbrella. I greeted everyone as i walked in going to place my things at my desk and getting things set up.

It had been a couple hours and it wasn't very busy so we weren't doing much. I could hear the rain on the roof and it was freaking me out a little bit but i was trying to stay focused. Nat had been texting me to make sure i was doing okay and telling me how boring it was back at the compound.


nat 🤍
tony and steve are arguing none stop about god knows what they're driving me crazy

natasha / scarlett one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant