johansson ~ a / f

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~ 10 years later part 3 ~
here it is, part 3. i hope y'all like it!!
thanks again @Mecaflo for the request on the first part, i hope you've liked them all.
⚠️ warning : homophobic name calling ⚠️


I woke up to my alarm going off groaning and turning over to quickly turn it off before it wakes Scarlett up. I have work today but not for a couple of hours.

When i turned back to face Scarlett she was still sound asleep looking super peaceful. Our legs were still tangled together from last night. I carefully moved closer lightly stroking her face as she hummed in her sleep.

"mmm" She stirred slightly her eyes fluttered open and i immediately smiled looking into her beautiful green eyes.

"good morning gorgeous" I cooed as she smiled shuffling closer to wrap her arms around me.

"good morning" She mumble against me and i chuckled rubbing her back as we laid there together.

"i have work today, but you are more than welcome to stay here" I spoke quietly as i felt Scarlett nod. "do you wanna make breakfast together?" I asked as she perked up looking at me with a huge grin.

"yes! can we make pancakes!?" She asked excitedly and i chuckled at her adorableness nodding. She squealed moving out of my hold to get out of the bed as i just watched. She was still naked so i was enjoying the view of her stood at the edge of the bed. "take a picture it'll take longer" She sassed placing her hands on her hips.

"oh can i? cause i would don't you worry about that baby" I retorted throwing the blanket off my body to get up myself. When i turned around Scarlett was now looking at me, "take a picture it'll last longer" I mimicked as she pursed her lips rolling her eyes at me.

We both found some clothes to wear before we made our way down stairs to the kitchen. "i love your house, it's so beautiful" Scarlett commented as we got to the kitchen as i began getting the ingredients out.

"well i am an interior designer" I replied before she fake laughed helping me with the ingredients.

We cooked the pancakes together before sitting down on the sofa to eat them. I turned the tv on and immediately the news came up. I was about to change the channel when a photo of Scarlett came up and i frowned turning the volume up.

"well known actress Scarlett Johansson has been reported to have left her fiancé of 4 months and partner of over 2 years Colin Jost claiming she is quote unquote "gay" now" The reporter spoke as Scarlett and i both sat there shocked at what we were seeing.

"we have Colin here with us to explain the situation. good morning Colin thanks for joining us today" The reporter turned to Colin as he smiled back at him.

"good morning, thanks for having me" Colin replied waving to the audience as everyone clapped.

"so when did you find out Scarlett was "gay"?" The reported air quoted gay as if it wasn't real or true.

"well i found out yesterday actually, Scarlett came home and i could immediately tell something was wrong. She had been gone all day and i was worried sick. when she sat me down saying she wanted to end our relationship i was shocked. She said that she was in love with her old high school best friend Y/n Y/l/n. Who by the way left her 10 years ago and i was the one that cared for her and was there through all her rough times" He explained as the crowed awed while the reported nodded.

"what the fuck" Scarlett yelled placing her plate onto the coffee table sitting forward. "that asshole. he really just outed me to the whole world and now he's on some fucking talk show talking about me"

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