romanoff ~ f / a

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~ away ~
not overly angsty but a little bit
cora is 2


Natasha and i have been married for three years and known each other for five. We met when i became an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, i wasn't a field absent just a boring desk agent. I would gather intel and hack into systems at headquarters while the field against went out.

After getting married i decided to retire and i thought Natasha was going to as well, we had discussed it. However she didn't, and even when we had Cora i thought she'd retire but still no.

Granted she went on significantly less missions and ones that weren't so risky. So no more Avenger level threats just your everyday threat.

Usually the missions would only last a few days tops a week. Which was okay i mean i missed her like crazy even just a few days but it was bearable. I mean i wouldn't sleep but once i was back in her arms i'd be able to.

Natasha has been on a mission for the past month. We had been arguing more and more about the topic of her retirement. When she told me there was a mission that was going to be up to a month if not more i lost it.

We fought for about a week before making up. Our fights never turn into anything too harsh like we'll usually just go a few days without talking before we both apologise and make up.

This fight was the same, she promised she'd be okay and it wouldn't even feel like a month. I was sceptical because a few days without her is torture but i caved nonetheless and reluctantly let her go.

She's obviously not allowed to contact us when she's away so we haven't even had a simple conversation since she left.

Cora never really notices Natasha leaving, she'd be confused as to where she was. Whenever she called out for her 'mummy' she'd wonder why i'd show up not Natasha. She's two now though and has started to notice always asking where she is and when she'll be home.

It's hard because i don't know what to tell her, i just say she's away for work helping people and i don't know when she'll be home. Cora seems to accept that answer.

It wasn't until earlier this evening when Cora asked me a question that honestly broke my heart.

~ earlier that night ~

I was tucking Cora into bed just like any other night. "mama?" Cora asked as i began stroking her cheeks.

"yes, princess?" I spoke sweetly. What i wasn't expecting was the question that left her small mouth.

"does mummy not love us?" I paused my movements momentarily looking into Cora's green eyes. She got them from Natasha, Bruce found a away to combined our DNA to make the perfect mix.

"i- w-why do you asked that baby? of course mummy loves us" I replied shakily, the whole topic putting me on edge.

"then why is she not here?" Cora fiddled with her little fingers that laid atop her chest. I moved my hands to hold hers stroking her knuckles.

"she's just- she's helping other people right now, but she'll be home. mummy loves you so much baby, you remember that okay?" Cora sent me a small nod as her face still displayed a little sadness.

"i miss her so much" I leant down to place soft kisses all over her face.

"me too baby, me too" Cora hummed as she closed her eyes. "gets some rest princess, i'll see you in the morning"

"night night mama" Cora whispered her eyelids getting heavy as i stood up to leave.

"goodnight angel" I watched as her breathing evened out symbolising her falling sleep. I stood there for a moment watching as her chest rose and fell with each steady breath. Her lips were parted slightly letting out soft snores, she looked so peaceful.

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