johansson ~ f

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~ black widow part one ~

My girlfriend Scarlett is currently working on her solo marvel movie 'Black Widow'. I'm so proud of her for finally getting and also co-producing it. I was heart broken after Endgame and i'm looking forward to getting some closure from this movie.

I know it's gonna be good cause she's such an amazing person and actor and i'm sure a great co-producer. I've been trying to avoid helping her with reading lines and things like that cause i want it to be a surprise.

Scarlett hates this cause we always talk about our days and she can't now cause i don't want any spoilers. I have recently been having to pick her up from set and up until now i would just wait in the car and she'd walk out, but that was going to change today.

I was sitting in the car park like i usually do, i tend to get there a little early and just read a book to wait for her. Sometimes they get off either early or late so i just sit and wait.

I was about halfway through my current chapter and it was just getting good when DING my phone went off, ugh great. I looked down and saw Scarlett's name, okay not so bad wonder why she's texting me.


scar 🤍
hey baby, i know you don't want any spoilers but would you be able to meet me on set today?

hmmmmm, but why??

scar 🤍
please can you just come? i need your help :(

what's wrong? what do you need help with?

scar 🤍
just please come and i'll explain when you get here. pretty please 🥺

okay fine, only cause i can literally picture your adorable little pout and i can't say no

scar 🤍
yay!! you're the best baby. just tell them at the front gate that you need help finding my trailer. i'll see you soon xx

alright, see you soon xx


I turned the car on quickly to put the windows up before grapping my things and heading to the front gate. I've met the security here before, sometimes if i'm really early i'll come and chat with them till Scarlett comes out. "hey guys" I greeted the two security guards at the gate.

"hey, Y/n right? Scarlett talks about you all the time" One told me, oh nice i thought.

"yes, um so Scarlett asked me to meet her in her trailer could one of you possibly show me where it is?" I asked them and they looked at each other before one stepped forward.

"of course, follow me" I followed him entering the gates and walking through the sets, i was trying not to look at too many things cause i didn't wanna see something that would spoil the movie.

We got to the trailer pretty fast luckily and i didn't see many sets. "here you go" The security guard gestured to the trailer that had a gold star and 'Scarlett Johansson' written underneath.

"thank you so much. i'm sorry i didn't get your name?"

"oh Brad" He extended his hand out for me to shake.

"well thank you Brad" He nodded before walking away, i stepped up the first step of the trailer and knocked on the door twice.

"come in" I heard Scarlett through the door, i opened it walking in closing it behind me. "babe?" I called out into the small space.

"hi!" Scarlett came out of the room connected immediately pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back feeling what she was wearing wasn't normal clothes, i pulled back to see her wearing a new black widow suit.

I stood back more to look at the whole thing, and woah it was probably my favourite suit she's had. It was still black with a gold belt that had her little hourglass symbol, it had more detailing on the front with grey patches. The holster over the front for the pouch on the back, the little shoulder pads and the thigh holsters were still attached.

She looked so amazing i can't even, my knees are weak for this women, i was struggling to breathe. "baby?" Scarlett asked seeing me zone out slightly.

"you - that, i i can't even with how hot you look in that suit. my god" She laughed looking down at her suit.

"yeah that's actually what i needed help with" I met her gaze confused, "the zips stuck" She said taking a hold of the zip at the front before trying to tug it down to which it didn't.

"oh um okay..." I smirked grabbing her hips to push her back, "i'll help you take it off, don't worry baby" I husked leaning in to place kisses along the exposed skin of her neck.

"ugh Y/- oh god, that's, that's not quite what i meant but i'm down" I chuckled against her skin pulling my head up to look into her already  blown out eyes.

I sent her a smirk before grabbing the zip and trying to tug it down, it still wasn't working so i tried grabbing where it joined and tugged harder. It didn't unzip but it did jolt Scarlett forward slightly causing us to butt heads.

"ow" She complained, "sorry babe, jeez this thing is really stuck. why didn't you go to wardrobe and get them to take it off?" I asked as she looked away getting kinda shy, weird i thought.

"well i left in a hurry this morning and may had forgotten to put a bra on so i'm not wearing anything underneath" Scarlet explained, i gasped at the information biting my lip at the idea of her being naked under the suit.

"oh alright then, i guess we gotta start thinking of ways to get it off. cause i am not leaving here without seeing what's under it" I said looking her up and down smirking.

"wow Y/n, real mature, i'm stuck in a suit and all you can think about is sex" Scarlett crossed her arms.

"hey, no, don't do that you can't expect me not to think about that when you look like this" I gestured to her as she just rolled her eyes.

We had been trying to unzip this suit for the part 15 minutes and nothing was working. I suggested putting like butter or lube on it but Scarlett didn't want to ruin it.

So we just tried things like wiggling it or just straight up yanking it and they didn't work. "Scarlett i know you don't want to but if i just put a tiny bit of lube on it, it might work" Scarlett was sat on the small sofa in the trailer thinking it over.

"fine since nothing else is working" She got up to go grab it from her room, not sure why she has some in here but oh well.

"oh also why do you have lube in your trailer? are you cheating on me?" I asked in faux annoyance, i heard her scoffed before coming back out.

"i'm not cheating on you i keep in it all my trailers in case you come visit me on set" Scarlett explained handing the lube to me.

"oooooh right, yes and obviously i haven't been coming to this set, got it okay" She just chuckled and watched me squeeze a tiny bit of lube on my finger before rubbing it on and around the zipper.

"i wish i was putting lube on something else" I joked causing Scarlett to roll her eyes but i could tell she wanted to laugh, "alright here we go" I cleaned my hand to get a firm grip on the rest of the suit as i slowly pulled the zip. We both held our breath hoping this was gonna work and...

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