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~ lunch buddies ~
Cora is 4 in this


I was currently in the kitchen packing some lunch for my daughter and i when i heard her little footsteps coming down the stairs. "mama! mama!" Cora shouted reaching the kitchen and i kneeled down to catch her as she jumped into my arms.

"hi princess, i see you got yourself dressed" I cooed tugging her little purple dress she had chosen to wear.

"it's mummy's favourite" Cora replied trying to smooth it down still in my hold, i giggled at her actions bopping her on the nose. She scrunched up her face shaking her head as she giggled herself. "we leave now?" She asked jumping in my hold as i continued packing the bag.

"go and put your shoes on and then we can leave okay?" Cora nodded squirming as i let her down, she ran off to the front door picking out a matching pair of purple sandals to put on.

I grabbed everything walking to the front door, Cora was still strapping up her sandals when i got there. I just smiled looking down at her until she looked up at me smiling, "you ready?" She nodded frantically jumping up and down as i opened the door letting her run to the car and wait for me to help her in.

I put everything in the other side before making my way back to Cora who was waiting patiently. "you're such a good girl for waiting so patiently" I picked her up and her smile grew as i buckled her in.

"thank you mama" I gave her a peck on the cheek before shutting the door and getting into the drivers seat. "can we listen to music?" Cora asked as i started the car.

"of course baby, you want disney?" She nodded before replying,

"yes please" I connected my phone playing her disney playlist as i began to drive.

We had been driving for about 10 minutes, Cora was singing her songs in the back and i couldn't help but melt at the sight. "you excited to see mummy?" She stopped her singing to look at me in the mirror.

"yes i'm really excited, i miss her when she at work" Cora had a bit of a sad expression when she replied clearly missing Natasha just as much i me.

"me too baby, but i bet she's going to be so happy to see us" She nodded looking out the window starting to sing again.

We had made it to Natasha's work, i parked the car getting out to unbuckle Cora letting her out. She held my leg as i grabbed our bags pulling them over my shoulders so i could hold her hand.

I locked the car as we made our way into the large building. The receptionist greeted us giving Cora a lollie and letting us in.

Cora sucked on her lollie as we made it to Natasha's office, i knocked twice waiting for a reply looking down at Cora as she looked up at me. "come in" We heard Natasha call from inside and i slowly opened the door, seeing her still looking at her computer.

"mummy!" Before i could say anything Cora was calling out and running towards Natasha. She looked up her expression softening as she saw us, she stood up to catch Cora running towards her.

"hi princess, hi baby" She greeted kissing Cora on the top of the head making her giggle as i slowly moved closer. "what are my two favourite girls doing here?" I placed our bags down moving over to her to greet her with a kiss.

"we wanted to surprise you with lunch, didn't we Cora" Cora nodded smiling up at Natasha.

"yes mama and me missed you" She wrapped her arms around Nat hugging her tightly.

"i missed you and mama too princess" Nat cooed holding Cora tightly looking at me with a wide smile.

"mummy, you like my dress?!" Cora asked pulling out of the hug and grabbing her dress to show Nat, i giggled going back to the food getting it set up for us.

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