johansson ~ f

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~ first time meeting ~

My names Y/n Y/l/n i'm an up and coming actor in Hollywood, i've done a few little parts like background acting and some with a few lines. I'm getting into the business late as i'm already 21. I had always wanted to be an actor but never had the courage so i pursued other things.

That was until about 3 years ago i finally decided to move to LA and try my hand at acting, so far it's great even with the small parts.

I'm loving getting to met new people and sometimes an actual movie star. My agent Becky is amazing she always hooks me up with good gigs, ones that i'm sure to get and that will help improve my acting skills as well.

So it was any normal day Becky had sent me this gig for a movie but they were being really secretive about it and wouldn't tell me the name or anything about it. I was very confused but still went to the audition.

When i got there i was escorted through the lot seeing some pretty cool looking sets still not sure what the movie is. Once i got to the room with the producers they gave me a script and i immediately froze.

On the top of the front page is big block letters it said 'MARVEL' oh my god! I tried not to freak out too much in front of everyone i didn't want them to think i was some crazy fan. Like yes i'm a fan obviously but it's also always been a dream to be in a marvel movie.

The producer told me to read a certain page and when i turned to it, it was of an argument between my character and Captain America. How cool, so they bought someone in to read Caps lines with me reading this new characters. Here we go...

~ time skip ~

I was chilling at home after the audition and i think it went well the producers were really good at hiding there emotions and how the scene went but i felt confident.

I was told i wasn't allowed to tell anyone about this audition until i heard from them so i was super bored. I didn't want to hang out with my friends cause i was scared i'd spill everything.

I had fallen asleep and was woken up to my phone ringing, i looked at the screen to see my agent Becky calling me. I quickly answered putting it on speaker, "Hi Becky" I greeted her.

"Y/n, darling how are you?" She asked, odd we don't usually do that whole small talk thing.

"uh yeah i'm good thanks, how are you?" I decided to play along to see where it goes.

"oh i'm fantastic and i think you're about to be too" I was so confused.

"what do you mean?" I clearly wasn't understanding properly.

"you got it! you got the part in the marvel movie Y/n!" Becky basically shouted through the phone as i squealed jumping up.

"oh my god, oh my god, really i did? this is insane" I was so happy i've never had a role this big before this is crazy.

"yeah hun i've sent the script out you should be getting it soon, make sure to read your lines you'll be coming to the set starting monday next week" Becky explained what was going to happen i was just trying not to faint.

~ one week later ~

The day has finally come i was going to the set of the new Avengers movie. I had been reading my lines like crazy and i'm pretty sure i'll be able to nail them while filming.

I pulled up at the front gate showing them my ID so they knew who i was. Once i got let in i found a park and made my way to where i was told to meet the director.

I was looking at a map Becky had given me trying to figure out where to go until i accidentally bumped into someone. "oh god, i'm so sorry" I started apologising straight away.

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