romanoff ~ s

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~ best friends mum part two ~
smut time, part one is right before this


After dinner Katie and i retreated back to her room to hang out and gossip a bit. "so what happened with Jack earlier?" I asked referring to the phone call with her boyfriend. We were laying on her bed both of us just on our phones.

"oh he wants to go camping next weekend and he's just being an idiot cause he's never gone before so he doesn't know what to buy" I chuckled listening to her, "like he went to a camping store the other day and bought all this crap that we're never going to use and he just goes, 'the sales guy said i'd need it' like fuck sake Jack they're trying to get you to spend all your money" She huffed scrolling through instagram, "i've banned him from going shopping on his own" I nodded understanding.

"fuck that man is an idiot" She laughed rolling over to face me.

"yeah but i still love him" I hummed looking at her, "what about you got an eye on any girls?" I tensed at the question cause well i do but i'm certainly not going to tell her.

"uh no, no girls i'm kinda over dating" She frowned at my response sitting up to look at me.

"i'm sure you'll find someone eventually, just try keep an open mind okay?" I nodded as she laid back down placing her phone on the side table and turning the lamp off. "anyway i'm super tired, i'm literally about to pass out" I giggled placing my phone on the side table on my side getting comfier in bed. "night"

"night" I replied rolling over to have my back to her. In all honesty i wasn't tired at all, so i just laid there staring the wall.

A couple hours had past and i still hadn't fallen asleep, Katie on the other hand was fast asleep i could hear her breathing heavily and when i took a glance at her she was completely out of it. I decided to get up to get a glass of cold water maybe that will help.

I made my way quietly down the dark hallway, i've been here enough times to know my way around. When i reached the kitchen i turned the light on grabbing a glass and placing it under the water dispenser on the fridge.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs but i didn't think anything of it as i continued drinking my water.

"you're up late princess" Natasha husked coming into the kitchen to grab her own glass. I almost choked on my water when i saw her. She was still in the same tank top but was now wearing grey sweatpants that were incredibly low on her waist giving me a perfect view of her lower belly and her v lines. As i was looking at her up and down i noticed a prominent bulge in her sweatpants, fuck she's packing.

"i uh, i couldn't sleep" I finally found my voice after watching her move around the kitchen effortlessly.

"mhm, got something on your mind?" I nodded and she hummed taking a sip of her water. "what's that pretty little head thinking about?" I gasped at her words moving to place my empty glass in the sink.

"um" I didn't know what to say, should i tell her that the only thing on my mind were her incredible tits. "just uh just college stuff" She nodded not convinced.

"oh yeah, not what happened earlier?" I looked over at her as she moved closer to me, she smirked looking me up and down. "you had to bring your silk pjs didn't you" She stood in front of me pushing my into the counter as i felt her strap against my core.

A small moan fell from my lips at the sensation as she chuckled at my reaction. "you wanna see it princess?" I just nodded as she moved back placing her hands on her hips. "well, come on then"

natasha / scarlett one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now