romanoff ~ f

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~ period ~

I woke up to the familiar pain in my lower abdomen groaning as i opened my eyes. I looked under the covers to see if i had bled through and luckily i hadn't.

Natasha was still fast asleep beside me so i carefully got up and made my way to the bathroom. Once i stood up i could feel that both my underwear and shorts were covered. Groaning i went to the closet to get a fresh pair of both before making my way to the bathroom.

Once i had cleaned myself up and put a tampon in (if y'all don't use tampons image putting a pad on) i made my way back to bed, Natasha was still asleep so i slowly climbed in being careful not to wake her. I curled up into a ball trying to help the pain subside but it unfortunately did not work.

It had probably only been 30 minutes but it felt more like five hours with how much pain i was in. Natasha started stirring awake before she turned to face me. "good morning baby" She hummed in her morning voice leaning down to kiss me but when i groaned out in pain she stopped getting concerned.

"oh baby what's wrong?" She stroked my face as i just groaned again rubbing my stomach. "period?" I nodded and she hummed leaning down to kiss my forehead before getting up to leave the room.

When she returned i could see she was holding a heat pack, a glass of water with pain killers and some crackers and chocolate. She climbed back into bed placing everything down on the side table moving to lean against the headboard.

She grabbed onto me pulling me onto her lap, i groaned slightly at the feeling before sighing once i was comfortable in her lap.

Natasha grabbed the heat pack placing it onto my stomach as i hummed at the warm feeling. "want pain killers?" I nodded moving to sit up slightly as she handed my two pills and brought the glass of water to my lips.

I nodded once i had enough and she pulled away waiting for me to swallow, "enough?" I nodded again moving back to lay my head in her lap.

I mumbled a thank you as she started stroking my hair, "wanna watch a movie?" I nodded as she grabbed the remote going onto netflix. As we flicked through the movies i saw one i wanted to watch

"can we watch that one please?" I mumbled slightly pointing at the screen and she hummed leaning down to kiss my head before clicking on the movie.

"of course" Pressing play she settled in further continuing to stroke my hair with one hand as the other was rubbing my back soothingly.

I ended up falling asleep pretty much at the beginning of the movie and when i opened my eyes again the credits were playing.

Natasha was still playing with my hair as i started to stir feeling a little discomfort. I sat up and Nat looked at me with concern on her face as i went to get out of bed. "everything okay honey?" I nodded slowly moving towards the bathroom.

"yeah just gotta use the bathroom" I replied giving her a small smile which she returned nodding as i walked into the bathroom.

Once i finished up, i just had to go to the toilet and it had only been two hours so i didn't need to change my tampon yet. I walked out seeing the bed empty, i frowned confused as to where Nat had gone until she walked back into our room.

"just went to heat this up again" She held up the heat pack and i smiled at how caring she was. "come on baby" She walked up to me grabbing my hand leading me back to the bed.

I was sat up this time leaning my head on Nat's shoulder as she played another movie. "what some chocolate?" She asked grabbing the snacks.

"yes please" I nodded turned to grab it from her, she gave me a peck on the cheek as she handed it to me causing me to giggle. I hummed eating some of the chocolate leaning back into the pillows. Nat watched me with a smile on her face eating some crackers.

"don't eat too much right now, i wanna cook you some lunch and then you can finish it for dessert" I nodded giving her a goofy smile which she laughed at before we focused back on the tv.

Natasha did exactly what she promised and made me lunch, i went out to the kitchen with her to keep her company as she cooked. I honestly loved watching Nat cook she looked so happy and content moving around the kitchen. "you're staring" She broke me from my trance as i shook my head.

"wha- no i-i'm not. i was admiring" She giggled at my response leaning over the island to give me a quick kiss.

"okay baby what ever you say" She whispered against my lips causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach as she went back to cooking.

We ended up eating in the living room as there was no one else there. We just chatted while we ate, Nat really took my mind of the bad cramps i was having.

When we got back to our room i had to go to the bathroom quickly to change my tampon. When i walked back out Nat was back in bed with more snacks and the heat pack.

I looked over at her as she smiled at me patting the spot next to her. I climbed into the bed snuggling up to Nat as she put the pack back on my stomach and put the snacks on the bed for later.

"what do you wanna watch baby?" I looked at the screen that had all the movies trying to think of one.

"um i don't mind, you can pick" I gazed up at her looking into her beautiful green eyes. She smiled giving me peck before choosing a movie. "thank you" I mumbled into her as i held her closer.

"for what?" She said back rubbing my back.

"for taking care of me" I looked up at her kissing her cheek lightly causing her to scrunch up her nose adorably.

"i'll always take care of my baby, i love you Y/n" She kissed my forehead as i hummed laying my head back on her chest.

"i love you Nat" We ended up just watching movies all day and eating snacks in bed.

Nat managed to take my mind off the cramps i was having and cheer me up. She promised we'd have the next few days off just to rest and be together while my period continued.

natasha / scarlett one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora