romanoff ~ f / ms

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~ high school ~
alright so i'm australian and know almost nothing about american high school so i tried, also i know nothing about volleyball


Natasha and i have been dating for just under eight months, we started dating at the beginning of this year when she was starting her senior year and i was going into my sophomore year. We kept our relationship private at the beginning, not because either of us was ashamed we just didn't want everyone in our business asking a million questions.

You see Natasha is the most popular girl in school literally everyone wants to either be her or date her, both boys and girls, sucks for the boys cause she's super gay. Me on the other hand i'm just a nobody, sure i'm on the schools volleyball team and i'm pretty dam good i'm vice caption the captain being a senior.

I'm still no where near as cool and popular as Natasha, so if people did find out they would be super shocked and would constantly harass Nat asking why she's dating me.

We decided to make it public official about five months in after we had both said i love you. Actually surprisingly she was the first one to say it not that i cared cause i said it immediately back.

~ five months in ~

Natasha and i were out for a romantic dinner for our five month anniversary. We had come to our favourite restaurant near my house, they make the best pasta which is my favourite meal (besides Nat obvs).

It was very much like any of our other dates expect Natasha seemed really nervous and was constantly fiddling with the buttons of her shirt, very strange considering Natasha doesn't get nervous. I decided to just ignore it and continue on with the date, we talked about everything and anything before we ended up back at mine snuggled up under the covers watching a movie.

I had my head resting on Nat's chest with my hand tracing light circles on her stomach. I was wearing one of her many oversized band tees with just a thong on underneath and she have one of my old jersey's that was about two sizes too big and also just a thong on under. Her hand was under my shirt tracing random patterns all along my back soothingly.

We were about an hour into the movie when she shifted to sit up, i could see her growing nervous again as she started fiddling with her fingers in her lap. I sat up as well mirroring her sitting position placing my hands in hers and intwining our fingers. "hey uh Y/n, there's uh, something i've been meaning to tell you" She stuttered meeting my gaze.

"what is it Nat? you seemed nervous all night, i thought i was the nervous one in the relationship" We both chuckled at my response before she looked down again to continue.

"yeah well uh, i kinda, you know, um, i" She was getting really flustered at this point, i continued rubbing her knuckles soothingly not rushing her.

She took a deep breath before continuing, meeting my gaze again. "Y/n, i love you. I've been wanting to tell you for a while now but didn't know how you would respond. I wanted to tell you at dinner but uh, yeah i chickened out" She chuckled after finishing and stared at me waiting for my response. She looked like her nerves and anxiety had completely taken over waiting for me to say something, anything.

Instead i cupped her cheeks pulling her into a sweet, loving kiss pouring all my love and emotion into it. When i pulled away we rested our foreheads together still with our eyes closed "i love you too Natasha" I whispers before both our eyes fluttered open, i had the goofiest smile but she still looked a little worried.

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