romoanoff ~ s

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~ strip club ~

It was a normal night at the strip club i own, i was just in my office that over looked the whole of the club working through some finances and forms. I rarely get to go down to the club anymore, i'm always so busy with paperwork. I still love it though, i tend to just look out over the whole club occasionally checking that everything is going well.

I was filling out some form when my phone rang, "hello" I picked it up moving it between my cheek and shoulder so i could continue typing.

"hey Y/n sorry to disturb you but your wife is here" Darren my assistant informed me and i grabbed the phone again swivelling in my chair to look down at the front desk seeing Natasha standing there.

"you can send her up, thanks Darren" I hung up the phone and i saw Natasha start walking towards the stairs. I got up to open the door standing in the door way waiting for her to come around the corner.

I heard the clicks of her heels as she got closer and then saw her as she rounded the corner with a huge grin. "hi honey" I husked as she came closer grabbing my waist and pushing me back into my office.

"hi baby" She leant down to nip at my neck pushing me further into the room as she continued kissing up and down my neck sucking a few hickeys.

"what are you doing here?" I asked feeling out of breath by her actions already. She moved to meet my gaze, i looked into her green eyes as they darkened filling with lust.

"i was bored, and you said i was always welcome here" I hummed pulling her further into my office towards my desk.

"you are always welcome here baby" I pulled her into a passionate kiss, her hands went to my hips gripping them tightly as mine went to her hair pulling firmly at her red locks. Her tongue was swirling around my mouth when there was a knock as the door. I pulled away and Nat groaned kissing down my neck, i laughed pushing her away causing her to huff crossing her arms. "just a second baby. come in" The door opened and Sarah one of the girls walked in.

"oh uh sorry" She got shy covering her body as she was just in a lingerie set, the girls know who Nat is and usually we have a do not disturb rule when she's here.

"it's okay Sarah what's up" I could tell she was a little shaken so i didn't bother too much with the rule concerned that something was wrong.

"um well you know that creep that comes in every night?" I nodded moving closer to her slightly.

"the one that touches all the girls even after being told not too" She nodded moving her gaze to look at the ground before speaking again.

"yeah him, he's back and he was kinda harassing me earlier and now he's moved on to Cass" My blood started to boil we've told this guy the rules serval times and even tried banning him but he always somehow makes it back in.

"okay i'll come down and deal with him" She nodded turning to leave and i turned back to Nat who had changed her expression understanding that i need to deal with this. "i'll be right back, okay?" She nodded as i turned to leave as well. I caught up to Sarah placing my hand on her upper back to guide her back to the floor. I could feel Nat's eyes on me as we walked away clearly not happy with my hand placement.

I had dealt this the man banning him again hopefully this time he stays out. As i walked back into my office Nat was sat at my chair her arms on each arm rest as she manspread looking at me walking in.

"sorry that took so long" I walked towards her, she didn't say anything she just looked away turning slightly to look down at the club. "are you mad?" She met my gaze tilting her head slightly, "you're mad" I stood between her legs looking down at her.

natasha / scarlett one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now