romanoff ~ f

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~ wounds ~

So my girlfriend Natasha Romanoff is a total bad ass we can all agree on that. Constantly fighting the bad guys and saving the world like it's no big deal.

What a lot of people don't know though is that she's a big softie. She'll act all tough out on the field in front of the others but once she gets home she's a big baby.

Unlike Natasha i just have a regular job, i'm an interior designer (i'm giving you my dream job) so i'm just a regular person. I met Nat at a cafe one morning on my way to work, i'm not sure what she was doing there like i'm sure they have top notch coffee at the Avengers facility.

Anyways i had stupidly forgotten my wallet and she offered to pay, i was completely star struck when i saw her. Not because i knew she was an Avenger but because of how beautiful she is.

We ended up chatting while we waited and exchanged numbers. I didn't want to seem desperate and message straight away but she ended up texting the minute we parted.

I thought it was adorable and made fun of her for it and we've been together ever since, that was almost two years ago.

Natasha moved in to my apartment six months after we started dating. She was sick of living in the compound and I said 'well why don't you move in with me.'

Things had been great since then we're so close and when she's not on missions she's always home with me or we go on little adventures together. I always get so worried when she goes on missions because i don't know if she's gonna make it back, but she always makes sure to reassure me before leaving. 

I had just gotten home from work and was starting to cook dinner. Nat was suppose to by coming home from a three day mission today so i was making her favourite. I had music playing in the background as i cooked singing and dancing along.

I hadn't heard the front door open until, "baaaabyyyy" I heard Nat whine as she came into the kitchen. I turned to take in her appearance, she had cuts of all sizes scattered over her face and body and i could see a few bruise showing from the rips in her suit.

"oh my god Nat!" I ran to her examining her more.

"i hurt" She pouted slumping her shoulders. I rubbed her arms soothingly thinking she was so adorable when she pouts.

"alright honey, let me just turn the stove off and i'll help you out okay?" She nodded sighing contently as i softly kissed her pout away and kissed her cheek before turning the stove off.

"come on my love" I grabbed her hand pulling her towards the living room, "alright take your suit off and i'll go get the supplies. you want some comfy clothes?" I asked in a cute way lightly pushing her to sit down,  Nat just nodded while her smile grew and i kissed her forehead before going and grabbing everything.

When i returned she had taken the suit off leaving her in just her underwear. I had to remember i needed to help her and not loose my mind at how gorgeous she is. "okay gorgeous you ready?" I asked sitting next to her placing everything on the coffee table, she laughed before nodding, "you wanna watch tv while i do this?" I grabbed a cotton bud and some disinfectant.

"no i'm happy to watch you, plus you gotta tell me all about the last few days" She said shaking her head and i nodded humming. "so tell me what happened the day i left?" She said staring at me intently waiting for me to talk.

All i could think about in the moment was how much i loved her, she does this every time she's away and it always makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

"well once you left i got ready for work, that day it was pretty normal not a lot happened. Oh wait i had a meeting with this one client..." I rambled on telling her all about my day as she just sat there listening to me, occasionally asking a question or making a comment but never interrupting me.

I started cleaning all the small cuts on her body and there were a lot, she doesn't even flinch at all cause she's use to it by now. She had a few bigger cuts i had to bandage up so they'd heal faster and wouldn't get infected. I moved onto the bruises then, also disinfecting them. She has some pretty nasty ones i was being extra careful with those cause they'd hurt. I had accidentally dabbed one too hard and she winced.

"ow" I met her gaze immediately starting to apologise, "oh i'm so sorry" She just shook her head laughing a little, "it's okay baby, i know you didn't mean to" I smiled at her response leaning in to place a soft kiss on her lips and she reciprocated it grabbing the back on my neck.

It started getting heated before i managed to pull away, "no we can't you're hurt, i don't wanna hurt you more" She smiled sadly at me nodding.

"okay baby" She kissed me one more time sweetly and let me continue.

Once i was done cleaning and patching her up i helped her into the comfy clothes i got her, just an oversized tee and some pyjama shorts. "thank you for helping me. you're always such an amazing girlfriend. i'm so lucky to have you" Nat said pulling me in closer to her on the couch.

"of course i'll always help you, i love you" Nat's smile widened.

"i love you too baby, so much. now tell me what else happened while i was away" I rested my head on her chest as she stroked my hair.

I told her everything that happened the three days she was gone and then we just talked and talked all night before we ended up falling asleep on the couch.

I woke up around 2am laying on top of Nat still on the couch. I groaned quieting getting off of her slowly so i didn't wake her. I decided to just leave the supplies on the coffee table to clean up later that morning and pick Nat up bridal style to bring her to our room.

I softly placed her on her side of the bed before going around and climbing in my side. I felt her shift slightly and then i felt her warm hands grab me pulling her back into her. I giggled at her sleepy action moving into her, "i love you Natasha" I whisper into her chest and i heard her hum quietly.

She then replied in an extremely quiet and sleepy voice. "i love you Y/n" We both drifted off to sleep after that in each other's arms.

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