romanoff ~ s / f / ma

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~ mob boss ~
mostly smut and fluff with a hint of angst at the end
⚠️ warning : death and blood ⚠️
котенок ~ kitten


My girlfriend Natasha Romanoff is a mob boss she's like feared by the whole city. Everyone knows her name and the reputation she has.

She's done some really bad things from robbing places to murder, but i still love her. Like is she a mean and horrible person? Technically yes, but to me she's just my little Natty bear.

Although i'm not allowed to call her that in front of her associates i did once and i couldn't walk for a week. She's a really kind and caring person when it comes to me i'm the most important thing in the world to her and she'll do anything to keep me safe.

I often join her at the club they meet at cause she likes having me around. Usually i just stay sitting next to her on my phone or i sometimes like playing with her fingers definitely not imagining them deep inside my pu-    

Anyways tonight wasn't any different i arrived at the club after finishing work. Natasha has told me several times that i don't need to work but i love what i do so i stay. She just wants me to be happy so she didn't push anymore and is happy that i come see her afterwards.

I walk in the main entrance of the club where the public is before making my way to the back half of the club, which was reserved for her mobs business. "hi Carl" i greet the security guard with a smile.

"good evening Y/n, how are you this fine evening?" He began small talk.

"i'm amazing, i had a really good day and i can't wait to tell Nat. How's your night going?" I asked.

"that's good i'm sure she'll be happy to see you she's had a rough day with the associates. Yeah good good not too many riffraff tonight hopefully it stays that way" I nodded starting to walk through the door.

"well i'll see you later Carl. Have a good night" I waved goodbye and he nodded waving back.

I made my way through the hallway to the back room where Natasha would be. Once i got to the main area there were a bunch of drunk people dancing and singing. I saw some of her men throughout the crowd and some at the bar ordering drinks.

Once i made it to the door i knocked three times and waited, "come in" I heard the unmistakable voice of my girlfriend. I opened the door slowly seeing that she wasn't alone as i shyly entered the room.

"hi котенок" Natasha greeted me sweetly, i just stood at the door awkwardly looking at all the men in the room. "it's okay baby, come here" Nat beckoned.

I walked over to her getting nervous starting to fiddle with the zipper on my jacket that was technically Nat's. I stood beside her, she was sat manspreading on a big sofa looking up at me lovingly.

She lightly grabbed my hips pulling me down to sit on on of her leg. I let out a small yelp at the action but smiled settling in on her lap.

"Ms Romanoff, if you don't mind can we continue?" One of the men quietly spoke not wanting to anger Natasha.

Without sparing them a glance she ordered them out, keeping her eye contact and loving smile on me while she rubbed my thighs and back. "how was your day котенок?" She sweetly asked once everyone had left.

"uh it's was good, actually um it was really good. You know that client i was telling you about?" I started telling her about my day.

"that one that wasn't ready to sign off?" I nodded grabbing her hand playing with her fingers.

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