johansson ~ f

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~ park ~
there's a tiny bit of confrontation is this one


"i'm just saying the park near our house is just as good" I looked over at Scarlett as she shook her head keeping her gaze on the road.

"it's not though, this one is so much better. we'll have a better time here, Cora will love all the pretty birds and flowers" I looked to the back seat seeing Cora playing with a small stuffed animal while babbling to herself.

She was also trying to shove her whole hand in her mouth causing me to chuckle. "what?" Scarlett looked over at me momentarily before i met her gaze.

"she's just trying to eat her hand again" Scarlett chuckled taking a quick look in the rear view mirror to glance at Cora.

"she's trying to eat her stuffie now" Scarlett informed me and i turned back around to see a very slobbering Cora with her stuffie in her mouth.

"oh baby no" I cooed reaching back to pull her little arm away from her mouth. "no eating stuffie" She looked into my eyes with a goofy smile sticking her tongue out before blowing raspberries. I shook my head turning back to the front as Scarlett pulled into the car park.

We hopped out of the car Scarlett went to get the stroller and i went to get Cora. "hi baby" I cooed opening the door and beginning to unbuckled her.

She had dropped the now wet stuffie and started making grabby hands at me. "hey i think gonna use the carrier" I called out to Scarlett as i heard her hum before coming over and handing it to me.

I gave her a smile as i strapped it to my body before picking Cora up to strap in. She was facing outwards so she could see where we were walking and look at her surroundings.

"should we still bring the stroller?" Scarlett asked as i joined her at the back of the car.

"ahhh yeah, just in case she falls asleep and wants a smoother ride" Scarlett nodded pulling the stroller out and setting it up. I was holding Cora's little feet as she sucked on her fingers again watching Scarlett put the stroller together.

I had grabbed the bags out of the car and we ended up placing them in the stroller for now so we didn't actually have to carry them.

"ready to go little miss?" Scarlett lightly pinched Cora's cheeks causing her to wiggle slightly giggling. "come on honey" Scarlett locked the car and lead the way to the path.

We had decided to go for a walk together just the three of us. I had just suggested the park near our house but Scarlett says this one is better and she was driving so she brought us straight here. I'm not complaining it's a beautiful park but the other one it just as beautiful and way closer.

Oh well, Scarlett pushed the stroller beside me as we walked along the path. I watched as Cora looked around taking in the surroundings and all the new colours and shapes.

We had been walking for a little bit now just taking
in a beautiful scenery. Cora was babbling the whole time and pointing at so many things.

"that's right baby that's a tree" I spoke as Cora pointed to a big tree, i heard Scarlett laughing as turned giving her a 'what it is' face. She just shook her head looking forward again.

Cora had started wiggling more in the carrier, her little arms and legs moving around through the little holes. "you dancing baby?" I grabbed her little hands, her little fingers wrapping around mine. She continued wiggling and babbling looking over to Scarlett.

Scarlett turned to look at Cora smiling at her adorableness, "our little dancer" Scarlett grabbed one of Cora's feet causing her to squeal giggling. I smiled at Scarlett as she met my gaze leaning it slightly to place a soft kiss on my lips.

natasha / scarlett one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now