romanoff ~ f

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~ cooking ~

Natasha isn't the greatest cook well she's terrible. I've caught her on many occasions trying to make something and ending up burning it as well as almost the whole kitchen down.

So it's fair to say i do most of the cooking in the relationship. I don't mind though i love cooking and Natasha is always in the kitchen with me keeping me company.

However the other day she came to me wanting to help out more and learn how to cook. Meaning i didn't have to do it all.

~ flashback ~

I was just chilling in our room on the bed reading a book when Nat entered with a huff. I put my book down as she made her way to the bed flopping down. "Nat what's wrong?" I asked a little concerned, she groaned turning her head to face me.

"the others were making fun of me cause i don't know how to cook" I giggled a little at her response stopping immediately when she sent me daggers.

"i'm sorry baby, but i mean you don't know how to cook" She huffed again turning onto her back.

"ugh i know but they could still not make fun of me" I moved down the bed so we were now face to face.

"do you want me to teach you how to cook?" Natasha's face lit up at the idea as she pulled me down into a tight hug.

"oh my god, yes please Y/n! that would be amazing, thank you" I laughed at her enthusiasm hugging her back.

~ back to present ~

So tonight was the night Natasha and i were gonna cook together. I had decided on a simple dish of stir fry, to make it easier for her.

I was already in the kitchen getting everything set up while she finished off some work. "Y/n?" Nat called from the hallway.

"in the kitchen" I called back before hearing her footsteps walking into the kitchen.

"oh you already started?" She asked coming up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist.

"just the preparation don't worry" I turned placing a kiss on her cheek causing her to scrunch her face up adorably.

"okay so you take this" I handed her a knife which she gladly took. "pretty sure you know how to use one of those" I laughed at my horrible joke which she just rolled her eyes at. "right so you're going to use it to cut up the chicken, okay?" I said pointing to the chicken on the cutting board, she looked at it with disgust.

"wait i have to touch that?" Nat said poking the chicken pieces with the tip of the knife.

"Nat you literally killed people for a living and raw chicken grosses you out?" I was shocked.

"uh yeah i mean look at it, it's so gross i don't wanna touch it" I rolled my eyes giggling at her antiques.

"fine you can cut the veggies and i'll cut the chicken" She seemed to like that idea better the smile growing on her face as i directed her to the veggies ready to cut.

I was about to start cutting when, "Y/n?" Nat spoke quietly.

"yes honey?" I replied not turning to face her just yet.

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