johansson ~ f

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~ barista ~
i'm back, still struggling with writing but i'll try. i've been going through and editing my old one shots trying to get inspired
also thank you so much for 4k readers!! that's insane!! ily!!


My name is Y/n Y/l/n and i'm a barista and this small cafe in New York City. I'm here almost everyday at the same time 6am-4pm, it may seem like a shit shift but i actually like it.

I love not only making coffee but drinking it and i'm aloud to make myself as many as i want on shift. I'm honestly one of the best baristas here hence why i always have the open shifts over our busy periods.

I've surprisingly met quite a few celebrities, it seems they love trying out cute little cafes. My all time favourite celebrity i've met here has to be the one and only Scarlett Johansson. She started coming in about four months ago and now she comes in almost everyday.

~ first meeting ~

It was 7am on a Tuesday morning, it was surprisingly not busy today it normally gets busy around this time but not today. I was just cleaning up the coffee machine really quickly between serving customers.

I heard the bell for the front door ring and when i looked up i was met with the beautiful face of Scarlett Johansson. She was wearing some nice dress pants and a sweater with a turtle neck. Her hair was loosing curled and flowed perfectly over her shoulders.

She walked up to the counter with a huge smile on her face, "hi! how are you?" I greeted as she looked into my eyes, god hers are so pretty.

"hi! i'm amazing thank you! how are you?" She spoke back excitingly as i smile at now nice she was. Not that i thought she wouldn't be but you never know with celebrities.

"i'm great thanks! what can i get for you today?" She hummed looking behind me at the menus thinking of what to have. I was just watching her face as she concentrated on all the options we have.

"hm i think i'll just stick with my fav and get a large iced latte please" I nodded putting it into the register. I was about to ask it that was all before she continued talking. "oh and i'll get a chocolate chip muffin too please" I smiled nodding adding it to her order.

"alright, one large iced latte and a choc chip muffin. was that everything?" I asked meeting her gaze again as she smiled back nodding.

"yes, thanks hun" I totalled it up going to grab the eftpos machine, trying not to blush at the pet name she used.

"that'll just be $11.25, on card?" Scarlett nodded again holding her card out as i placed it on the counter between us letting her paywave it. "perfect! that one won't be long" I grabbed the machine back giving her one last smile as she moved over to the pickup area. Which coincidentally was right in front of the coffee machine.

I began making her coffee humming away to the song playing, "oh did you want the muffin heated?" I called out as she looked over at me before answering.

"yes please!" I smiled grabbing the muffin and placing it in the little cooker we have pressing the setting for muffins. "oh i never gave you my name?" Scarlett asked coming up closer to the counter before i looked at her as i continued making her coffee.

"oh that's okay, i uh i know who you are" I said shyly looking down at her drink as i heard her giggle lightly as if only now realising who she is and that most people would recognise her.

"right yeah, my bad. i guess i just forgot who i was for a second" I giggled meeting her gaze again before moving to hand her her drink.

She took it smiling at me, our fingers lightly brushed each other's in the exchange. "i've never really met someone who hasn't completely freaked out over who i was before" She explained as i went to grab her muffin, "it's refreshing" I put her muffin in a little box bringing it over to her.

natasha / scarlett one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now