johansson ~ f

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~ other side of the world ~

so i wrote this because i've met some who lives on the other side of the world. they inspired me.
it's just a small intermission from writing my professor book. it's really cute and i'm really proud of it


I'm in this online platform that allows me to talk to people all around the world. I've always found it so fascinating that there were people either ahead of us or behind us in time.

I have also in a way given up on the people in my own country. I have my best friend but that's about it, no one else is good enough.

I'm Australian, i have actually always fantasised about meeting someone from another country. Us immediately hit it off and potentially grow into something more.

So, i've been on this new platform that does just that. It connects you with random people around the world who you can talk to.

I hadn't had the chance to really interact with someone until she came along. It was a normal Wednesday, i was actually at work when she messaged.

It was such a sweet message as well, my heart swelled when i read it. The message : hi! i just want to say i've seen your profile and your posts. i think you're super funny and i love your writing. i wanted to introduce myself and maybe we could be friends or something. hehe i don't know.

I could already tell by the message i was going to like her. The way the platform works is you make posts, they can be anything you want. Some people post about themselves and others keep themselves anonymous.

There's a select few that wrote stories, either what's called a one shot or actually full on books. I've been writing for a few months now, i have a one shots book as well as an actual book i've been working on.

I love getting feedback on it and interacting with i guess you could say my fans. I've never had anyone message me though, let alone asking to be friends.

Once i got over the initial shock of the message i replied to it, by then she had actually sent another one.


hi! i just want to say i've seen your profile and your posts. i think you're super funny and i love your writing. i wanted to introduce myself and maybe we would be friends or something. hehe i don't know.
my names scarlett, i'm 22 and i'm from new york.

hi! thank you so much for reading my stories. i love getting feedback on them. i've never had anyone message me asking to be friends before. i'm excited though! i'm y/n and also 22 and i'm from australia!

your stories are so good i love them. i re read them all the time 😅 i hope that doesn't make me seem like some crazy stalker. australia, woah

it doesn't don't worry, i'm honestly flattered. i may re read my own stories. what does that say about me? i know we're on the other side of the world to each other, how crazy

you re read your own stories? which ones? that definitely just makes you a thorough writer always making sure their stories are good. it's kinda cool hey?

um all of them 😅 well that's good i didn't want to seem like some freak. what time is it over there?

they are all good i especially like the smut ones 🤭 hehe jk jk but not really. it's 3pm over here, what time is it there?"

natasha / scarlett one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now