romanoff ~ f

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~ motorbike ~
pure fluff. sweet and caring nat. slightly suggestive at the end


"baby, you wanna wear one of my jackets?" Natasha called out from our wardrobe as i sat on the bed waiting for her.

"yes please" I spoke back as Natasha walked out of the wardrobe holding another black leather jacket.

Natasha and i had decided to go out for a ride on her motobike. I've never been on her bike before but i've always wanted to. Natasha just had it registered for two people so we're planning a little day out together.

"here you go princess" Natasha cooed as i stood up letting her put the jacket on for me.

"thanks Natty" I smiled smoothing the jacket down looking at it then her's seeing we were matching. "we're matching" I pointed out and Natasha nodded pecking my cheek before grabbing my hand.

"we are" Natasha replied as we made our way out of our room and towards the garage. I skipped beside her excited to finally get to ride her bike which caused her to chuckle at my actions.

"here you go. need some help?" Natasha handed me a helmet and i immediately nodded not really knowing what to do.

Natasha smiled grabbing it off me again and putting it on for me. She carefully slid in onto my head then clipped it up. Once it was on she patted my head a few times catching me off guard as my head bobbled.

"all done" Natasha's muffled voice came through and i nodded watching her put her own helmet on. "slide this down so you don't get a bunch of bug in your face" She showed me the visor as i nodded.

"god you're so cute. come on" Natasha cooed walking us over to her bike, she had opened the garage already so we just needed to get on and go.

"here" Natasha helped me onto the back of the bike before awkwardly getting on in front of me. "wrap your arms around me tightly okay? don't let go" I nodded wrapping my arms tightly around her stomach.

"here we go baby" Natasha prepared me as she turned the engine on kicking the stand up signalling me to lift my legs as she revved the engine and we took of.

Natasha started off slow, well as slow as you can go with a bike. We glided down the driveway watching the main gates to the compound opening as we got closer.

"when we come to a stop i'll need you to put you feet on the ground as well, so we don't fall over" Natasha shouted, we weren't going to fast just yet so i could still hear her.

"okay" I nodded confirming i had heard her, feet down when we stop got it.

We stopped just outside the compound, i put my feet down just like Natasha said as she looked both ways checking for traffic.

Natasha took off again as we both kicked our feet up. We got faster and faster the wind was blowing around us as Natasha guided us down the street. I smiled widely closing my eyes and leaning into Natasha more as i took it all in.

It felt so freeing i can't believe it's taken me this long to get on the back of the bike. I know i'm safe on the back because Natasha is an amazing rider and will make sure nothing puts me in harms way.

I opened my eyes again watching the scenery pass us by. We were coming up to a set of lights that unfortunately changed to yellow meaning we had to stop.

Natasha and i both put our feet down together holding up the bike. Natasha turned slightly trying to look back at me. "having fun baby" She cooed.

"yes! this is so fun!" I exclaimed earning a chuckle from Natasha. "i'm kinda hungry though" I added.

natasha / scarlett one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now