romanoff ~ f

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~ home sick ~

I was currently on my way home from work, it was my first day back since having Cora. I honestly hated it so much, i missed Cora so much and ended up being so preoccupied thinking about her i didn't get any work done. I knew she was okay because Natasha was home with her but i've been on leave for almost 10 months so it was a big change.

I pulled up outside signing deeply before making my way inside. Natasha always has music playing in the house so i'm immediately hit with music playing through every speaker in the house.

It's not loud though she just likes being able to hear it throughout the whole house. I could hear faint giggling as well as Cora squealing a little bit. I smiled to myself making my way into the living room.

When i entered i saw my wife and 9 month old baby laying on the floor together. Nat was lightly tickling her causing her to giggle and squeal. "this is your punishment princess" Natasha whispered continuing to tickle Cora.

"honey?" I spoke as Natasha turned her head to face me, "what's going on here?" She smiled up at me picking Cora up and walking over to me.

"oh hi mama, say 'hi mama'" Natasha cooed bouncing Cora on her hip as Cora babbled trying to speak.

"ma mma maa mmm" Natasha pulled her little top down over her belly as she reached me giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"hi baby" Cora made grabby hands towards me as Natasha passed her to me. "how's my little girl?" Cora started blowing raspberries as she tried grabbing at my shirt. I pulled her little hands away causing her to whimper and look at me with puppy dog eyes.

"she's been doing that to me all day, haven't you princess" She grabbed Cora's foot wiggling it lightly causing Cora to giggle. "you've been trying to get to mummy's boobies all day" Cora squealed burying her face in my chest. "but that's not going to work is it" I watched Natasha as she started tickling Cora causing her to squirm in my hold.

"did somebody missed mama's boobies?" I bounced Cora as she squealed nodding trying to grab my shirt again. I made my way over to the sofa as Natasha followed.

"she was okay this morning with the bottle after i denied her my boob a couple times, but when i tried feeding her again an hour ago she got all fusing and wouldn't take the bottle. i knew you'd be home soon so i was hoping she'd be okay till then" Nat explained as we sat down, i handed Cora back to her so i could take my top off. I cursed myself for wearing a bottom up as i had to take the whole thing off as well as my bra cause i wasn't wearing a feeding one.

"hmm yeah we're definitely gonna have to work on that little miss" I spoke as i grabbed Cora back off Nat giving her a quick smile.

Cora giggled grabbing my boob as she latched on. "cause she can't feed from me forever" I looked over at Nat as she chuckled nodding.

"how was work?" Natasha questioned moving to face me more putting her legs up on the sofa.

"ugh honestly horrible, i couldn't stop thinking about this one and how much i missed her" Nat gave me a sympathetic smile shuffling closer to place her arm around me. "how was your day? what did my girls get up to?" I looked down at Cora momentarily seeing her peacefully feeding as i lightly stroked her hair.

"well Cora made a bunch of new sounds no full words though but she's getting closer" Nat grabbed Cora's foot rubbing it lightly as she continued. "oh we tried out that new bath floaty we got, she looked super adorable i took a bunch of photo i'll show you later" I nodded watching her as she spoke.

"ow" I suddenly felt pain looking down to see Cora twisting my other nipple, "ah ah, none of that" I grabbed her little hand pulling it away. "that hurts baby" She grabbed at my fingers as i heard Natasha laughing, i looked over. "what?"

natasha / scarlett one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now