Chapter 110

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 The reporter obeyed the old emperor's order and walked inside. Others either avoided seeing him or praised the second prince for being so honest that he couldn't even say what good things he had done for them. The remaining few brave ones were also there. Kua Mo Xie and "Lai Chao".

  The imperial public opinion contest has been popular since the founding of the country, and the live broadcast method is better to urge the fiefdom owners to do practical things.

  It was indeed useful in the first few decades of Dabi, but later on the management became lax, and there were policies/policies from above and countermeasures from below, and now it tends to be more formalized, such as the second prince giving porridge in advance in exchange for praise.

  He had used this trick for more than ten years without any problems, so he didn't take it to heart. The men sent to give out porridge also felt that the poor people who gave him some food should be grateful. They despised the slums for being dirty and always used big plastic. The bucket went to the edge of the slum area and let people go.

  Who could have imagined that today's situation would be overturned in front of the entire empire.

  There was a dead silence in the Palace Square, and officials of all sizes did not dare to breathe.

  The old emperor sternly said to He Yi: "I gave you the fiefdom because I believe you can protect and lead the people of the fiefdom well, so that they can live a better life! But you neglected your duties and perfunctoryly, He Yi! You know Don't know the crime!"

  He Yi stood up with sweat and said: "I know the crime! I will strictly manage it when I go back from now on, and give more support to the people in need."

  The old emperor: "In the next two years, your fiefdom tax will be halved, and you will use your private property to help the people, build industries, and provide them with jobs."

  He Yi: "My child understands!"

  The old emperor punished He Yi to establish his prestige in front of the entire empire, and waved his sleeves to ask He Yi to sit down.

  Just as he was about to read the next report, an official on the right stood up: "Your Majesty! I have something to say!"

  The official's name is Yi Song. He is over fifty years old. He wears old-school official uniforms and has tanned skin. He is known as a hard-working official.

  The veins on the old emperor's forehead twitched heavily, and he suddenly began to hate his ancestors who had the tradition of setting up a competition.

  He could guess what Yi Song wanted to say when he came out, but he couldn't stop him in front of the entire empire: "Say."

  Yi Song: "The reporter interviewed thirteen people in the slums. Nine of them had opinions about the second prince. However, the second prince's score in the slums was as high as 87. This is unreasonable."

  Those who are smarter can also guess the problem. The interview has a poor reputation and the vote score is high. This is obviously a fraud!

  Now is the annual public opinion contest in the empire, and the entire event is broadcast live on the sky screen. Speaking of it is not only a slap in the face of the second prince, but also a slap in the face of the old emperor. No one dares to stand up and expose it in public.

  But Yi Song dared to be the first, and everyone looked at him with admiration.

  The old emperor was angry, angry at He Yi for not doing things, and angry at Yi Song for exposing his shortcomings in public.

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