Chapter 101

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 Lu Jingquan's native environment was just right for He Yan's liking. He successfully got close to He Yan, forged a wild night and a pregnancy certificate to be with He Yan.

  Maybe He Yan had doubts, but the second prince and the third prince who secretly helped prevented him from finding any clues.

  He Yan looked forward to the birth of his child with great joy. He vowed not to follow his father's footsteps and to give his child a warm and happy family atmosphere.

  But He Yan didn't know that he and Lu Jingquan had never been ridiculous overnight, and he had never had children, but Lu Jingquan was full of calculations.

  The nephew accidentally discovered that Lu Jingquan was falsely pregnant. Lu Jingquan realized that plan A was not feasible, so he immediately launched plan B, took the opportunity to miscarry, and put the blame on the third prince.

  In this way, the headstrong second prince will believe in his loyalty, but the clever and intelligent He Yan will doubt the second prince.

  Lu Jingquan couldn't return to the second or third prince. He Yan might guess whatever step he took, so he could only choose the lustful old emperor.

  Both he and the third prince knew that the desire to rise should be suppressed first, so they kept putting the blame on the third prince. When the time came, it would be revealed that it was actually the second prince who did it. The third prince was innocent, which would also increase his reputation and gain guilt.

  He Yan indeed suspected the second prince, but he was smarter than Lu Jingquan and the third prince thought and did not act rashly.

  The old emperor could live longer than today and there would be no tomorrow. Lu Jingquan and the third prince couldn't wait any longer and started to get rid of the second prince. Under their urging, the old emperor was already suspicious of He Yan and naturally blamed He Yan.

  They lured He Yan, skinned He Yan alive, and found someone to pretend that He Yan was leading the Chifeng Army on the expedition.

  Chi Fengjun went straight to the "Star Thief's Lair". Without He Yan and Chi Fengjun blocking the way, the third prince let go and killed the old emperor together.

  The third prince ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and got married to Lu Jingquan, who had changed his name. The explosion caused by the death of the Chi Feng Army and the "Star Thieves" in the universe was the best fireworks for their wedding.

  Perhaps He Yanquan had some knowledge, so he could generate huge energy due to pain, thus attracting the attention of the main system and arranging for Mo Xie and Yu Shengwei to come and change this tragedy.

  After Yu Shengwei heard the truth, he was so angry that he almost chased him out to fight with the third prince.

  Mo Xie consoled them: "They will have their retribution. Go to bed first. We will return to the fiefdom tomorrow."

  Yu Shengwei: "Returning to the fiefdom so soon? Are we ignoring Lu Jingquan?"

  Mo Lai: "Lu Jingquan has the old emperor and the second and third princes as his backers, and these emperors and princes have capital themselves. He Yan needs to earn capital first."

  Yu Sheng thought for a moment: "You are planning on the imperial public opinion contest that the old emperor and the second prince talked about."

  Mo Xie: "Not bad."

  He will use the Empire's public opinion competition as a springboard to break the claws of these people, let them spit out what they deserve, and then get the retribution they deserve.

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