Chapter 99

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  The scene seemed familiar.

  In the second world, Jerry also saw Mo Xie and Yu Shengwei wearing bathrobes in the same space.

  Mo Lai answered in a familiar manner: "It's a bit of a personal matter."

  Lu Jingquan: "What private matter?"

  Mo Xie asked, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

  Lu Jingquan choked again and wondered if He Yan had taken the wrong medicine today.

  Everyone has possessiveness and inertia. No matter what purpose he had in approaching He Yan, he was used to enjoying He Yan's preferential treatment. He Yan's cold and unconventional appearance made Lu Jingquan slightly irritated.

  He raised his voice unhappily: "He Yan, have you forgotten what you said to me?" He Yan once promised after his "miscarriage" that he would only love him for the rest of his life and would never change his mind.

  Lu Jingquan is really a good PUA expert. He obviously got along with his ex-boyfriend's father, but now he is using the "miscarriage" that he directed and starred in as an excuse to make He Yan treat her as good as before.

  "Who's making that noise in the hallway?"

  The movement in front of Mo Lai's door attracted the long-awaited second prince of the empire, He Yi.

  He Yi looks relatively ordinary. I would say he is not ugly, but he is not good-looking either. The only distinguishing feature is probably the matchmaker mole on the corner of his mouth.

  He Yi followed the old emperor closely.

  The old emperor estimated that he was seventy years old. He took good care of himself, and even if he said he was sixty, people would believe him.

  "Jingquan, He Yan? Why are you arguing in the corridor?"

  The trap is obvious here.

  Ten years ago, when the star thieves were raging, He Yan stole the show by wiping out the star thieves. All the imperial troops obeyed him.

  In particular, the Chifeng Army led by the First Emperor treated He Yan as the second marshal.

  At the end of the war, the eldest emperor sister died in the battle, and the Chi Feng Army guarded the northern territory of the empire. Although a new marshal was sent there, the Chi Feng Army was pulled out by the eldest emperor sister from ordinary people who were harmed by the war. The route is better than that of the regular army. Disobey the new marshal's command.

  But Chi Feng uniformed He Yan.

  The old emperor was suspicious and refused to give up his throne even at such an old age. He was always worried about his children taking away his power. The person he feared the most was naturally He Yan, who responded to everything in the army.

  He Yan probably also knew that he was jealous of the old emperor, so he did not ask for credit after the victory. He only wanted to use a remote village as a fief, and stayed in the fief to drink and have fun and pretend to be crazy.

  But someone wanted to make the old emperor suspicious.

  The old emperor spent half of his life in the army. As soon as he turned fifty, he began to build large-scale construction projects, coveting wealth and enjoyment.

  On this trip, the second prince He Yi built a summer resort in the fiefdom and invited the old emperor to come over and see the scenery elsewhere.

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