Christmas Baby

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Summary: Christmas season always makes you regress more

Dom & Tom X reader, Dom and Tom as caregivers

"Got enough hot chocolate with your marshmallows?" Tom asked Dom.

It felt as though there was a full blown blizzard outside, and you, Dom and Tom were staying in your house together, and you were all making hot chocolate for yourselves, and Dom had a small mountain range of marshmallows on top of it.

You couldn't help but laugh a little, as you finished putting the whipped cream on top of the hot chocolate, and put some marshmallows on top of the cream. Tom had only made it, with nothing on top of it.

As you all finished making the drinks, you went back into the living room, where Elf was paused, waiting for when the two of you came to walk back in. As you all sat down, you were sitting with Dom on one side, and Tom on the other.

Tom reached over, and pulled the blankets over you, a heavy weighted blanket, which felt like heaven with you wearing a red fluffy onesie, a gift from Dom. "Comfortable, Y/N?" Tom asked, and you nodded.

"Good," He said, kissing your forehead. Dom pressed play on the movie, and you all laid back to watch the movie. As you watched it together, all of their small touches were making you closer and closer to age regressing.

Dom's small rubbing of your blanket, both of them making sure that your blankets were covering you, kisses, teasing you when you had whipped cream on your nose, it made you even closer to age regressing.

Especially with a Christmas movie on. Christmas was one of the few holidays that you had positive memories of, as it was something you were so excited for, every single year. And, with the two men who were already your caregivers, how could you not feel safe?

And, you were trying to not go into little space or age regress, but it was getting more and more difficult not to. You rocked back and forth, happily stimming, which was what first made Dom notice.

"Y/N, are you okay?" He asked. You nodded, chewing your sleeve, taking the fabric between your teeth. "Oh, I see what it is," Tom said, realising, as he wrapped his arms around you, softly. "You want to be little, don't you?"

Dom was a little taken aback by this, but as you nodded, Dom immediately also went into caregiving mode. "Let me get your things, okay? Tom will hold you and get you into little space," Dom said, kissing your forehead.

As he got up from the bed, Tom wrapped his arms around you, copying your rocking, as he whispered sweet nothings to you. "C'mon Y/N, you're safe, you've been big for far too long," He said, as he rubbed your back.

You closed your eyes, and you immediately felt yourself slipping into little space. As your eyes opened again, you were in full little space. And, just in time, Dom came back in with everything that you needed.

Dom put down your dummy, your bottle, your comfort blanket, as well as your safety teddy bear. "How many of these do you want?" He asked, and you immediately reached over for the teddy and blanket.

"These," You said, before picking up your dummy, and putting it into your mouth. Dom and Tom moved closer to you, until they were both pressing up against you, and you felt as though you were in heaven, with them so close to you, protecting you.

"Y/N, do you want to sit in our laps?" Dom asked, and you nodded, your dummy in your mouth so you obviously couldn't verbally say yes or no. As you nodded, Dom lifted you up, and Tom and Dom sat next to each other, before sitting you down in their laps.

As you sat comfortably in their laps, you felt as though you were in heaven. Your inner child was so safe, as they should be. "Now, Y/N, let's go back to watching the movie," Tom said, and your attention went back onto it again.

Dom and Tom saw you getting more and more excited as you watched it, and it made you so much happier, just seeing how small you were, your sheer joy. As you happily stimmed, you finished your hot chocolate.


As the movie finished, Dom picked you up in his arms, as he began to carry you into the bedroom, and Tom was extremely quick to follow you, as you were wearing a baggy jumper.

Dom pulled back the covers, and you laid down in bed, immediately, letting Dom and Tom hold you in their arms. "My little one," Tom said, playing with your hair, as Dom kissed your face all over, making you have butterflies.

"Do you want me to sing a Christmas song for you? Might make you feel safer," Dom said, ruffling your hair. You immediately got excited, flapping your hands together, as you thought of which song to sing.

"How about Let It Snow?" Dom suggested, and you agreed. Slowly, as Tom gave you all the physical affection that you needed, you let Dom's gentle voice wash over you, as he sung to you, and you felt your eyelids flutter.

"I'm so tired," You said, in a soft voice, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie. "Aww, my pretty little baby," Dom said, as he wrapped his arms around you, and Dom did the same.

Dom reached over, and dimmed the lights, before reaching over for the blinds and closing them. Soon, the room was pitch black, which meant you could sleep properly. "You're safe Y/N, goodnight," Tom said, as his hand ran through your hair.

"I love you, Tom," You said, in a tired voice, barely able to keep yourself awake.

"I love you too, Dom," You said, before falling asleep.

A/N: Hi chickens! I missed writing age regression honestly, it's so cute :) I hope you enjoyed this, and are as excited for Christmas as I am! Love ya, Lana 🎄

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