never again

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*again requested by MadisonHolness i owe her big time for practically carrying this book*

tw for an abusive scenario but it gets better towards the end

desc: you accidentally stay out way later than dom originally thought you'd be and when you come home, he takes his anger out on you, verbally and physically. but he instantly regrets his decision, and tries to make it up to you best he could.

"YOU'RE LUCKY IM WASTED!!" your mate katie called to a guy she'd just been necking on with in the bar. you and your other friend, daisy, immediately pulled katie away and you all got into a taxi back to daisy's place. you checked the time on your phone and your heart immediately dropped. 1:58am. you should've been home an hour ago.

you'd promised dom that. you knew he could get jealous at times and especially nights out without you. he was worried that you'd cheat on him with other guys. you always reassured him you wouldn't and he accepted but behaviours change at night. thankfully, your place was on the route to daisy's so katie got the taxi driver to stop so you could get out.

you grabbed your keys and opened the front door. "dom!" you called but met no response. you put your keys down on the hallway table and went first to the living room. there dom was. you saw a few bottles of beer on the floor and the rugby blaring on the tv. you knew this meant he wasn't focused on the tv, rugby always bored him.

"dom?" you said, slightly scared. he got up and you saw the angry expression on his face. "where the fook have you been?!" he said in a voice which was more like a demand than a question. "i-i-" you began to splutter. "words!" he demanded, walking up to you and facing you dead in the eyes. "i was out with my mates,,, and we lost track of time!!" you said quickly but whilst scared.

"are you sure you little bitch" he said, almost shouting at you. you could instantly smell the cigarette smoke on his breath. but he was never usually like this after cigarettes so sadly, it meant he was angry without the nicotine. "yes. im sorry dom" you said, trying to back away from him. but he grabbed your wrist and no matter how much you tried to escape, he wouldn't let you go.

"let me go." you tried to say firmly but it didn't come out that way. "no. you bitch" he said. you tried to grab your heel to free yourself and hit him back but he grabbed your other hand. "don't you fucking dare get near me you cunt" he shouted. those words hit you like a dagger in your heart.

he'd called you a bitch & a cunt before but it was always playful or when you'd accidentally jumpscared him, but never dead serious like it was right now. "DOM LET ME GO!! you cried, sick of trying to front it out. he grabbed your face by your chin so you couldn't scream too loud. you were done and tried to kick him.

that was an issue. he let go of your face and hit you. and hard. almost instantly, you felt your cheek go red. you couldn't look at him. you felt tears leave your eyes and tricks down your cheeks. you were crying in a mix of anger, frustration, pain, sadness and honestly confusion. you finally looked at him and said the only three words you could muster. "fuck you dom".

you immediately ran upstairs and locked yourself in your bedroom, crying. you didn't know why you were crying, it wasn't going to change fuck all but it was the only thing you could compel yourself to do. you cried for around an hour before giving up, you couldn't make yourself cry more.

meanwhile downstairs, it had just hit dom how badly he'd messed up. he walked upstairs and seeing the one locked door, he could tell which one you were in. he knocked on the door. "y/n,, p-please" he asked, wanting you to open the door. you took a deep breath and opened the door.

dom instantly wrapped his arms tight around you, picking you up in his arms. "im so fooking sorry, so fooking sorry love" he said, holding you as if his life depended on it and if you were held any looser, you'd slip from his grasp. "dom i-" you began before he gently kissed your lips so you didn't have to say anything. "don't need to say a word, you don't owe me anything" he said.

he carried you to the bathroom and cleaned up a small little scratch that was on your cheek from his nail when he'd hit you. he got his black and pink striped shirt and took off your dress to put the shirt on instead. he also grabbed some shorts that were on the floor and put those on too. "please let me make it up to you" dom said.

you nodded as he carried you to your bedroom, laying down on the bed with you, kissing your lips, neck, collarbone and the cheek that he'd hit. thankfully, it wasn't bruising. he whispered sweet nothings in your ear all night as he played with your hair. "y/n, i fucking promise you, i'll never do it again" dom promised.

"good. or i will get daisy and katie to rip your balls off"


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