only his

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desc: you and dom go to a party together and annoyingly end up running into your ex who's life mission seems to be to annoy you now so you decide to show him his place and who you belong to

*warning gets a lil ✨spicy✨ but not full on sex haha*

"can you pass my makeup brush?" you asked dom from the bedroom. "one second" he said, looking around. he saw a whole jar of makeup brushes and didn't know which one to get. unsure, he just took the whole jar.

"here you go baby" he said, handing it to you. you smiled gently. "thank you" you giggled, taking one of the smaller brushes. you fixed up your eyeliner as he kissed your cheek softly. "mmm, dom" you smiled, using your hand to move his head away from you. "what time's the party?" you asked.

"10:30" he laughed. "sick, oh by the way who's coming?" you asked, fixing your lipstick. "i know colson, meghan, adam and tom are rocking up but it's not any of their parties so hell knows" he said truthfully. "fairs" you giggled.

you stood up as dom saw your outfit. you had a short black dress with gold lacing and decoration, a matching clutch, and high heels. "you look beautiful" he smirked, wrapping his hands around your waist.

"thank you" you smiled. you walked downstairs and got into the taxi. you had linked your headphones together and were listening to 5SOS together. after around 15/20 minutes you got a text from colson.

"hey y/n, are you and dom almost here?"

you quickly picked up your phone and texted back. "we're like 10 minutes away lol"

you finally got to the apartment where the party was going on. you knocked on the front door and was answered by colson who had meghan right behind him, her hands wrapped around his waist. "hey lads" he laughed, a little drunken at best.

"hey" dom laughed, the pair of you walking into the party. you went around introducing yourself and everyone seemed pretty nice. you finally got out to the balcony where all the snacks and alcohol were.

you poured yourself a drink and began to look around for dom. you went past the pool where adam and tom were, you'd already asked them if they knew where he was, they didn't. then you saw him. ugh.

your ex.

you always tried to end relationships on good terms and that relationship was the only one that hadn't. you'd dated months before a girl reached out to you asking if he was your boyfriend. obviously you said yes and he told you that your boyfriend had been flirting with her.

he'd never brought you up and she only found out when you'd put a happy birthday post to him and he'd reposted on his instagram story. you weren't mad at her as she was so apologetic and you just knew she wasn't aware.

she told you everything you asked if she knew the answer, she sent screenshots and recordings, honestly an angel about it. she was actually still your mate. but your ex wasn't very apologetic about it. he tried to call you crazy but you couldn't let it happen.

you confronted him with all the receipts, screenshots, recordings, etc. then he'd just dumped you. like that. and it seemed his life message was to make your life as hellish as he could. you'd got him blocked on everything.

but every time you blocked him, a new account seemed to pop up. "hey slut" he said, his voice clearly slurred from alcohol. your face burnt with anger. "don't fucking call me a slut!" you retaliated, your voice quiet but firm.

"what you gonna do, go crying in my messages again?" he said. you felt a pit in your stomach burn. you began to walk away and he tried to throw his drink on you. he failed because of how fast you were walking away but it still pissed you off.

you saw dom and practically ran to him. "hey what's up?" he asked, a drink in hand. "my fucking ex, tried to throw his drink on me" you said, letting out a small laugh at how pathetic it sounded and how pathetic your ex was.

"he did what?!" dom retaliated. "called me a slut as well" you added. "ugh, he's pathetic" you laughed. you looked over and saw him just coming out from behind the pool. he knew he'd seen you and him and you wanted to make a point.

"dom, kiss me" you whispered in as a seductive tone you could muster. he smirked before doing as you asked. his lips firmly pressed against yours and you leant in to give yourself to him even more.

you directed his hands to under your thighs but he moved them up to your arse. you didn't back away or tell him to stop, it was comfortable. he held you as your hand snagged through his hair and pulled it back, making dom bite backs moans.

his hands ,which were decorated in rings, pressed themselves onto your skin. you thought about the marks that were going to be on your arse later. well, at least it was dom's doing. he was driving you wild with this.

you bit his lip gently and he couldn't stop himself from softly moaning into your ear. you relished the sound of him, so sensitive, so content. adam, tom and colson were about to tell you two to break it up before they looked over.

your ex, horrified at what was happening. his ex girlfriend who he'd cheated on was now in the middle of a party going wild with a guy who he knew was better than him, his hands all over her. and he was just here alone and drunk, with no girl.

after adam, colson and tom saw this, they decided to let him get even more pissed off. you'd completely forgotten about your ex at this point, dom seemed to be going at it so hard with you your mind was foggy.

"d-do-" you muttered trying to form a sentence. he moved his hands down from your arse to your inner thighs and you had to stop kissing to get some actual air "w-w-ow" you laughed through gasps.

dom looked up and saw your ex, instantly laughing. he looked him dead in the eyes, lifted his middle finger up at him before looking back at you. "you're fooking good lass" he said, bridal carrying you to hug you.

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