Seeing Stars - Pt2

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Summary: Dom has no choice but to take the recording of you to his producers

"I am not too happy about this," You laughed as you sat on the bus, sitting next to Dom. "Well love, I'm not exactly thrilled about it either," Dom replied.

For the past week, Dom had been trying to edit the moans to sound right for the song. He really did not want to have his producers, and his friends at that, listening to your moaning.

That was something that was for him. Something only he had the luxury of hearing, and being treated to, since it sounded so heavenly to him.

But, no matter how much you and Dom had tried, it did not sound good enough for Dom to be happy with it.

And no matter what, Dom would never release music if he didn't like it. So, he just tried to make it as least embarrassing as possible for the both of you.

He'd clipped out the parts of you talking to each other and, since you told him to cut it out, the part of the audio where you came. He didn't understand why, but it was your audio, he was going to do what you asked. 

The reason you agreed to just use the bits of pure moaning, nothing else, was because it was the easiest to say that it was all faked. His phone camera was facing the table, so the video was just a black screen.


"Dom, please tell me you didn't go ahead with what you were talking about," Colson said, as Tom and Adam exchanged looks, Adam biting his lower lip trying to not laugh.

"You mean getting Y/N to moan into the mic?" Dom asked, holding his phone in his ring clad hands. "Well what else do you think I meant!?" Colson asked, exasperated.

"Oh I did that,"

Immediately, Tom and Colson buried their heads in their hands, and you and Dom burst out laughing. They seemed more embarrassed about it than you thought you'd be.

"Please, please, please tell me you distorted it yourselves," Adam said, lifting his head as though he were saying a silent prayer to God.

"We couldn't figure it out," Dom said, wanting to have his own turn to make them uncomfortable.

"NO! NO! I'M GOING! NO!" Tom said, getting up and heading to the door.

You and Dom burst out laughing again, as he looked so uncomfortable. "I am not listening to Y/N moaning!" Tom shouted.

"Well you're not the one editing it!" Adam and the producer complained, knowing they were the ones it fell down to.

"And none of you record this!" You laughed to them, and Colson rolled his eyes. "We're trying to get out of listening to it, let alone record it!" Colson remarked. "I don't want to ask how you recorded it, but how did you?" Tom asked.

"Just sat on the bed with Dom's phone and moaned, about it," You explained.

Dom had to hide his look of surprise and how well you lied about it. If you'd told him that was how you did it, and he wasn't there, he wouldn't have doubted you for a second.

"Well, we're gonna have to play it sooner of later, so you might as well play it," Colson said. Dom unlocked his phone, and went to the edited video, playing it.

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