Chapter 186: Challenge Accepted!

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-----NO ONE'S POV-----

"Now, we've got a challenger coming in at the spur moment! Just what kind of results will he get?" The announcer was really keeping people on the edge of their seat but with seconds shortening by each participant, who wouldn't be? It may seem like no one could beat the record.

"Villain attack... Ready... Go!" The lady waved her hand signaling the timer to go and just like that Midoriya ran with great speed jumping from one surface to the other drawing near the robot smashing it in place.

"This is amazing too!! Sixteen seconds! Second place!" The people cheered. It wasn't able to beat the current first but it was close enough to a tie.

"So close!!" Uraraka cheered.
"That was amazing, Midoriya." Iida complimented.
"Just one second and you could have been tied and been beaten by Katsuki." (Y/n) commented with a bitter sweet sigh.
"Actually i didn't think I'd be able to get so close to Kacchan's time--"
"THE HELL?! IMPOSSIBLE! I'll go again and blow you away!" Bakugou yelled.

(Y/n) looked ahead at the arena in interest.

"Wanna try?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah but i dont think weapons are allowed... Are they?" She asked.

"I think they dont allow those sorry." He shrugged earning a sigh from the girl. "Maybe if you're quirk was being able to produce weaponry like Yaoyorozu's then i guess that would be a pass."

"So it has to do with quirks but what about someone like me?" She asked with a small pout. "I don't have a quirk but.."

"Hey why don't you just use one if your jutsus or something. Like that rasengan?" He attempted to cheered her.

"I didn't think of that! I could use something else. The rasengan's range cant defeat multiple enemies in one go and the massive rasengan is a no go." Her mood immediately brightened but it left as soon as it came. "But I shouldn't. Someone could recognize me.." she trailed off.

"Oh..uh.." Kirishima trailed off unsure of what to do.

"I thought you were already over that?" Gray spoke up.

"Huh over what?" Kirishima asked.

"Instead of hiding away, she promised to go to the party tonight to face the people to "not be known not as a threat but as a friend to the people". The cat quoted.

"Hey thats a great idea!" Kirishima encouraged.

"Yeah i know i know, its just that.. too soon?"

"Okay now you're just looking for a way out."

"C'mon you'll do great! I believe in ya!" He smiled with a thumbs up.

"WOW! WOW! WOW!" The announcer cheered making everyone turn heads to what ever was going on in the arena. Todoroki, who participated covered majority of the arena in his ice. "F-fourteen seconds! He jumped to the top!!"

"Eh? Todoroki?" They exclaimed.

"Again. Why am i jot surprised?"

"He's in your class too?" Melissa asked.

"Yeah." They replied. While they were talking Kirishima waved at the announcer to get her attention. "Eijirou what in the world are you doing?" She hissed between her teeth.

"Signing you up."

"Oh? A challenger?"

"What?! No." She shook his arm trying to get him to stop.

"You'll do great trust me." He turned back to the announcer. "No but she is!" He pointed at her.

"What? No! Sorry no." She dismissed.

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