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By sweet_aella

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947 21 10
By sweet_aella

Cami Pov


"What are we going to do? I mean, we can't just sit around in here forever?" Marcel asked, looking around the room, effectively breaking the dismal silence that had fallen over our group like a never lifting fog.

The boys', Kol, and Damon's Taylor Swift singing session didn't last long. Hayley quickly got annoyed. A natural and viable response due to being on edge. It wasn't that Hayley was a raving bitch, but most people didn't appreciate comedy when they were facing a crisis.

Trust and believe me when I say Kol and Damon singing Taylor Swift songs was pure comedy.

I squeezed Damon's hand. Seconds later, he squeezed back gently, rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand, comforting me.

All of this silence only alluded to more tension. All of the silence made me tense, and Damon knew that. It's why he was comforting me now.

"Yes, we can, and we will," Hayley said, looking as tired and stressed out as ever.

"Hayley, what are we supposed to do if they come in?" Asked Stefan, who was standing next to Damon and me. He was definitely different from his older brother, that was for sure. He didn't seem to have a problem with me, at least from what I could tell.

"If it comes down to it, then we fight." She said, looking down at Elijah and then back at the locker door.

"Yeah, but why don't we go to them first? When they aren't expecting it," Josh said, and I had to admit I liked that idea better than sitting around, but Hayley was right.

Elijah was here in a comatose state. He couldn't defend himself like we could.

Plus, we were most likely, outnumbered. Even if we did manage to 'surprise them,' we still wouldn't have the upper hand.

"Hayley is right. We need to wait here until Klaus and Luna come back," Damon commented back to Josh.

He then looked down at me, and I nodded, showing him that I fully agreed with him.

"We should set a time limit," said Kol, speaking for the first time since he had stopped singing. Davina was beside him. Her brow furrowed, worried and confused.

I was sure that my own facial expression mirrored hers.

"A time limit for what?" Josh asked, laughing a little nervously in the beginning.

"So, if they don't come, back then we go out and look for them, great idea Kol," Hayley said, her shoulders sinking and her voice grave.

"What time should we pick?" Asked Stefan, looking at everyone in the room.

"Midnight," I said, speaking up since no one else had said anything. I couldn't help myself. It was too quiet for my liking.

Hayley nodded and got up to go stand by the window. I looked down at my phone. It was lunchtime, 12:20. I hoped they were going to make it before the deadline, both in one piece.


Luna Pov


I sighed when Klaus put me down. He had said that he had to go and do something before we started our search for the orchid for Elijah. He left me and told me to stay there. I stood the for a moment and then I started walking back and forth. All this silence and stillness made me anxious.

It was almost too quiet...

I shivered, feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It felt like I was being watched. As I looked around, I didn't see anything.

The sudden silence didn't appease my nerves. It only made me more on edge.

Not even the animals were making noise.

I spun around, hearing a twig snap.

"I thought this is where you would be."

My blood ran cold hearing those words. I closed my eyes and turned around. Revealing none other than Finn.

He was still in his powerful witch body. And not in his vampire one. He grinned widely, his eyes wide.

He looked around, "Where's that younger brother of mine, Niklaus? I don't see him anywhere. Which means he's not here to save you. Which also means less interference. A shame you don't remember that conversation we had months ago. I suppose it is fun watching everyone scramble, around not knowing who the real enemies are."

I scoffed, folding my arms, ignoring every instinct in my body telling me to run.

"First of all, I don't need saving, second Klaus isn't here right now, but he will be back," I said, trying to make Finn target me instead. Finn's smile stayed in place, but I continued anyway.

"And what do you mean we don't know who the real enemies are?"

"I'll give you a clue. The real enemy isn't who you are picturing. You are smart, wicked smart. I am sure you'll figure it out soon enough when the time is right."

They weren't who I was picturing? What did that mean? Maybe he was trying to confuse me. I should have run the second I heard his voice.

"Let me guess, your one of them..."

Finn smiled. It hit me then.

Esther had been acting strange like she was trying to hold something back, herself? Maybe, I had succeeded and brought them back. Maybe, some other spirits or entities decided that they were going to join them and take over their bodies, controlling them. The idea seemed far-fetched, but it could be true....it wasn't exactly outlandish.

"That's up to you. I don't have to be your enemy. I could be the complete opposite. However, that is none of your concern, not for quite some time. You won't remember, but we talked about this briefly months ago..."

"Talked about what?" I asked, stepping back, uncomfortable with his closeness.

"The truth."

"Which is?" I asked, not being able to help myself.

"That's for you to figure out and for me to dot dot dot..."

Finn laughed, though I didn't find what he said at all funny. I found it unnerving. Sometimes the truth could be worse than any lie, enemies lurking that I hadn't known about existing.

It was almost as if Finn's body was attached, to a string as he flew back several feet away from me.

Telekinesis was helpful during times like this.

I didn't know that conversation we supposedly had. I didn't know what I didn't remember. Everything was becoming confusing again.

I tensed when I heard footsteps. I looked over at where Finn had landed, but he was gone. I ran, looking back briefly to see a group of people.

A man in overalls stood in front of me, completely covered in mud and blood. I was startled, and that caused me to come to a halt. Dark spidery veins appeared under his eyes. He flashed his fangs at me. I turned around startled, there was yet another man. This one was in a suit. He snarled at me, eyes glowing gold. After a second, I started to recognize this one. He was one of Francesca's brothers. Hmmm...I had thought we killed them all.

I heard another pair of footsteps, and I looked up to see a woman with dark hair and a grin on her face with her hand raised. I took a deep breath, trying to ignore the ache in my shoulder. I don't know what I did, but it hurt a lot.

"Listen, I don't know who you think you are, but you need to leave before someone gets hurt."

The three laughed at me. "Oh please, you're the one who's gonna get hurt. It's a shame we can't kill you, your blood must taste so good," remarked the vampire in overalls.

"Yeah, yeah, Jim, stop obsessing over blood, or is that what all vampires do," commented the witch earning a glare from the vampire named Jim.

"Alright, quiet! Let's just get this job over with so we never have to see each other again. Remember minimal to no damage."

The werewolf started cracking his knuckles and looking over at the witch. Who now had a piece of old parchment in her hand.

The witch started chanting something maybe in Latin. Something was apparently supposed to happen because the trio looked at me, surprised and confused.

I smiled, still trying to ignore the throbbing of my shoulder. I was happy to have an advantage, even if it was a small one.

"Oops...I guess whoever your working for, forgot to mention that I am immune to most spells."

They looked at each other, clearly confused, and I used that to my advantage. I decided that taking out the witch would be best since she was the weakest.

I raised my hand once again, I winced hearing the snap of her neck. The witch fell to the ground, dead. The vampire Jim and the werewolf turned to me. Positively fuming, I sighed breathly.

"Who's next?"

They looked at each other before lunging in my direction. I dove to the ground to avoid the collision.

I fell on something hard when I dove, and it wasn't the ground. I winced, that was definitely going to be a bruise later. The two turned around, enraged that they had hit each other.

The vampire Jim nodded at the werewolf, and then Jim was gone. Damn, I was good but not that good. Besides, I had an injury, and it happened to be an important part when it came to fighting. The werewolf walked towards me, and I got up, punching him in the nose. He doubled over, sputtering out unintelligible words along with blood.

I heard a roar, and I turned around too late. Jim, the vampire, tackled me to the ground. I cried out, feeling something stabbing into my back, not to mention pressure was being applied to my hurt shoulder. I could feel the hot tears running down my face. He leaned forward closer to my neck, his eyes darkened, and he opened his mouth, revealing a nasty set of fangs.

I sobbed, struggling under his weight. He was so heavy, all of his mass was pressing down on me. I could feel something stabbing into my back, not to mention my shoulder.

"Oh, no, girly, you just hold still! Boss 'bout to pay me real good!"

I screamed, leaning my head back as much as possible, then bringing it up again to meet his forehead. The impact was even worse than I imagined. I felt immediately nauseous afterward.

Josh was right. No one won with a headbutt.

Despite the pain, I had accomplished what I needed to. I had gotten him off of me.

I forced myself to get up, even though I wanted to stay there and curl up into a ball until everything and everyone went away.

I heard more voices. The vampire Jim was gone along with his werewolf buddy. I rolled over off my back and throbbing shoulder. I looked over to see what I had been laying on.

A shotgun, pump-action, I think. While away from the compound, I learned how to shoot a gun. I even used it on someone who was trying to harm me and someone else, a friend. I knew how to load and reload, and it was loaded/

As I looked around, I started to notice a couple of destroyed tents and bright bloody orange vests' lying around. This must have been a hunting camp of some sort. But where were the hunters? I heard the voices again, but louder this time, accompanied by footsteps. A sure sign that they were coming closer. I shakily stood up, wincing as I did. I bent over, picking up the gun. I was running low on energy and ideas. I saw them then, a big group of fifteen or so.

The clearing we were in had little to no trees, a disadvantage for me.

One of them stepped forward and cleared his throat.

"Ms. Labonair, we would like you to accompany us back to Esther. Is all this fighting necessary all these innocent lives lost?"

I scoffed, growing tense and more exasperated by the minute.

"Go to hell."

The man in front shook his head. Sitting on what looked like a fallen log.

"You can run, Ms. Labonair, but you cannot hide from us. My friends here are vampires. They will have an easy time tracking you if you choose to run. You will most likely pick that option. Would you like a head start?" Asked the man, in the front pulling at his black turtleneck.

"I am tired of running," I said, truth be told, I don't think I could handle any more. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.....

The man sighed. "Well, I gave you a chance. So stubborn... I figured you would be the type that wouldn't give in easily. Both a blessing and a curse, I suppose..."

He waved his hand, causing everyone else to move forward except him. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see a man with a rope in his hands. Without hesitation, I shot him.

The man fell to the ground, clutching his chest, but his skin was already turning gray. I frowned, thinking, could the bullets possibly be made out of wood or have some type of wood element?

But as soon as I realized that the gun, was knocked out of my hands. I winced as someone pulled my hurt arm, causing my shoulder to hurt even more. Without thinking, I reached back, hitting the person who had caused me that pain.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me up. I kicked, but my foot connected with nothing but air. I shrugged out of my jacket, somehow slipping from the man's tight hold on me.

I fell to the ground, wincing, feeling my knees get all of the impact, which of course included sharp rocks and sticks.

Hands grabbed at me, but whenever I tried to fight, they would disappear. I sank to my knees. Holding my head in my hands. I've never felt so powerless in my life.

Except for my time with the witches. I started shaking, and I forced myself to take slow deep breaths in spite of my erratic heartbeat. Having a full-blown panic/anxiety attack wouldn't help my situation at all. In fact, it would make it worse. I got up, confused. Everything was quiet. And then someone knocked me to the ground, causing me to fall on my face. I rolled over on my back, kicking at the person coming towards me. I raised my hands up in a defensive position when he stopped. I blinked, confused he wasn't moving or breathing. In fact, he looked frozen. I looked around and noticed the group spread apart. Some were even in the tree's watching me. But they weren't moving either, all frozen.

Was this a new power? I sighed, grabbing my shoulder, feeling a sharp burst of intense pain. That killed any question that had surfaced in my head. The pain intensified. I wasted no time and started running, trying to put as much distance between them and me. I could wonder why they froze later.

I heard shouting and footsteps, I couldn't exactly make out what they were saying, but they sounded confused. I forced myself to run harder. Ignoring the burning in my legs and lungs. I stopped, coughing, doubling over as I did.

I frowned, looking at my hand, blood.

I wish Klaus were here. Damn, what I'd do to have him here...or even near...

The voices got closer, insinuating that I didn't have a lot of time before I was surrounded, again. I only had one other option. I sighed, sinking to the stiff, wet ground.

I cried out, feeling my muscles and tendons stretch, my bones breaking afterward....I just embraced the pain....It made things either that way....


Ansel Pov


I slung my bow over my shoulder. Next to the bag that I had stored most of my supplies in.

Along with a quiver stuffed full of arrows. I sat up all night thinking of what I should do now that I was alive. During my time at peace, I would watch over my son. As I did before, but this time I didn't have to hide behind bushes or trees. I was with him every step of the way. The biggest, moments of his life I was there. Watching over him, guiding him, protecting him when I could. Then he got caught up in New Orleans. I watched him from afar, fearing Mikael would be dwelling there. It was rumored, but I didn't want to test that fact out. I could see a definite, distinctive change when that girl came into his life. His entire attitude and perspective changed.

I wanted to be there to give him my advice. Do things a father should that I didn't have the chance to get to do over a thousand years ago.

I was determined to find my son. But then I overheard someone talking about a coffin. That held one of the Mikaelson's supposedly. And that could only mean one thing. As soon as I could I set out toward the alleged location.

This was the only thing I had. I needed to have him trust me. I couldn't just walk in unannounced and claim to be his father. He would kill me before I got the chance to explain. Especially, if I posed a threat to Luna.

I dove into the water. The cliff was high, but I had dove higher ones in my village. The water was like the open air...cold... The rays of moonlight offered little visibility.

I found it then. It was under some rocks, but I could make out the wooden exterior. I started pushing them off. It was very time-consuming, and it didn't help that they were at least fifty pounds each. I wasn't at all concerned with time. I could hold my breath for quite a while. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. There must have been something in the water, an enchantment of some sorts. I swam upwards, the coffin in tow with me. It was difficult because the coffin was heavy. Luckily, I was a skilled swimmer. I made it to the rocky shore. Gently putting the coffin down. I looked up hearing yelling. I could see two figures. One woman and a man appeared to be fighting. I squinted my eyes, she was limping, clearly hurt. The man picked her up by the throat and said something I couldn't quite catch. There must have still been some water in my ears. A growl sounded out from the edge of the cliff. I was surprised to see the large gold wolf, the color was so unique and precise. It was a little like my own, except I was darker. Could this be Niklaus? The wolf advanced, growling at the man who had the woman. Then that must mean that the woman was Luna.

The man dropped Luna, and time seemed to slow down. I could clearly hear her surprised gasp. It said so many things but mostly fear. I could see the wolf tearing apart the man. After that, he whined, staring at the rippling dark water. My feet were moving forward before I even realized it.

I had to save her. If she died, then there wouldn't even be a sliver of hope for his redemption.

I ran into the water, without hesitation. I dove back in when it was deep enough. It was as cold and dark as ever. I tried to navigate the water as best I could. I was worried I wouldn't get there in time. Her leg was injured. Even if she could swim well, it would be nearly impossible. The coldness would probably shock her which won't help. I saw her then, I could feel some relief washing over me. She was struggling very hard. She was trying to use her arms and one good leg. I guess she noticed me because she opened her mouth, looking absolutely terrified. I acted quickly, wrapping my arm around her. She fought at first but stopped either losing unconscious or simply giving up. I was impressed for someone so young to be so strong and to have so much resilience.

I broke the surface, gasping, happy to be able to breathe.

It had not been the easiest, nor the simplest, journey. I was glad that the worst, immediate danger had passed. I swam to the rocky shore.

Laying Luna down gently, careful not to let her hurt herself surrounded by all of these rocks.

I put my fingers on the side of her neck to check her pulse. It was there just faint.

She gasped, sitting up, her green eyes wide. She turned to the side, heaving up the water that had been in her lungs. She then laid back down, on her back. Blinking, rapidly as if trying to get a good look at me.

I could see why my son had grown to take a liking to her. If she had lived back in my time, she would have had many suitors. With her warm carmel skin, her long dark curly hair, her green eyes, her long thick lashes, and her high cheekbones. Her looks weren't the only thing that was attractive about her. Her looks, though stunning, were only a fraction. Her personality, the way she treated others, the way she carried herself, and the way she fought for those she loved.

As I walked, on I couldn't help but think I was so close. So close to seeing him, my son. So close to telling, explaining everything to him. So close to telling him how sorry I was for not being able to be there for him. For not being able to defend him when he couldn't fight for himself. So close, to telling him how much I loved him, how much he meant to me even though his mother and I had never meant to have him, and how much of a blessing he was.

I halted hearing yelling. I turned, readying my bow and arrows.

"What in the bloody hell is going on?" Asked a slightly English-accented voice.

"Niklaus, " I said, both confused and surprised, and he frowned at me.

"Listen, I don't know or care who or what you are. Have you seen a girl around here? And be honest with me, or I will make you understand the meaning of mercy because at this moment in time, I have none. She is about 18 long dark curly hair, warm carmel skin, and green eyes."

I frowned, concerned. Now worried for her well-being. Usually, Klaus wasn't without her. Even if he was without her, he knew of her whereabouts. If not, then something had happened, and something had gone wrong.

I didn't know Luna personally, but I wanted to. Besides, she helped immensely during Niklaus' hard times. She was always there for him, so I had the decency to care about her well-being despite our packs being rivals for centuries. I had no quarrel with her.

"No, I haven't seen Luna. Not since the other night."

Niklaus stepped forward, curiosity crossing his features briefly before they hardened and were replaced, with anger. Though, I could see worry buried under all that rage.

"What do you mean since the other night? And how do you know her name?" He asked, his voice shaking, with what I didn't know. The possibilities were virtually limitless. It could be stress, frustration, anger, or even concern. Not for me, of course, all of it was for Luna.

He could be quite difficult to read at times. He was a master at hiding his emotions and what he was truly feeling.

I don't know where he got that from.

Esther was very clear with her emotions and what she was feeling. I was the same way. He must have picked that up from Mikael. I took a deep breath realizing this was my one chance, my one shot. And if I messed up or said a poorly worded sentence, then he would end my life faster than I could take my next breath.

"I saved her when that man threw her off the cliff. I had been trying to get your brother's coffin. After dragging that to shore, I saw her fall, and I saved her. I was almost too late, she almost drowned. Luckily, I got to her just in time. Without me, she would have been dead," I said, and there was stillness before, the voices and yelling appeared not too far away from here.

They sounded puzzled, confused.

"You are the one who pulled Kol's coffin up from the lake, and you saved Luna. Why?"

His arms were folded across his chest, and he didn't look even remotely satisfied like I been hoping him to be.

I exhaled better now than never. "Because Niklaus, I am your father. And I happen to care about the people you that you care about."

Niklaus scoffed, a laugh beginning to break through his voice.

"That is-" he started off, but he was interrupted by screaming.

It was clearly a woman's voice, and for a split second, I wondered if it was maybe possibly Luna. I watched as Niklaus' face grew pale.

Then he was gone, leaving nothing but a trail of leaves flying in the air, the only evidence that proved he was even there in the first place.

I began to run following the sound of the screaming, and this time the screaming sounded more like a chorus of pain and suffering rather than puzzling confusion.


Klaus Pov


I arrived at the scene.

By the time I reached the source of the noise, chaos had already erupted.

Blood was everywhere. Logs and branches were battered and on the ground. Some lay in pieces, having somehow been split open. Hearing heavy breathing close by, I looked to my right.

A wolf came from around a group of trees.

This wolf wasn't normal. Regular wolves weren't as big.

Its silver coat was prominent. Should the wolf ever try to hide it would be pointless. It glimmered even in the sunlight. It would be stunning under the light of the moon. The specs of dirt and mud did not obscure the shine of its striking fur. A true beacon. It had big light gold eyes that could have passed off as silver, the artist in me could see that. Which meant it could only be one person. Only that one person was so different, so unique and special, so beautiful...

"Luna," I gently called out, approaching her carefully and cautiously.

Maybe she would attack me because she didn't recognize me. After all, she was in her wolf form. Maybe she didn't even understand me.

However, I was wrong. Luna wasn't aggressive toward me at all. She leaned her large head over to me, sniffing my jacket before laying back down.

She looked defeated.

That was a telling sign that something was off. Something was wrong.

Why wasn't she up and moving, or standing for that matter?

I got down on my knees and stroked her face gently. She closed her eyes, enjoying the attention. A low humming sound rumbled in her chest.

"Luna, can you get up for me, please?" She opened her big eyes and moved her overly large head onto my lap, and whined. I picked up on the fact that she sounded distressed.

I looked down at her, and she met my gaze, not breaking eye contact until the man showed up again.

"Is she hurt?" the voice asked. I turned, seeing the same man from earlier, the one who brought Kol's coffin up from the lake. The man who saved Luna from dying. The man claiming to be my biological father.

Luna hopped up instantly, slightly startling me. I stood up too. A little surprised that she towered over me and was able to move that fast. Luna was now on guard. Her soft, harmless demeanor was gone and had been replaced, with a threatening one.

Her ears were flat against her skull, her large sharp teeth bared. A low growl sounded from her, a clear warning to back off and stay away.

The man stepped forward, not even bothering to be cautious, not threatened by Luna's much more powerful, faster, animalistic form. Luna growled louder, sinking lower to the ground.

He continued to walk forward and put his hands on her face. I was shocked that he got that far. I still tensed, getting ready for the blood bath.

"Don't you remember me?"

The man continued, anyway. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Luna immediately relaxed, which surprised me, yelping when she took a step back. "Ah, I see," murmured the man walking closer to her.

"And what do you see?" I asked, growing more nervous as he approached her. This could be some scam or trick of some sort that Esther came up with, or maybe even Finn or Mikael. He was a possibility but not a likely one. I wasn't going to rule him out completely, though.

Most likely to hurt Luna and me. Yet that didn't explain why Luna trusted him. Maybe, this man was telling the truth. That was also a possibility, even though I didn't want it to be. Because if it is the truth, then that meant that he was the man that had abandoned me all those years ago. Forced me to live all those years of torment with Mikael and my crazy, deranged woman of a mother. It was awfully suspicious that he had just appeared out of nowhere. Knowing my full name, knowing Luna's. I decided that I needed to be overly cautious with him, even if he was my 'father.' If he wanted my trust, then it was going to have to be earned and not given, and that might take a couple of decades, maybe even centuries.

"My name is Ansel-" he began, but I interrupted him growing more agitated as the seconds passed. Luna could be seriously injured, hurt, and in pain, and at that moment, that is all I cared about at this point.

How dare he introduce himself to me at this time, with Luna hurt? Getting her better, making sure she was safe, and then going out to murder anyone who so much as looked at her the wrong way was all that mattered, and he was messing that up by wasting time. It was already one in the afternoon. I had gone to the compound to assure everyone that we were going to be gone for quite some time. I killed a few vampires and witches who were trying to get into the room they were in. They told me they were sent by Finn, and that there would be many more. Torturing information out of them had been as easy as breathing. Hayley and the others told me of the deadline, so that meant that I didn't have a lot of time left.

"Listen, I don't care what your name is or where you were born. You can save those bits for later. What I do care about is Luna, if you are going to help, then do it."

The man frowned, examining Luna's front legs. I ran my hand through my hair, stressing out as the minutes passed. During this time, the only sounds were the wind blowing the leaves around n the ground and trees. That sound was accompanied, by Luna's breathing and a small stream of water not too far away.

"I think she injured one of her front legs. I can't help her when she's in this form. I need you to go find a blanket. I have one in my bag, it's not too far from here, actually."

I scoffed, he could not be serious. He could not think I was that stupid.

"Are you mad? The last time I left her she was ambushed. Now she is hurt and in distress. And I don't trust you, so what makes you think I will leave her with you? How do I know that you are not another one of Esther's minions, tricks, or even Finn's, or Mikeal's? Do not take me for a fool."

Luna whined again, louder this time, putting her head on my feet.

The man looked down at Luna, smirking slightly. I balled up my fist, becoming angrier by the minute, what gave him the bloody right to smile at her?

Only a few had that right, and this stranger was not one of them. I didn't care what he was or who claimed to be...

"Well, it seems you are not going anywhere." Luna snapped her jaws at him. I smirked, seeing him jump slightly jump back, causing him to chuckle lightly.

"I just want you to know, Niklaus," I tensed hearing him say my full name. If he noticed, he didn't seem affected by it because he continued on.

"That I love you, and I would never hurt you or anyone you care about. I am not one of Esther's minions, or tricks, or Finn's or Mikael's, for that matter. All I have ever wanted is for you to be healthy and happy."

"Then how come you left me with him? How could you leave me with that monster? If you were my father, then you would have cared about me, but you obviously didn't. So why care now?" I asked, unable to stop myself. Ansel stepped forward, attempting to put his hand on my shoulder. But something got in the way, preventing him from putting his hand on me.

That something had been Luna. She sat up, her hurt leg held up, trying to support her weight on three legs instead of four. That must have been challenging, but she somehow managed to do it. For me, why I didn't know. She barked lowly, using her head to push his hand away.

She then looked at Ansel and me, giving her head a little shake. She sank down to the ground where she had been. Except closer to me, if that were possible.

"We will have to finish this conversation later," he said, and I nodded. Ansel left, and I assumed he went to go and get the blanket for Luna so she could change back.

When Ansel was gone, Luna relaxed against my leg.

I sat on the ground beside her. Stroking her side, and after a while, I could swear she was almost purring.

"We have ourselves in a difficult situation, don't you think?" I spoke, and she looked at me, huffing in response.

Then she laid back down. It might have seemed weird talking to Luna this way, but she seemed to understand me, and I just needed someone to talk to right now.

Everything and everyone was changing, and not for the better. New people were coming into my life, and that was scary. Scary because I didn't know them or their past. They could threaten my family, coming to threaten Luna. And I couldn't help but think it was all my fault.

"I'm ready when you are," said Ansel. I turned around, annoyed but grateful that he had a thick heavy blanket in his arms. Luna remained where she was. But I noticed that she watched him wearily with her eyes.

"It's not the question if you and I are ready, it only matters if she is."

There are certain things that bother me. It only takes a little to set me off. It was like the spark was already there, and all someone had to do was say or do something, and then that little spark turned into a raging fire.

Ansel frowned but nodded. He threw the large blanket over her large body. Only her head, back legs, and tail were visible. I crouched down and put my hand on the side of her face.

"Alright, love, this is it. All you need to do is change back, and then we, together, are going to find the orchid for Elijah." Luna whined and looked at Ansel and me.

"Well, turn around," I said, looking at Ansel. He turned around without any hesitation.

The next thing that could be heard was the popping and cracking sounds of bones shifting back, and shrinking. I bent down, hitting her back. Luna had started coughing. I was relieved when nothing came up.

"Klaus. Are you okay, what happened? Did I kill anyone?"

Questions flew out of her mouth faster than I could comprehend them. I was more focused on her shoulder. I hated to admit it, but her shoulder looked bad. A large portion of it was bruised. It might have been broken or dislocated, either way, it needed to be fixed. Dark purple bruises were dotted, everywhere across her warm brown skin. It infuriated me to no end that they had marked her up.

As soon as she was okay, I was going to kill every vampire in a 200-mile radius that I come across.

"Luna, don't worry. I am perfectly fine. Well, I will be once I murder those that have harmed you. Now, to answer your second question. I have no bloody idea, of what happened. I came back from the compound looking for you, and then I stumbled across this man. I asked him if he saw you, and then the screaming started. So naturally, I came to the source. To see you in your wolf form laying on your side as if hurt. Everyone around you was dead, ripped apart more like it. And don't feel bad for them. They do not deserve your pity, they tried to take you."

Luna nodded, wincing as she did, looking down at her shoulder.

"I don't feel bad for them," she said, slowly looking down at her feet the whole time. "Finn said some things..."

"What do you mean some things?"

"Well, it's good that your standing." Said a voice sure to be Ansel. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms, now my question wasn't going to be answered until later.

"You know this man?" I asked secretly, hoping that she would say no because his timing was always remarkably bad. Luna nodded, looking from me to him.

"Yes, Ansel saved my life, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him."

Ansel smiled, and I internally groaned. Bloody Hell.

Luna sighed, looking up at me quickly and then looking back down, looking flustered. I was about to ask her what was wrong, but she started talking.

"Actually, I wouldn't be here if-if it wasn't for Mikael." I blanched as a million thoughts ran through my head.

"What?!" Ansel and I asked in sync.

We were both equally appalled, even bewildered. Luna sighed before walking over to sit on a large rock. I followed her, as did Ansel, I tried to ignore this fact, and that in itself happened to be challenging. "What do you mean you wouldn't be here without him?" Asked Ansel. I frowned, thinking that was the exact same thing I was going to ask.

Maybe our minds weren't so different at all.

"Back when I was taken by Mikael and I brought Ester back I learned that she had plans for me. Whereas Mikael hadn't been lying, he had been telling the truth. He had wanted me to bring Esther back, so he could talk to her about something he wouldn't tell me. Anyway, Esther found a way to get Finn's ashes somehow and brought him back. I don't think they are themselves. It's like they are being taken over by another spirit. They don't speak the same at all. Now, that I think about it, Mikael never really left me alone with Finn or Esther when he could help it. Earlier that day, Finn had taken my clothes basically, only leaving me in my underwear. It was so cold. Mikeal came to me. He gave me one of his shirts, saying that was the best he could do, which it probably was. But I wasn't complaining. I was glad he helped me get out of there. I don't know what Finn would've done to me had he left me alone with him for a prolonged period of time."

I closed my eyes after hearing that. I've never been more grateful for Mikael to be alive if it was wrong to think that I didn't care. Mikael saved Luna. If anyone killed him, it was not going to be me. Luna sighed, putting her hand on her forehead, then dropping it. She looked ashamed.

"Look, Klaus, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I just didn't know how. I know you hated him, and you have every right to. What he did to you was wrong, and if anyone should kill him, then it should be you. But if you do kill him, just don't do it in front of me. I'm sorry for not telling you about Ansel. It's just, he made me promise not to say anything. At least not until he was ready. It seemed like a small price to pay since he had just saved my life. And I know that saying sorry doesn't fix it, I just needed you to know that-"

I gently put my hand on her cheek, caressing it, effectively stopping her from talking.

Her eyes were filled, with distress and worry. I wanted to ease her out of those feelings. I wanted to make them disappear.

"Luna, you have no reason to feel ashamed or sorry. If Mikael saved you from Finn, then that is a debt that I will never be able to repay. If anyone kills him, I won't have any part in it, well unless he hurts you, then I'm going to have to change that," I said, and her lips parted slightly, a heavy huff leaving them.

"You don't hate me for not telling you about Mikael and Ansel?" She asked hesitantly. I laughed a little, causing her to perk up a little.

"Love, I could never hate you for anything. When are you going to realize that?"

She laughed and then stopped grabbing her hurt shoulder, wincing as she did.

"Owww." She said, closing her eyes tightly. I looked at her closely, worry, feeling my chest.

"Luna, are you alright?" I asked, and she opened her eyes, looking at me. She closed them again, breathing slowly, in and out.

"Yeah, I'm fine my shoulder is killing me. So, please, don't make me laugh."

I smiled at that, causing her to lightly chuckle. Luna then looked up at me, exasperated.

"What did I just say?"

I could hear a laugh building up in her voice.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong?" I said, struggling to keep a straight face. Luna bent forward, it took me a minute to realize that she was laughing. But no sound was coming out of her mouth, what did I do wrong? What was so funny? She bent forward onto my chest. I patted her head, confused about how to deal with this. I've never made someone laugh this hard. Well, besides, Kol, though he found everything funny.

"You know I hate you right now." She said into my chest. There was silence, nothing but our breathing, and the wind blowing and rustling the leaves that hung on the trees and littered the ground.

"You don't hate me, you love me."

Luna laughed and then grit her teeth, grabbing her hurt should shoulder. I picked her up with care, placing her back on the boulder. She didn't object.

"And how do you know that?" She asked, smirking slightly.

Her cheeks, in particular, had pinked up. It must have been from the cold, or maybe it was something more.

I couldn't make any conclusions because what if it was just the cold? But what if she didn't, or did indeed have feelings for me? Bloody hell, I really needed to speak with my brother.

"Because you said so yourself."

She smiled at the ground, looking up at me before looking back down. Okay, now she was definitely blushing. There was no excusing it because of the cold weather.

Someone cleared their throat, and that broke our somewhat eye contact.

If this was Ansel, I was going to have a fit, metaphorically, of course. I turned around, and there he was with a bag in his hands.

"I found these at a campsite, I looked around for anyone, but I found them all dead. Anyway, I was going through their stuff and noticed some clothes, women's of course. I did my best I don't know if the sizes are right, but it was the best I could do."

I closed my eyes, putting my head in my hands. Why did all of this have to be so awkward?

Luna took the bag with her good hand, thanking him, quietly.

"I think we should fix your shoulder now, since you don't have any clothing on, now at this moment in time. That means less restriction."

Luna nodded, and Ansel pulled a little bit of the blanket down, only enough to see her shoulder. I held her other hand, and I could tell that she was thankful.

Ansel must have touched her shoulder in a bad spot because she yelped gripping my hand tightly. Ansel sighed, "I'm sorry to say that there has been quite a bit of damage, and this is going to be very painful."

Luna went pale at hearing this. I glared at him, and he said nothing. "Well, what would you like me to say Niklaus, a lie, perhaps." I sighed, and Luna put her head up against my shoulder. That made me relax, of course, I should have been the one comforting her, not the other way around.

Was I doing enough? I asked myself in my head. Unfortunately, my subconscious had no answer to give, not right now anyway.

"Niklaus, you are going to have to distract her, take her mind off of it. this might be a while." I shifted, uncomfortable when he said my full name. But Luna needed my full support, so I shook it off.

Ansel went back to working on her shoulder, and her grip grew tighter.

"Did you mean it?" She asked, looking at me with glassy eyes.

"Mean what?" I asked, fully aware that her face wasn't too far from mine all of a sudden. And it became very aware to me that she wasn't wearing anything underneath the blanket that was wrapped around her body.

I closed my eyes stopping that thought from repeating itself. There was a part of me, a beast really, that wanted to just- -

I took a deep breath, I needed to stop. I fought to keep my eyes locked on her face and her face only. This was going to be quite a challenge. I was going to have to hold that part of me back, or she would hate me forever. Or she would love us even more, said the other part of me, the beast. This could not be bloody happening. I was not having an argument in my head over Luna, I needed to speak with Elijah as soon as possible if that is I had any of my sanity left.

"That you love me."

It took me a minute to realize what she was talking about. And that shook me out of the daze that I had been in.

"Yes, I meant what I said, did you?" Luna looked down, and I watched as the blush on her face darkened if that was even possible.

"I meant it too. I-I just wanted you to know that I didn't say it, just to say it."

My heart did something weird after she said that. It skipped a beat. I needed Elijah right now. I felt nervous and anxious. What if she didn't have feelings for me at all? Maybe all this time I had been lying to myself. I smiled, of course, she had meant it. I hadn't doubted what she said for a second. Luna wasn't the type to lie about her feelings, when she said something she meant it. I had known her long enough to know that.

We seemed to have both forgotten of Ansel's presence.

"Klaus, I- Ohhhhh my god," Luna yelled, clinging to my arm.

"Is it over?" I asked Ansel hoping that Luna being in pain was over.

"No, in fact, I'm just getting started."

Luna started crying into my shoulder. It hurt to hear her make those sounds, hurt, "Hey, hey, it's okay. You are going to be fine, I promise." Luna looked up at me with a tear-streaked face.

"It just hurts, and I can't help but feel so useless. Everyone can just take me down so easily because I'm either halfway dying, I'm fainting, or I'm tired. I'm not going to last another year," she said between shaky breaths.

I wiped her face free of any tears. "You listen to me. You are not useless. And it's not your fault that you are always tired, halfway dying, or fainting. Most of the time it's because someone is trying to kill you. The other times you are tired or you've pushed yourself to the limit trying to do every little thing for everyone else before even thinking about doing anything for yourself." Ansel cleared his throat, looking up from Luna's shoulder.

"Luna, Niklaus is right, and you've never gone down without a fight. You can be quite resilient at times, I've witnessed it myself."

He then bent his head back down, going back to work on her shoulder.

Luna put her head on my chest. "Are we still going out to dinner?"

She asked, her voice a little muffled because she had her head in my chest. I smiled, stroking her hair, surprised, but happy she remembered that.

"Of course, but it won't be here, well not in New Orleans at least. We are all leaving to go spend the rest of the holiday with Rebekah and Hope. But I promise you that I will take you out, where ever you want to go."

Luna lifted her head up from my shoulder. Smiling a bit, it made me warm on the inside, knowing that I had been the one to bring that little smile to her face.

"That sounds great."

And then without warning, it happened. Luna gripped my hand tighter and gasped, though a few tears did escape from her eyes.

"There all done. Now, we may leave, so you can get dressed," said Ansel speaking to Luna.

She nodded, moving her arm that was just fixed with ease. I was satisfied to see that there weren't any hints of pain or discomfort on her face. I guess I would have to thank him.

Ansel led me away, and he began to question me about the flower. I was confused about how could he know about that. But he had also said he knew exactly where it was located, only that it would be a long journey. And judging by the positioning of the sun it was 3:00 p.m. we didn't have a lot of time to be giggling around like a bunch of school girls. But I had to trust him at least temporarily.

I didn't want to admit it, but I was desperate to wake Elijah up I was willing to do anything. I just wanted him awake. So instead of spending the holidays mourning him, I would spend the holidays with him having a good time. Most importantly, converse with him about my feelings about Luna.

"Take this," I said, and Ansel looked at me questionably. He took the vile from my hand examining it.

"Just drink it, no questions."

A frown crossed his face, "How do I know that whatever's in this vile won't kill me?" I shrugged, "You don't, but Luna seems to be overly fond of you. And she would be quite upset if something happened to you."

Ansel looked at the vile and then at me. "What's that supposed to mean?" I smiled, walking closer to him, a little surprised that we were the same height.

"It means that if you don't drink it, I'll wring your neck."

Ansel frowned as he un-corked the vile and poured its contents into his mouth and down his throat.

He grimaced, looking disgusted.

"What was the point of that?" Asked Ansel, his brow creased.

"You'll soon find out, and don't even think of saying a word to Luna about it." Ansel nodded and threw the bottle far from here. I nodded at him, and we sat in silence, waiting for Luna to arrive.

Luna emerged from the trees. Her hair flowed freely past her shoulders, wild, untamed, much like her spirit.

Wearing a thin camouflage nightgown, that you would only find in the deep country of New Orleans, specifically where homemade moonshine served in mason jars, was the highest quality of drinking. A pink flannel was thrown over it, a pair of blue shorts peeked under the hem of the dress shorts of some kind, and lastly a pair, of what looked very well-used vintage cowgirl boots that looked way too big for her feet.

I stifled a smile as she walked towards Ansel and me. This is the best he could do, oh bloody hell. The whole attire was positively dreadful.

Rebekah would cry if she saw Luna wearing it. I took a quick picture of her on my phone, planning on sending it to Rebekah.

Luna frowned and closed her eyes. "Did you just take a picture of me?" I shrugged, not saying that I did or didn't,

"Come on, we don't have much time left to find the orchid before nightfall." Ansel frowned, looking Luna up and down.

"Did I at least get the undergarments right?" He asked, and I smiled, looking down as she said with a little laugh in her voice, "Not even close, but I appreciate the effort, I truly do."

Ansel led the expedition leaving Luna and me in the back. Although, neither of us minded this fact. It truly made the whole stress of the situation go away. And along the way, we got to know ourselves a little better than before.


"What do we do now?" Asked Luna, her gaze fixated on the starry night sky.

I looked at her, thinking that even though she was wearing dreadful clothing, she still looked like the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Her dark brown luscious curls blended in with the night. Her eyes were grayer than green tonight.

Ansel was making the orchid into a paste. After he was done, with that, well let's just say that's all part of my grand plan.

"We wait until Ansel is done, with the orchid paste, and then we leave."

Luna tore her eyes away from the stars, an odd expression on her face.

My fingers itched for a pencil, a paintbrush, anything to draw her.

"Will he be joining us?" She asked, not looking at me but at the ground. She usually did when she was nervous, ashamed, or feeling guilty.

"Maybe, there are just a few things I have to discuss with him. Luna, dear, would you mind getting us some wood? The fire is starting to die down."

Ansel looked up from his work to me and then to Luna. "Yes, Niklaus, that is a wonderful idea. More fire would most definitely help this process move along faster."

Luna frowned, "Yeah, sure, I was just about to leave anyway."

She was glancing between the two of us with concern written all over her face.

Ansel and I watched her leave.

After a moment of silence, after making sure she was gone, I stood up, taking something from behind me and putting it behind my back.

"Why did you make her leave, you and I both know that this fire is fine. In fact, the whole process is done. So why did you really want to be alone with me." I smiled, "Well, I just thought that we could talk about some things we needed to discuss."

Ansel stood up, putting the finished anti-dote on a stump that Luna had cleared off for the purpose of being used as a temporary table.

"Like what?" He asked, the fire reflecting off his blue eyes, my eyes.

I sighed, my grip tightening behind me. Wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

"Well, to start off with you know that my daughter is alive, and that is a big problem."

He shifted uncomfortably under my gaze, looking confused. I walked towards him, dreading what was going to happen next. Convincing myself that this was one of the worst things I've ever done. And possibly the craziest probably.

"I'm so sorry," I said, wincing as my voice broke and my usually steady hands started to shake.

I pulled the blade from behind my back. Fighting back tears the whole way. I wasn't a big crier, but what I was about to do had no guarantee of working, and I would have to kill him either way. His eye's widened, noticing the sword in my hands. I put it up against his chest and closed my eyes. It was now or never. I yelled driving the blade through his chest.

Watching him fall to the ground, coughing up blood. He looked at me with betrayal in his eyes and then he was gone. I grabbed my head and started pulling at my hair. What did I just do why? I heard a gasp followed by the sound of something falling.

I looked up to see Luna pale like she had seen a ghost of some kind. She rushed to his side, saying his name over and over again.

I turned around, I couldn't watch this. My heart seemed to break even more hearing her cry for him.

"What happened?" She asked, finally looking up at me. I sighed, putting my head in my hands. I looked down, the fire lighting up enough for me to see that I had his blood on my hands. Not only literally but also physically. Luna looked at me horrified, and I looked down.

I've never been more ashamed in my life. I really just wanted to die right here on the spot. I never wanted her to look at me like that again.

"Why?" She asked, her voice so quiet I barely heard it. I sighed, running my hands through my hair again, not caring about my appearance right now.

"Luna, it needed to be done. Now before you ran away from me terrified, I gave him a vile of my blood. He drunk it, so he should be coming around soon." Luna walked up to me and folded her arms across her chest.

"You think I would run away from you, just because you killed your father? What makes you think that?" She asked, her voice wavering.

I threw my hands in the air.

"Oh, I don't know, Luna maybe because one day, just like everyone else, you are going to wake up and realize that I ruin everything and everyone I am near. That I'm crazy, that I am the monster in children's stories that parents tell them so that they will go to sleep because they fear me. The great terror of Mystic Falls Klaus Mikaelson. The bastard child." I finished and put my head in my hands. Feeling a hand on my shoulder I looked up. Surprised to see Luna's hand on my shoulder.

She was no longer crying, but her eyes were still glassy.

"Well, too bad, I'm stuck with you. I don't care that you are called the terror of Mystic Falls. What you were doing back then... you probably had a good reason. If you were being a jerk, then I still don't care. You are not crazy, you just do things differently than everyone else does. And that is okay. So whatever the reason, whatever you need, I will try to be there for you. To help you, comfort you, or hell even to be your personal therapist. I am here for you. When are you going to realize that? You saved me over a year ago, and I am so thankful that you did. Without you, I wouldn't have met my sister or anything. And I thank you for that. And I thank you for just being there whenever I needed you, but now it's your turn. So stop trying to push me away because I'm not going anywhere without you."

I stared at her, speechless. Where has she been all my life? Usually, it was my older brother Elijah, who said these types of speeches. But Luna was different, and she didn't sound ashamed or disappointed like Elijah usually did.

"You mean it, that you're with me?" I asked, and she nodded. Pulling me into a hug, which I greatly appreciated.


I finally just let go. I cried into her shoulder. We stood there for a while. Her holding me, and me falling apart literally. It was like she was the only thing holding me together. Both physically and mentally.

"Thank you," I said, pulling away. Luna nodded she put her hand on my cheek.

"It's no problem, really. You would do the same thing for me, in fact, you have....many times....."

I smiled, "Would you mind not telling anyone about this?" I said, gesturing to my face. I was ashamed of crying, I was taught that it was a weakness. But Luna had seen me at all my moments.

My angry moments, my happy moments, my down moments, my vulnerable moments, my cocky moments, my strong moments, my kind moments, my worst moments, and now my weak moments.

I wasn't comfortable with someone seeing me in all of those states, I was, however, comfortable with her seeing me.

Luna smiled, "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."


Hours later...I was pulling her in for another hug.

Little had been said these past hours...though I didn't need any words or epic speeches...I just needed her.....and she was here.....

We stayed like that and then we were interrupted by someone gasping loudly. Luna pulled away from me and looked behind her. Seeing Ansel standing there she tackled him with a hug.

"What happened? The last thing I remembered was Niklaus stabbing me."

"Well, you did get stabbed, and you did die. But now you are back well, at least for a little while. You just have to drink his blood, and the transition will be complete, and you will become a hybrid."

Ansel frowned and opened his mouth when he saw me emerge from the shadows. Luna stopped him from talking.

"You have a choice, you can either drink his blood, become a hybrid, and have a chance at getting to know your son and granddaughter. Or you can not drink his blood, and you will die, but this time for good."

"Ansel, if you truly wish to be a part of my life, Hope's life, and my family's life then you need to take precautions. And one of those precautions just happens to be making yourself hard to kill. Because every two weeks someone is trying to kill me or my family. So if you're with us, then you are for the long haul. The only escape would be death."

I bit into my wrist and offered it to Ansel. I didn't know what his reaction or answer would be.

He drank my blood, and Luna jumped up happily. "Does that mean he gets to come to our holiday get-away with us?" She asked in a hopeful tone.

I smiled, as did Ansel. "Of course, love, he has just become a big part of our family." Luna smiled and wrinkled her nose she was particularly cute when she did that.

"Our family?" I nodded and she smiled her eyes downcast.

On instinct, I reached down and took her hand in mine, "Our family."

Like before, we forgot there was a presence of someone else. I was perfectly content standing there holding her hand as we looked one another in the eye.

As always, something or someone had to ruin our peaceful moment.

My phone vibrated, I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was 2:13 a.m. We were about two hours late. I had also received a text from Kol that said they were in big trouble and to get our arses down there.

Typical Kol.

"Come on, it's time to go give Elijah the cure and leave this bloody town while we still can." Luna nodded, and I picked her up.

"Coming, Ansel?" She asked, looking behind her. I turned around too.

"Yes, I just don't know how to get there since I've never gone there. And I uh don't know how any of this vampiring works."

I nodded, understanding what he meant.

"Just follow me. I'll go slow." He nodded, and Luna put her head into my chest. She had done this every time to avoid getting whiplash. Ansel handed the orchid paste to her, and Luna tucked it safely away in the pocket of her 'borrowed' pink flannel.

And then we were off to the compound.


Damon Pov


"Where are they?" Asked Cami, walking back and forth, pacing really. She was worried like the rest of us, she just expressed it more verbally.

While Hayley and Stefan drank, Marcel and Josh played cards, Davina and Kol had pushed a couch in the corner, and they were both taking a nap, and I was busy trying to calm my lovely girlfriend down. Though I had to tread carefully, she might just bite my head off, she was a wild one.

We were all very preoccupied. Talking, sleeping, and drinking up all the liquor stored up in the room. Just a normal day at the Mikealson compound.

It was decided that we wait to fight until the deadline for Klaus and Luna ends. That is if nothing happens before then.

Something hard hit the door, causing both Kol and Davina to jolt awake, both equally confused.

"Ohh, don't worry about it they've been doing that for the past ten minutes," Hayley answered, taking a long drink from her vodka bottle.

"I think you've had enough to drink," declared Stefan looking at Hayley concerned, trying to attempt to take the bottle away from her.

Even when he was drunk, Stefan was kind. Hayley's green eyes turned gold, and veins appeared beneath them. She growled at Stefan, showing off her set of fangs. I, however, might have been terrified by that little stunt she pulled.

We haven't been able to use any bathroom because of Finn's mini-army outside of the compound and our door. That was when Kol stood up, walking around the large room with his phone held up high in the air. Cami then put her head in her hands, and I wrapped my arms around her. Telling her that everything was going to be fine and not to worry.

"I just sent an S.O.S to Klaus," Announced Kol. Then the shooting started. I heard the glass break on impact, but I thought nothing of it until I heard a bullet hit the wall.

Everyone got down to the ground, and I pulled Cami down with me. She cried out, grabbing her arm.

I removed her cardigan, surprised to see that she was shot.

"I've been shot!" She exclaimed, looking down at her arm in horror.

I frowned and smelled her arm, why was the bullet giving out this weird odor? I frowned, bending my head down to smell it again. I shook my head why hadn't I understood it before?

"Don't get shot. The bullets are made out of vervain and wolfsbane," I yelled to everyone.

Then the shooting stopped, and Hayley was the first one to get up. Looking out of the window.

"Well, it's about damn time!" Hayley yelled, walking out of the room.

I followed her, as did Stefan and Marcel, telling Kol and Josh to stay with Elijah's body and the girls.

"Who is that?" Asked Hayley, gesturing to the man standing in between Klaus and Luna.

"We can discuss it late all you need to know for now is that he is on our side." Hayley nodded, but she looked at the man wearily.

"What are you wearing?" I asked, looking at Luna. She shrugged, "We can talk about it another time, but right, now we need to-" Luna was cut off, by more shooting. But before I could get to her, Klaus pulled her down with him.

"Where did they go?" Asked Luna looking between me, Marcel, and Stefan.

Stefan frowned, tilting his head to the side for a moment. He then pointed in a direction and said

"They are that way."

"And how do you know that," Luna asked the three of us, I shrugged.

"Follow the screams of pain and the trial of blood. I am sure you'll find them," Marcel said nonchalantly.

"I can't wait until we leave, I don't know about you guys, but a break sounds nice. And seeing Rebekah would be a plus," Marcel spoke, and I smiled this was going to be a very interesting, holiday vacation.

There was going to be drama, broken hearts, broken bones, romance, tears, and best of all blood.

God, I loved the holidays.

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๐›๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐จ๐ง๐ž. gilmore girls universe. ๐™š | B L U E ห–โบโ€งโ‚Šหšโ™กหšโ‚Šโ€งโบห– โ”€โ”€โ”€ blue eyes like the sea on a cold, rainy day โ ๐˜‰๐˜“๐˜œ๐˜Œ ๐˜Œ๐˜ ๐˜Œ๐˜‹ ๐˜‰๐˜Œ๐˜ˆ๐˜œ๐˜›๏ฟฝ...
167K 8.8K 57
Abandoned and ignored by her father, Princess Vaella remained at her mother's side. Forced to watch as life went on for those around her, while her...
91.1K 1.9K 34
๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ž You R@ped me you are a sinner i will expose you in front of this world MR JEON JUNGKOOK.... .................................... He is taking...