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By sweet_aella

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761 19 0
By sweet_aella

Stefan Pov


"Klaus, what the hell is going on in here?" Asked an angry voice. It took me a second to realize that it was just Kol but in his witch body. He was standing over Luna, looking furious.

"What happened Nik, what did you do?"

I exhaled and looked at Hayley, who was stroking Luna's hair almost absently.

This could get bad. Klaus stood up from his post (beside Luna) and glared, walking towards Kol.

"Are you insinuating that I did this to her," said Klaus quietly gesturing to Luna's unconscious pale form.

Kol scoffed, "Well, maybe I am Nik. You have hurt her before."

"I have never hurt her, and I never will," growled Klaus angrily, grabbing Kol by the collar of his shirt.

"Please stop fighting," came a raspy voice from the couch.

Hayley sobbed and put her head on her sister's chest. Klaus let go of Kol and walked over to Luna, sitting next to Hayley.

"I know how to wake up Elijah," Luna stated, looking up at Klaus before sitting up.

Before anyone could tell her to lie down, Luna placed her hands on either side of Klaus' face.

"I'm going to show you," Luna said, speaking only to him before closing her eyes.

Klaus followed suit.

Hayley had gotten up and was now observing the two carefully through her teary-eyed gaze.

The two opened their eyes in sync.

I shifted uncomfortably, seeing them lock eyes. Was everything in New Orleans intense?

"I'm going with you," she voiced after he helped her up. No one else in the room seemed to matter. I wondered if everyone else, including myself, were invisible.

Her voice was less raspy though she was still a little pale. Hayley shook her and put her hand on her back, rubbing, "Luna, you are not well-"

Luna nodded, "I am aware. Finn is trying to kill me after all."

"All the more reason to stay, love," whispered Klaus putting a hand on her shoulder.

Luna remained as stubborn as ever as she stood up, legs shaking.

"If I am going to die, I can't just lay around. I have to do something. I have to help Elijah. Maybe it would just be better for everybody if I died."

Klaus and Hayley stood up, looking equally appalled and furious.

"Maybe she is right," I mumbled, now understanding where she was coming from. If I was in her situation, I wouldn't want to lay around either. I would have to do something. I would need to.

"I beg your pardon?" asked Kol, walking up to me angrily. Klaus and Hayley were now glaring at me. Luna had vanished somehow without anyone noticing.

"I mean come on, guys! She feels responsible for what happened to Elijah and Kol."

"It was not her fault," said Klaus venomously, standing next to Kol.

"Don't you think I know that, but Luna doesn't feel that way-"

"Shhh," Hayley whispered, her brows drawn together, she was concentrating on something.

The french doors opened revealing a worried-looking Josh.

"Umm, Luna just left the compound, and she looked like she was in pain," he said, just talking to Klaus, who looked angrier than ever.

"And you didn't stop her," Klaus said, folding his arms over his chest. Josh sighed, "Look, man, I did what you asked of me, but she pulled the friend card."

Hayley sighed, turning to Klaus. "What are we going to do?" Klaus sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"I'm going to go with her, cure Elijah so maybe he can talk some sense into her because this is getting ridiculous."

Hayley frowned, looking at me and Kol. She turned to leave with Klaus, but he stopped her.

"Oh no, Hayley, you have to stay here and tell everyone here to pack."

"Pack," I asked, confused. "Yes, Stefan pack. We are going to go join Rebekah, so we can get away from all of this bloody madness and celebrate the holidays."

I smiled, finding myself liking the plan. It would be nice to get away for a while. The Mikealson family always had something interesting going on. I was glad to find myself a part of it.

"Wait, who is all coming?" Asked Kol.

Klaus sighed, "I don't have time for this." And then he was gone presumably to find Luna, of course.


Cami Pov


"Hey, isn't it a little too early to be day drinking?"

I was smiling. My boyfriend being at the place where I worked made me happy. So happy I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, even when I cleaned up someone's vomit.

Of course, I felt bad, horrible for Elijah, but I wasn't going to let my worry take over my mind and loom over me like an invisible fog. I couldn't be more grateful for his presence. Damon came with his challenges, but he made things easier at the same time.

"Well, first of all, it's never too early for day drinking, and besides, I didn't come here for drinking."

I looked up at him, confused. I poured some vodka into a shot glass and gave it to the person who asked for it, not even bothering to look at him, my gaze focused primarily on Damon, who was smirking at me.

"So, if you didn't come here for drinking, then what did you come here for?" I asked, leaning over the counter.

Damon leaned closer to bringing his hand up and brushing a piece of hair out of my face. His fingertips lingered.

"For you, of course."

I smiled and looked down, blushing.

"You are something else, you know that."

"I know."

Before our conversation could go any further, my name was called. It was one of my fellow bartenders, he had said something about a mess. I turned back to Damon.

"Hey, I have to go clean up something, but I will be back."

Damon nodded and chuckled, "I'll be here."

I shook my head, trying to calm down. I probably looked like an idiot. Stumbling past people, blushing. I just wanted to hurry so I could get back to my boyfriend. If there was something wrong with that, then I was just in the wrong. I could care less about what everyone thought. I had all I needed.

I grabbed a broom, and a dustpan seeing the glass. It was the holidays, after all. Everyone was crazy during this time of year. I wasn't afraid to admit that I went crazy this time of year too. Christmas and New Year's had a place in my heart. I had so many good memories with my late Uncle and brother. I couldn't wait to start making memorable moments with Damon.

I walked behind the counter and placed the broom up against the wall sure I was going to need it again.

I frowned, feeling my phone vibrate. I took it out of my pocket as I was walking to Damon.

I looked down, reading the text.

Luna and Klaus are not home FYI. They're off to find the cure to wake up Elijah. After they come back and give Elijah the cure, we are all leaving to go spend the rest of the holidays with Bekah and Hope. AWAY from here.

I smiled, happy that we were going to get away, even if it was just for a little while. I texted her back, Hayley, quickly making my way to Damon.

"Hey, I have some news."

Damon smiled, "You aren't pregnant, are you?" I laughed and punched him in the arm.

"Umm, no, besides, the only person I've slept with these past few months is you, and vampires can't procreate."

"So what's the news?" he asked, a cheerful gleam in his eyes.

"Well, I just got a text from Hayley. Klaus and Luna went to go find the cure for Elijah, and once they do and give it to him, we are all leaving."

Damon looked flabbergasted, "Leaving where?"

He asked, trailing off. I could practically see the gears turning inside his head.

"Well, we are all going to go stay with Bekah and Hope for the rest of the holidays."

Damon nodded, the confused expression on his face gone, replaced with a happier one, the one I preferred.

"So, who's all coming?"

I smiled as he took my hands, "Well, Hayley wasn't exactly specific, but since she said, all I think that means everyone. Us, Stefan, Luna, Klaus, Hayley, Elijah, Davina, Kol, Marcel, and Josh. Rebekah and Hope are already at the safe house so...."

Damon nodded and leaned forward, touching his forehead with mine.

"Camille, I think I'm in love with you."

I opened my eyes surprised. "I think I love you too. I wanted to say it before I just didn't know how."

Damon smiled, our noses were now touching. "What does it mean for us now," he asked, smiling.

"It means that Christmas came early," I replied breathlessly. I leaned forward, I was sure that I had most of my body on the counter, but at that moment I didn't particularly care. Which was weird because I usually cared a lot, but I guess being with Damon made a different side of me come out, and I liked it.

I pecked him gently on the lips before pulling away and looking over my shoulder. Nobody was really paying any attention. He cupped both sides of my cheek with his hands and pulled me in again.

It wasn't fair how he kept sucking me in.

I pulled away, gasping, "You are going to make me lose my job."

Damon laughed lightly and kissed me again. He pulled away briefly, "But I just can't stop...and I never want to...not with you."


"Ever," was his reply before he pulled me in again.


Luna Pov


I frowned, feeling a sharp pain in my side. It felt like something or someone was stabbing me.

I gritted my teeth, I was not going to let Elijah down. I would keep going until I collapsed.

I stripped out of my pajamas, and I put on some jeans and a dark blue long-sleeved shirt. I also put on a pair of long boots. I left my hair down and slipped on a thin jacket, my body feeling all of a sudden hot.

I brushed my teeth quickly and grabbed a knife from one of my drawers, sticking it in my back pocket. It wasn't just any knife but Papa Tunde's blade. Klaus gave it to me months ago. I remember him telling me that he would feel better If I took it with me wherever I went, for my protection.

I walked quickly out of the room, wincing at every step. It felt like I was being stabbed repeatedly. I had to catch myself on a few walls. But I told myself to push. I had to get to Elijah's cure, I could not fail...I would not fail.

I forced myself to walk faster. I was almost at the door when I saw a familiar face. "Josh, what are you doing here?" I asked, looking past him my gaze focused on the doors that led outside of the compound.

"Well, I kind of live here so..." Josh trialed off. And I bit down on my lip hard, I swallowed back the metallic taste of blood in my mouth, feeling the sharp pain, but it was now next to my heart.

"No, that's not what I meant, I thought you had a date. With that one guy, a friend of Jake's. What was his name?"

I trailed off racking, my brain to remember this guy's name. "Was it Aiden?" I asked, and Josh nodded.

"Yeah, it is. Well, something came up, and he can't make it, so I planned to hang out with you and Davina for most of the day." I nodded, patting his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Josh, maybe you guys can rain-check."

He nodded though he didn't look too hopeful. I gasped, grabbing my head, that hurt a lot. It felt like my head was being squeezed. There was some kind of pressure, I couldn't explain it.

"Luna, are you alright?" Asked Josh worriedly. I nodded, my head swimming.

"Listen, Josh, I have to go..." I trailed off, looking at the doors.

Josh frowned and shook his head, "Luna, I can't let you do that-" I cut him off, "Josh, if you are really my friend, then you have to let me go."

Josh leaned forward, gently hugging me. "Luna, now you know that's not fair."

I sighed, "I know that it was a low blow, and I am really sorry, but I have to go." Josh nodded understandingly.

"Be careful, Luna."

I winced as I hugged him, feeling another sharp pain, "Always am."

I was almost halfway on bourbon street when he found me. I should have known that I wouldn't get far.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I gasped out in fear thinking it was someone trying to hurt me. I raised my fist and turned swinging. I sighed in relief when I saw the person's face. Luckily he had caught my fist.

"Klaus, I am so sorry, I thought you were someone else."

He said nothing, but he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry I left like that. I just had to go. I have to do this for Elijah, I owe him."

Klaus said nothing, but his hold around me tightened not enough to hurt me, but it brought me closer to him.

"You do not owe him anything, Elijah knew what he was getting into to save you."

Klaus stepped back, but his arms were still around me.

"And never say that everyone would be better off if you were dead," Klaus said, gently putting his hand under my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

I nodded and gasped, holding my chest where my heart was. Another sharp pain, maybe he wasn't trying to kill me, just hurting me. It was believable.

"Luna?" Klaus asked, but I didn't answer, feeling my heart pound painfully hard in my chest.

"We need to go find the flower for Elijah," I said, but Klaus shook his head, looking me up and down.

"Luna, you can barely stand."

And as soon as he said that my legs shook, causing me to fall. Luckily Klaus still had his arms around me so, I didn't fall too far.

"Maybe some of my blood will help," Klaus said almost desperately,

I nodded slowly, afraid my head was going to start spinning again.

"Yeah, sure, we can try."

Klaus led me into an alley, away from the crowds and the shops. Throughout the journey, I had to stop twice. My head was killing me again, but this time it was different, more painful. It almost felt like my brain was melting.

He bit into his wrist, holding it out to me.

I moaned in relief when the headache disappeared and the sharp stabbing pains along with it. I thanked him repeatedly, I've never been that grateful in my life.

"Well, how do you feel, your skin is still a little pale, but it looks a lot better than it did before."

I sighed, putting my head up against his chest. "So much better, although I still feel a little tired."

We were still in the alley, and it seemed to be getting colder. I shivered into his chest. He was always so warm. I gasped, surprised when I couldn't feel the ground beneath my feet. Klaus had picked me up bridal style and started walking out of the alley. I put my arms around his neck.

"Not that I'm objecting, but why are you carrying me? I don't want to inconvenience you, and I'm not exactly a pillow. I don't want you sapping up your strength on me-"

Klaus cut me off laughing, the sound was amazing. I wished I could bottle it up. I didn't hear him laugh often, and he only seemed to do it around me, and I didn't have a problem with that.

Klaus looked down at me smirking, "Luna, you are never an inconvenience, not for me anyway. And you are a pillow, at least to me. You forget, love, that I am a hybrid. I have not only the strength of a werewolf but also a vampire."

I smiled, rolling my eyes. We were now outside the alley.

"Klaus, I never forgot that it's just I worry that I'm taking up to much of your time-"

"Luna, you could never take up to much of my time. Despite what you might think, I enjoy your company."

I looked at him and smiled despite the nervousness building up in my stomach butterflies. My heartfelt odd, not in a pain, experiencing way but fluttery almost.

"Are you ready?" Klaus asked me, and the smile slipped from my face.

I nodded determinedly, "Yeah."


Jackson Pov


"Jake, what is wrong with you? you've been acting weird lately." I said, talking to my younger brother, who just frowned. That seemed to be a constant thing, that and the vacant look that would stay on his face for days and weeks upon end.

"I just miss her so much. I know she doesn't feel the same way, but it's just hard."

I nodded, understanding what he meant. I had feelings for Hayley, but she didn't feel the same way.

"I know it's hard watching them be with someone else, but it is what it is. We can't change that, but we can fight for them."

Jake nodded and got up from the couch, saying something about getting us something to eat.

I sighed, looking out of the hotel window. We would've been at the bayou, but we figured it would be best to stay in the city since our pack was gone. They went straight to Esther to get powerful. Apparently, I wasn't much of an alpha because they left without a second thought. Even Oliver, one of my best friends, who I considered to be my second brother, left me. Only one stayed behind, and that was Aiden, and he was a good friend of Jake's.

I turned away from the window, hearing someone knock at the door. "Who is it?" I asked, hoping it wasn't one of those kids who had pranked me and Jake earlier.

"Jack, it's me." I opened the door immediately without hesitation. Having not heard her voice in two weeks did something to me. I was happy to hear it again.

There she stood, her long dark brown hair down, with a sequined headband. She had on her dangly earrings the silver ones. She had on some black leggings and a pink pastel-colored sweater that she had thrown a black jacket over.

Her eyes were as big, green, and bright as ever. She wasn't wearing any make-up, she rarely did. I could see the dark circles under her eyes. "Jack, may I come in?"

"Yes, please, come in," I said, stepping to the side, and allowing her to come in. I closed the door.

"How did you, uh, find me?" I asked curiously.

The last time she came to visit, it was at a different hotel. Hayley shrugged, "Does it matter, I asked Davina to do a locator spell, and it led me here, to you."

I smiled a little when she said, 'led me here to you.'

"How did you know it was me?" I asked, sitting down on the couch. She joined me a couple of seconds later. Hayley sighed, "I don't know, I guess I just had a feeling."

I nodded, and she put her head in her hands. "Hayley, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. Hayley sat up, looking more stressed than ever.

"No, I'm not okay. Elijah is still asleep, we don't know how to wake him up. I miss my pack, it was nice to be surrounded by people who respected me. I found a way to get it back, but it's not exactly conventional. But Luna found a way to wake Elijah up. Not before she started coughing up blood and passing out. Because Finn is trying to kill her using magic or some kind of spell. She and Klaus left to go find something that will wake up Elijah. It's just I'm so worried about her. She said something today that scared me," Hayley said, her voice broke on the last part, and it looked like she was going to cry. I put my hand on her back, trying to comfort her without being too weird.

"What did she say, Hayley?" I asked, feeling concerned. Luna and I weren't as close as Jake and her, but I still cared.

"She said that we would all be better off if she just died."

And then it happened. She just started sobbing uncontrollably, sounding so heartbroken.

"Hey, hey," I said softly, trying to calm her down.

"Hayley, Luna just feels like this is all her fault. Wouldn't you feel the same way if you were in the same position?"

Hayley looked up at me, wiping her eyes.


I nodded, and she grimaced, "It just hurts me that she is suffering, and it's all my fault. She has gone through so much, and I feel like it's because of me."

I shook my head, "No, it's not you, Hayley, listen. It isn't even because of the Mikaelsons, it's because she is different. Have you ever heard of any other hybrid werewolf witches?" I asked, trying to make her see reason.

Hayley looked up at me curiously.

"Her mother and her grandmother, possibly even generations before that."

"Back when Luna was with the witches, it was a bad time to be anything but a vampire or witch in New Orleans but mainly in the French Quarter. That's where it was the worst, and that's why me and the pack left the city for the bayou. The witches were as bad as the vampires, cunning, and just as evil. Tourists and locals used to believe that the cemetery was haunted. All you could hear was screaming, sometimes all night, sometimes throughout the day. So they would make up all of these crazy stories, but really all along, it was just Luna. Marcel and his vampires tried to rescue her. I tried to with my pack. Hell, even me and Marcel combined forces, but it still wasn't enough the witches were too strong. And they only hurt her more. There were rumors of them starving her among other things. Then that's when it happened she started having blackouts."

Hayley frowned, "What do you mean blackouts?" She asked worriedly. I sighed, wondering if I should continue or not, but she needed to know. I pressed on, ignoring the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach.

"I mean, she started hurting people, and then she would wake up and not remember what she had done. Luna is a good person-"

Hayley cut me off looking slightly annoyed.

"What did you think that I would hate my sister for what she has done? She was defending herself, and I have no pity for anyone who does that to another person, they don't deserve to live."

I nodded my head, I remember thinking the exact same thing. "I totally and completely agree with you, but you didn't let me finish."

Hayley nodded, popping her knuckles before leaning back. "Anyway, she became violent, and it was very clear that the witches could barely control her. Rumor has it that they were doing tests on her. No one could do anything. I was relieved when the Mikaelsons came to town."

"Jack, what did they do to her?" Hayley asked in a small voice. I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"Hayley, I don't think I should be the one to tell you that. Ask her she needs you now more than ever." Hayley nodded, standing up I followed suit. Hayley moved to the door, but I stopped her touching her shoulder.

"Why did you come here?"

Hayley turned back around, looking more worried than ever.

"I came here to tell you that I was leaving, well, we all are. As soon as Elijah wakes, up we are going away to spend the holidays with Rebekah and Hope. I just came to give you a heads up so you wouldn't worry."

I nodded, ignoring the sadness filling my heart, "Well, Merry Christmas."

Hayley nodded and hugged me. It was very brief she wished me a merry Christmas too and sent her love to my brother, Jake.


Kol Pov


I sighed, putting my duffel bag on the floor. Everything was packed, so I decided to go, and see what Davina was up to, so I wouldn't worry too much about Elijah, Klaus, and Luna.

I knocked on her bedroom door, and she opened it. Smiling brightly, when she saw it was me.

"Hey, Kol, have you finished packing yet, it's taking me forever." I smiled when she invited me in.

"Yes, I didn't find it that time-consuming us men wear simple things like pants, shirts, and suits. You, women, however, dress more sophisticatedly."

"Not that that's a bad thing," I added quickly, earning a glare from Davina.

"Hey, why don't I help you pack." Davina turned around, biting her lip. I could see that she was fighting back a smile.

"You would do that?" She asked, looking down at her feet. I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Of course, I would. The faster we get done packing, the faster we can go out and grab some lunch, and the faster we won't worry about Luna, Klaus, and Elijah."

Davina nodded, smiling happily. "Sounds like a plan."


Davina Pov


"What are you insane? I don't see that happening anytime soon," I said, shocked at what Kol had just said. There was no way Klaus and Luna were going to get married, even though it was obvious that they had feelings for each other.

I ate one of my fries watching Kol shrug.

"Okay, well then, if not them, then what about us?" Kol asked, leaning across our table. I nearly slit put the soda I had been drinking. Not because I was repulsed, it's just I wasn't interested in marriage right now. I wasn't ready. I just wanted to enjoy him, and us. We could talk about marriage when things cooled down and when enemies weren't popping up.

I forced myself to laugh and take another drink from my Dr. Pepper.

"You're cute," I said, smiling. He shook his head, taking a bite of his burrito.

"Think about what you want darling, I'm telling you someone is going to get married and soon. I can feel it." I laughed, blushing when he said, darling. It wasn't my Kol's voice, it was the way he said it.

"You can feel it?" I asked, trying to stay serious. Kol nodded, "You see this body has some useful things besides the great accent and face."

I rolled my eyes, fighting the urge to smile.

"And how can You feel it?" I asked, stealing a fry from his plate. Kol smiled and put a free lock of hair behind my ear.

"Oh, you are cute."

I shook my head trying not to laugh.

"Well, darling, I don't actually know, know. I'm no Luna, but it's like I feel it you know. The drama, romance, heartbreak..."

I sighed, taking the last drink of my soda, "Sounds like every other wedding ever."

Kol laughed his eyes on mine the whole time. He reached forward, taking my hands into his own. I smiled, looking up at him.

"This, this is beautiful," Kol said, bending his head down to kiss my hand. I laughed nervously, even though the kiss was quick. It sent shivers down my sound, and his lips were so soft.

"Well, I'm not so sure about that. You're a lot more attractive than me." Kol shook his head, looking almost disappointed.

"Davina Claire, do you take me for a fool?" Kol asked, smiling, noticing how big my eyes had gotten. I had a thing for accents, I didn't know what it was it just tended to draw me in and distract me.

"No, why would you think that?" I asked, confused. I could never take Kol for a fool. Yes, he was a prankster, but he was smart.

"Because when I say something is beautiful, then it's beautiful. You and I...we are beautiful, that's how I feel. And what do you mean you're not as attractive compared to me, you are so many things Davina besides attractive."

I opened my mouth and closed it again trying to think about what to say. Both of our phones vibrated. And I looked up at him frowning.

"Saved by the bell..." Kol trailed off, looking down at his phone screen.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly. Did something go wrong? Did something happen? Did someone die? Questions bounced around in my head.

"It's a text from Hayley, she said that we need to get the compound ASAP. What did you get?" Kol asked, I could see the worry in his eyes, I bet I looked the same.

I frowned, looking down at my phone. "Cami, she said it's important that I get to the compound because Klaus and Luna might be in some trouble."

Kol sighed, putting his head in his hands. I called the waitress over and paid for the food, leaving a good tip.

Usually, Kol would fight with me over this, but he was too busy thinking right now. Normally, we would pay together or pay ourselves every other time to avoid arguing.

Kol liked to spoil me, a lot if I was being completely honest. Not that I minded it just felt good to pay up every once in a while.

"Come on we have to go, see if we can help Klaus and Luna," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He got up, slowly pulling me along with him.

We walked to the compound to find everything in chaos. Pieces of furniture, everywhere, as well as blood.

"Oh my God," I whispered in shock, looking at the walls.

"Shhh," said a voice behind me. I saw Kol's tense body relax, so I turned around to see a bloody Hayley.

"What in the bloody hell happened in here?" Asked Kol, giving Hayley a hug. I followed suit, feeling a little safer now that Hayley was here.

"There could still be others in the house," Hayley replied, looking around. She led us into Elijah's room. I was surprised to see everyone here, including their bags.

"Hayley, what's going on?" I asked all of this suspension was killing me. "Finn sent some people to attempt to take us out," replied Josh, folding his arms.

"Now, Josh, we don't know if it was Finn-" Started Cami trying to calm everyone down.

"I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Josh on this one, sweetie," interceded Damon, putting his shoulder on Cami.

She leaned back and sighed.

"Maybe, you guys are right, I was just trying to make an excuse because if it is Finn, Luna and Klaus are in some serious trouble."

"Trouble, trouble, trouble...." Damon sang lowly, causing glares from around the room.

"Honey now is not the time to sing."

"Come on, it's Taylor Swift, how can you not?"

I turned to Kol, who had a wide smile on his face. "Time to bring out the record player."

I raised my brow surprised. "You have Taylor Swift on vinyl?"

"Oh yes, every album. Reputation was my favorite, you know how I like the dark stuff."

Kol then walked off towards Damon. The two started singing lyrics. Cami came over to me apologizing for Damon.

I didn't mind the singing, though. It was good to have jokes at a time like this.

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