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Johnny Seo
Word count: 930


Finally we could get onto the plane. I sit on the seat next to the window. I got comfortable as much as possible on the seat. I was all alone on my trip to America. The seat next to me was empty but not for long. A tall man gets himself seated. He looked very uncomfortable. Most likely because of the lack of leg space. I took out my book and as soon the plane took off, I started reading. In the corner of my eye I see the guy looking. "Is there a problem?"

He looks down at his hands. "Sorry. I just was wondering what you're reading." He said. I showed him the cover of the book. "Oh I read that one before. It's really good." He tells me. "I know. It's the 3rd time I read it." I smile. "3rd time? Wow, you really like reading huh?" He asks me. "It's okay. I only read when travelling so I could keep myself busy." I explain to him. "So I assume you travel a lot?" I nod in response. "Mainly because of work but I'm visiting family now." I tell him.

"You too? I'm also going to my parents for the holidays." He tells me. "Well I'm glad to have you sitting next to me and not some annoying kid." I chuckle. "Talking about it. Can you please stop kicking my seat? Thank you." He looks behind him, a little guy around 7 was grinning like the devil. "And it's also nice to be sitting next to you." He smiles sweetly. "Hello, can I get you something to drink?" The flight attendant asks us. "No I'm fine thanks." I smile. "Some water would be nice please." He tells her.

Johnny's POV

"I don't know about you but I think I'm gonna sleep. It's still a long flight and I'm really tired." She say. "Oh that's fine. Have a nice nap." I awkwardly say. Have a nice nap? Really? She took her neck pillow and closed her eyes. She really fell asleep quickly. Before I could even realise I was staring the stewardess came back with my water. "Here you go sir. Anything else you'd like?" She asks me but I shook my head. "Have a nice flight." And she left again. I decided to watch some movie so I wouldn't be disturbing the sleeping girl next to me.

I'm actually stupid for not asking her name. I'll do that once she wakes up. In the middle of the movie I grabbed for the cup of water but accidentally spilled it. "Oh no!" I gasp loudly and pick up the cup. The water spilled a bit on the girl but mostly her book. She woke up, would she be mad? "I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean it. It was an accident." I keep on apologising. "It's just some water it's fine, my clothes will dry." She tells me calmly.

"But your book. It's ruined." I say guilty. "It's really okay. It's not like I've never read it before. There are many more books that I can read." She tells me. "You really aren't mad at me?" I questioned. "No it's totally fine, don't worry." She reassures. "Excuse me can we get some tissues? I accidentally spilled some water." The flight attendant quickly came back with some tissues. "Thanks." I turn back to the girl and try to clean as much as possible. "Please let me get you something once we arrived at the airport. I insist. It's the least I can do."

We finally arrived. I got my bag and waited for the girl. "Are you waiting for me?" She asks and I shyly smile. "Maybe. I mean I do am gonna get you something back for that book, so better stay with you right." I see her cheeks lightly tint. "Okay I think I got everything. Let's get off of this plane." We get us through the many people and get off the plane. "So first our suitcases?" I question looking at her small figure standing next to me. "Yes, but I'm first going to the bathroom real quick. I'm sorry."

I waited for her to come back. I didn't move from the spot I was standing. I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. "I'm back." We get our suitcases and then went looking for something. "A new book? I mean it's the fairest." She shook her head. "I already have enough books. Maybe just a coffee. I don't need much more." I nod and we went to a small cafe. "I actually haven't asked you yet but, can I know your name?" I ask her. "I'm y/n." She tells me. "That's a really nice name. I'm Johnny by the way."

"Well Johnny. It was nice to be with you on this flight. And thanks for getting me coffee." Y/n smiles and takes a sip from the hot beverage. "It was indeed really fun to sit next to you on the plane. Maybe we'll see each other again when we go back?" I hoped she'd say yes. "Actually I'm going somewhere else next. After the holidays I need to go to London for my job." She tells me. "Oh okay, then have fun in London. And also have a merry Christmas." I tell her. "You too Johnny. And maybe I'll see you again in the future." She says before we said goodbye and each went our own ways. I really wish to see her again.

A/N: update about my presentation, it sucked BUT in total with all the grades I got I still got good grades so that's amazing! Now I can relax and actually get into the holiday spirits yay~

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