
675 13 0

Dong Sicheng
Word count: 1103


I was sitting with Hendery on the couch watching how Sicheng's girlfriend has him wrapped around her finger. It's disgusting but what can you do about it. Whenever we say something about it he tells us that we're just jealous. He's blinded by love. Or whatever that is. "So the concert is soon." She starts. "Can I get a ticket baby? Then I can watch my boyfriend perform." She smiles innocently. "Sure, I'll see what I can get." He answers. "Can you get 2 tickets? I mean it'd be lonely going on my own right."

Me and Hendery share the same look and roll our eyes. "Of course, I can get you tickets." He tells her. "Omg thank you baby!" She kissed his cheek. "Oh it's already 3pm, I have to go. Bye baby, see you later." She kissed him goodbye. "Bye!" Hendery gives her a fake smile as he says it way too happy. "Uh yeah bye." She gives us a dirty look as she leaves the place. Me and Hendery sighing in relief that she's gone. "Ah finally." I smile. "What is it?" Sicheng asks us furrowing. "You really have to ask that?"

He thought about it and nods. "Yeah I really don't know what the problem is." He says. "It's your girlfriend, she's the problem!" Hendery blurbs out. "You're just jealous. Go find someone to date if you're really that lonely." My eyes widened. "WinWin don't say that, he's your friend. And he's definitely not jealous." I hear Hendery chuckle. "You're really making fun of us huh?" He scoffs. "Are you mad now?" I ask. "Of course, what do you think? When your best friends hate on your love life!" He storms off. "We messed up, didn't we?"

"Don't say that y/n, you know good enough that we're right. We can't just let her use him." He says. "But what are we gonna do?" I ask. "Make him realise that she ain't good so he'll brake up with her instead of being heart broken. Then you can finally date him." He smirks. "What? Why do you think I want that?" I ask surprised. "Oh come on y/n, it's so obvious that you like him. And I'll help you with that." He says proudly, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Should I be trusting you?" I questioned. "That's up to you."

It's the day of the concert, the guys are already there and I'm still at home getting ready. Jaehyun and Johnny were gonna pick me up and come with me. "Hey y/n are you ready?" They ask me. "Yes totally, I can't wait to see them perform again!" I said excited. "Only that? I thought Hendery said something about..." I stopped Johnny. "He told you? Look it's just for his own good. Don't you think his girlfriend is toxic?" I ask. "She is but how'd he feel if you make him realise it?" Jaehyun asks me, that's something we didn't thought through.

"I can't do it. You're right, he'll be heartbroken! But what do I do then?" I ask. "Nothing, just don't do anything." I sigh. "But she's literally taking advantage of him." I say. "Then maybe try talking with her instead." Johnny says. "Fine." I sigh. We go to the concert. We got in backstage to see the guys, we got them some drinks and snacks. "Y/n, Johnny, Jaehyun!" They all say smiling. "Hi, so the plan." Hendery starts but I shook my head. "You told them and now I'm not allowed to continue. They say I should just talk with her." I cross my arms disappointed.

"What? Ah come on, she never listens to us." Hendery says with a pout on his face. "Exactly. Now what?" I ask him. "I don't know, just enjoy the concert. We'll find something later." He tells me and I nod. "Sicheng, where's your girlfriend?" Someone asks him. "She should be coming any minute." He tells us and just then she walks into the room. She glared at me as she passed. "Hey baby!" She hugs and kisses WinWin. "Notice something on her neck?" Hendery whispers to me.

My eyes widened. "From Sicheng?" I ask. "No she hasn't been at our place the past days." He tells me. "She's cheating!" I said a little too loud. "What do you mean y/n?" Sicheng asks. "Uh..." I didn't know what to say. "She's going nuts! Just jealous of us." She said. "I'm not nuts! Neither am I jealous! Why'd I be jealous of a relationship where someone is cheating and using the other." I said angry. "Cheating? Babe? Huh what's that on your neck?" WinWin finally noticed. "Baby, it's nothing. She's just hallucinating." She lied to him. "Don't make things up."

Me and Hendery look at each other. "Did you plan this?" Jaehyun asks. "No." Me and Hendery shook our heads. "We'll talk about this later, I have a concert to do." He walks out of the room already going to his position to enter the stage. "It's all your fault!" She yells at me. "She did nothing wrong, leave now." The guys tell her. She rolls her eyes and stomps her way out. I wanted to smile and be happy but WinWin was so mad that I couldn't make a smile appear. I hated her but I don't want him being mad or sad.

"WinWin, I'm so sorry." He quietly walks into the dorm. "No you don't have to say sorry. It's not your fault." He says. "You want to talk about it?" I ask. "Not really but... can I, get a hug?" He mumbles. I nod my head and open my arms. He silently starts crying on my shoulder. "It's okay, let it all out." I whisper to him. "I don't understand why she did that? Didn't I love her enough?" He asks. "You loved her so much, it's all on her not you okay." I tell him.

He let go of the hug. "Is it crazy if I say that I actually didn't love her that much after all?" I shook my head. "It's okay to say that but why? I thought you really loved her."? I say. "I never really felt like she was the one." He just looks down at his hands. "Y/n I think I like you." He said. I couldn't believe him. "Sicheng, I like you too." I confessed and smiled. "But I don't know if I'm ready yet. I'm sorry." He tells me. "It's fine, I'll wait for you." I hug him again.

A/N: my mind is messing with me lately so if I'm not posting so much that's one of the reasons. But don't worry hehe, have a good day/night!

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