
1.9K 35 6

Wong Yukhei
Word count: 900


"I want to go outside!" My  little cousin screams. "We're not going outside." I tell him. "You didn't eat all your vegetables." He cries louder. "I want to go to the park!" I sigh and roll my eyes. "Then eat your veggies now." I put his plate back in front of him. "No, it's disgusting." He makes a disgusted face. "Then we don't go." I say simply. "Fine, one bite. Can we then go?" I shook my head. "All of it or we're not going."

"2 bites?" I sigh once again. Taking care of a 6 year old is hard. "Half of it okay. I'll wait." I sit and cross my arms waiting for him to finish. After a while he finally finished. "Was it that difficult?" I ask as I place the plate back in the sink. "Now go upstairs, clean your face. We're going to the park." He smiles and goes to the bathroom to clean his face.

We were finally at the park. I sit on a bench as my cousin is playing on the playground with the other kids there. He was playing nicely, it wouldn't hurt to just check my phone for once. After a while I received a text from my sister saying that she'll be home soon. "C/n (cousin's name), we have to go home." I call out for him. "No, I don't want to go home." He said.

"But your mommy is coming home soon." I say but he refuses to get down. "Come here, right now." He shook his head and laughs. "I'm not scared of coming up there to get you." He didn't believe me and laughed some more. I got annoyed and started to climb up. When he realised he runs away and takes the slide down. "C/n, come here! Don't run away!" By the time I got down I saw him running away.

Lucas' POV

I was walking with Bella in the park. It's a nice warm day so both of us enjoy going out here. As we continued our walk I hear a kid crying. "Oh don't cry." I go to him. "What happened?" I ask the little boy. "I fell when running." I wipe away his big tears. "Where's your mommy?" I ask. "Working. I'm here with my boring auntie."

I chuckle as he said that. "Where is she?" I asked. "I don't know, I ran away." He sobs. "I'll stay with you here." I smile at the little kid. "Look Bella is also worried why you're crying." Bella walked closer to the kid sniffling around. "Can I pet her?" I nod. "Are you not sad anymore?" He shook his head.

"Let's go find your auntie. What does she look like?" Just at the moment I hold his hand, I hear a female voice yell out. "C/n, come back! You know how long I searched for you? You can't just run away." The girl looked totally different from what I expected. "Are you his auntie?" She nods. "Yes I am. Who are you?" She asks.


"I'm Lucas, I found him alone crying. But Bella cheered him up, right little man." C/n smiles and nods, then gives Lucas a high five. "Thanks for staying with him." I thanked him. "No problem. But why did he run away?" He asks. "We have to go home, his mom is coming home soon. He lives in his own world and never listens to me. But I'm not letting you escape again." I said picking c/n up.

"Do you live far from here?" I shook my head no. "Mind me walking you 2 home?" Lucas asks me. "If you want to, yes." I feel my cheeks burning. I'm not going to lie, Lucas is very handsome. And his puppy is just so cute! We walked home, me and Lucas getting to know each other better. "Auntie, is this your boyfriend?" C/n suddenly asked.

Me and Lucas laugh. "No, I just got to know him." I tell him. "But who knows, maybe in the future." I look at Lucas in surprise. Did he really just said that? "If you 2 date, does that mean you'll be my new uncle?" Lucas smiles and nods. "Would you like that?" C/n nods. "What do you think auntie, want to go out on a date some time?"

"Say yes!" C/n yells in my ear. "Yes sure. I'm just dropping him off at home. Maybe we can go eat somewhere or go to a café?" Lucas smiles sweetly and nods. "Yes sure, sounds great!" I can't believe it, I have a date. And that just because I had to take care of my cousin.

"So..." I start. "What now?" I ask Lucas. "Our date, I guess." He chuckles. "You want to go somewhere specific?" He asks me. "Oh there's this café that serves amazing pastries and it's a dog friendly place so Bella can come too." At the mention of the name, she turns her head to me. "She's so cute!" I say. "She is. We also have 2 cats at home, Louis and Leon." Lucas tells me. Our whole evening is filled with little stories and lots of laughs. Lucas is the sweetest person I've met. And I just know him for not even a full day.

A/N: just the thought of having someone as Lucas as your s/o... it melts my heart🤧 I know this was a little short but I tbh like it even tho I wrote it myself hehe 💚🌱

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