
852 21 0

Xiao Dejun
Word count: 1000


We prepared for game night. Every Friday me and Xiaojun play a couple of games, and that's a date for us. We get different snacks and some drinks as we have fun playing different board and card games. "Do we have everything?" I ask him. "I think so, what game do you wanna play first?" He asks me. "Mmm I don't know, I'll win anyway." I laugh. "You mean I will win." He smirks. "In your dreams." We were both really competitive but it makes it fun. "Ooh games, what are we playing?"

"Not with you." Xiaojun says. "Why not?" YangYang asks. "Because it's our date night. Now please leave." He pouts and gets up to leave. "Wait!" I stopped him, Xiaojun looking confused at me. "Can you tell us which game to play first?" I ask. "Always start with uno!" He tells us. "Okay thank you. And next time we'll play all together." I tell him. "So uno it is." Xiaojun was already getting the cards. "Ready to lose?" I laugh. "No way. I'm winning today." He tells me. "Okay, what do I get if I win?" I ask. "Whatever you want. And if I win I want a massage from my lovely girlfriend."

"That's a deal. Let game night begin!" I say as I laid my first card. "You already give me a +2 card? How dare you! Here another +2 for you." Xiaojun smiles. "You don't think you can beat me right. +4 on top, take 8." He sighs and starts taking cards. "Oh it's going to come back to you." He smiles. "Nope, I skip, I turn, I change to blue." I say everything oud loud as I placed my cards. "Blue 9." He said. "UNO!" I loudly say.

"I can't win anymore. Here blue 3." I smile innocently at Xiaojun as I won and laid my last card. "What next?" He asks. "Not another round first?" He rolls his eyes and shook his head. "Let's play scrabble." He takes the box. "No we played that last time." I whine. "So? We can still play." He said. "You want to play because you know you'll win no matter what." He chuckles. "Exactly why we should play." I shook my head. "What about twister?" I ask. "Fine, prepare yourself." He stood up and was already stretching. We got everything ready, Kun sat and watched us as he turned the arrow.

"Y/n left hand red. Xiaojun right foot yellow." It all was easy in the beginning. "Y/n right hand green." Kun said as he was watching closely. "Other right." He says. "No cheating baby." Xiaojun says. "I'm not! It was an accident." I was having it hard to keep standing. But so was Xiaojun. "Dejun left hand blue." Kun said. "It already is!" I laugh. "Well then another blue." He said. "What that's impossible!" I was having so much fun even if I was also struggling. "Be careful, don't fall."

"I'm trying." He groans. "You're going to lose." I laugh, but right then he placed his hand correctly without falling. "Your turn." He smiles, we were face to face. "Y/n, left foot red." Kun says. "Babe you're in my way." I say as I was struggling. "Then you'll lose." My arms were trembling. I was going to fall. "Ouch." I fell on my back. "Haha I won you lose!" He cheers loudly. "Ow sorry, are you okay baby?" He asks. "I guess. Next game." I say as I get up. "I guess I'm not needed anymore." Kun stands up and leaves.

"Monopoly!" Xiaojun happily says. "With 2?" I say in a questioning tone. "Yeah. Last game that will decide who wins." I nod and sit on the floor. We sat at the coffee table and got everything set up for the game. We started playing and we were both very focused. "You're losing baby, you can't even pay any of my places anymore." I shook my head. "Who says I have to pay? Maybe you have to pay for me." He raised a brow. "This side is all from me, I can already feel the massage coming."

I roll the dice, please give me a 5 or 6. "NO!" I look at the dice and then at Xiaojun, he had the biggest smile on his face. "You lost! Haha. But I still love you baby." He leans closer and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "I hate you." I pout. "We both know that's not true." He chuckles. "Okay I'll give you your massage but you clean this." I say. He nods and starts getting everything back into the box. "Where do you want me to massage? Back? Shoulders? I'm not doing your feet." I state. "Why not? They can use it." He says.

"No, let me just do your back then." Xiaojun lays down on his stomach. "I'm waiting." He smiles. I start doing it softly, Xiaojun was enjoying it so much. I suddenly start to use more pressure. "Ouch, baby that's not feeling good." He groans. "What do you mean? I thought I was so great in giving massages." I smirk to myself. "Ay, you can stop that's enough." I laugh loudly. "That was not the deal." He said. "Um no one said how I should massage you. So I did what I had to do."

"You're so evil!" He starts tickling me. "Babe no omg!" I laugh loudly and couldn't stop. "Please stop! You know I'm sensitive!" I managed to say between laughter. "Will you give me a kiss then?" He asks and I nod. "Okay, I'll stop." He took his hands away from my sides and leans in for a kiss. But instead I ran away. "You never said when I should kiss you." He rolls his eyes and comes after me. He picks me up and kisses me all over my face. "Now I got you! Let's cuddle please." He asks sweetly.

A/N: firstly I wanna say thank you for 200 votes, it's so sweet of all of you!
Secondly: I'm moving this Friday and I'm having a little stress from it, also there won't be wifi in the new house the first days so if I don't upload I'm sorry. I can still write some and upload later


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