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Dong Sicheng
Word count: 1006

WinWin's POV
7th grade

"Hey Sicheng, how are you today?" Y/n asks kindly. "I'm fine, thanks." I answer quickly. "Do you have time after-" I cut her off mid-sentence. "Sorry I have to go now. Bye y/n." I run off with my friends.

8th grade

"Hi Sicheng!" Y/n smiles. "Sorry, I don't have time. I got to go, bye." I walk away. I look once behind me and see her standing, head low.

At lunch I sit at a table with my friends, we're talking about some game we recently started playing. "Sicheng, can I come sit here?" It was y/n, again. I look at my friends then back at her. "Sorry there's no space here anymore." I lie, there was clearly a spot free. She walks away sadly.


"Why do you always ignore me at school?" She asks with a pout on her lips. "Because..." I don't know what to tell her. "Is it because of your friends? Are you ashamed to be friends with me?" She asks. My mom walks in with a big smile. "Sicheng, I got news for you." I look up at her. "I'm not going?" I asked disappointed. "What are you saying? Get your bags you're going to make your dreams come true!" Y/n sat confused on my bed as me and my mom cheer.


"Sicheng, we got a weird phone call from some girl. Y/n, she says she knows you." My manager said. I stopped practicing and look at the guys before looking back at the manager. How did she fix that? I haven't heard of her in years! I take the phone and go somewhere more privately.

"Hello?" I ask questionable. "Sicheng, it's me y/n." It was the same voice as years ago. "How? What?" I was confused. "I'm coming to Korea for a while. Is it possible to meet each other again?" I didn't say anything. "Hello? Sicheng?" I hear her say. "I don't know. I have to go practice-" This time she cut me off. "Are you still ashamed of me? Is that why you never called?" She asked. I hear the pain in her voice. "I'm sorry y/n but I really have to continue practice again." I say. "You didn't changed a bit." I hear her say before the call ended.


I got a call from my mom. It was already late, it must be important. "Mom, hi! Why did you call?" I ask. "You're meeting y/n tomorrow! Don't leave her behind! How ungrateful that you are! She told me everything! I didn't raise you this way. How could you?" She was mad. "I'm sorry. Where is she?" I ask. "I'll send her number. And you'll call her right away! Don't let me come all the way there!" She scolds. "Yes, mom I will. Don't worry. I'm sorry. Bye."

She send me the number and I called it. "Hello?" Y/n's voice sounds. "Hey, it's me Sicheng." I say and I hear a sigh. "Your mom called you?" She asks. "Yes she did. What did you tell her? She was mad!" I say. "She has a right to. All these years you've been lying to her about how you took care of me at school and how close we were. But you never really did. You should be ashamed of yourself."

"Since when do you talk to me like that?" I ask. "Since I grew up, since I changed. Since I had enough of you turning your back to me. I'll send the hotel I'm staying at. Pick me up tomorrow at 1pm." She quickly ended the call before I could say anything.


I was waiting for y/n in the lobby. I'm still wondering why I need to be here and from where the sudden call after years. "Are you ready?" I look up to see a girl standing. "Y-y/n?" I said surprised. She looked so different from back in the day. "Surprised?" I nod. "What happened?" I ask. "Puberty I guess. But you still are the same."

"No I'm not. I'm a better person now." I tell her. "Are you? Because the first time I called, I remembered you saying the same thing as always." I sigh deeply. "I was surprised to hear you and honestly I never thought to ever see you again. I nod I made mistakes in the past but that's over now."

"I want to know. Why did you always ignore me and left me behind?" She asks me. "I have no good reason for it. All I have to say is sorry, I really am. I never meant to." I said my apologies. "I don't believe you." It hurts to hear that but I deserve it. "Believe me y/n, I never meant to because I liked you. I just didn't know how to say it or act around you."

"You do?" I nod. "But I don't get it. Why'd you push away the person you like? If you just told me, it might've been all different!" I furrowed. "What do you mean?" She playfully rolled her eyes. "I mean that if you confessed we might've been more than what we were."

"You mean that?" She nods in response. "I messed up!" I said sad. "Yes you did. But now that you're here, can you help me find this place?" I look at y/n then her phone. "Why do you need to be there?" I ask her. "It's for a job. Do you think I came here for nothing?" I shook my head. "Of course not but that's where I work." I tell her. "Great! So you can help me there!" She smiles and gets up from the seat.

"Yes but before we leave, first this." I take her hand and pull her closer. I kissed y/n, but not for too long. Just right. "I still like you and I'm so sorry for everything!" I see her blushing.

A/N: have a good day everyone💚🌱

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