
555 14 1

Moon Taeil
Word count: 1024


"I'm home!" I say once I enter the house. I walk to the living room and see my dog jumping in excitement to see me. "Look at my baby so cute!" I kneel down to pet her. "Sweetheart how many times do I have to tell you not to baby me or call me cu- ow the dog, of course." He said. "You're also my baby." I tell him and give him a sweet kiss. "Nooo." He pouts. "I'm not a baby." I chuckle. "Then what are you? What do you want me to say?" I ask.

"I don't know. Let me think about it." He tells me. "Okay... baby." I laugh. "I'm going to make dinner, tell me when you know your new nickname." I give him another kiss before going to the kitchen. I take all my ingredients I need and start making our dinner. "Can I help with anything?" Taeil asks. "Not really, this is easy and quick work." I tell him. "Okay, call me when you need me." He smiles and goes back to the living room. "Neo, not now. I'm making dinner." I say as our dog rubs their head against my leg.

Taeil's POV

"Neo get off. Go sit." I hear y/n say. "Neo, come here. Let's play!" I call out. The dog comes to look at me and then goes back to the kitchen where y/n is. I don't hear y/n complain anymore so I let the dog with her. "Y/n, I think I know what name you can call me." I smile to myself and get up to go to the kitchen. I suddenly hear a few things fall. "Y/n! Sweetheart!" I get to the kitchen and see her on the ground.

"Y/n, wake up please." I hold her head on my lap. Neo comes and placed their head on her stomach. "It'll be fine, just wake up right now. Please y/n." She finally opens her eyes. "How do you feel?" I ask her. "Weak, I got no energy and my head hurts." She tells me. "Did you just faint? Or what happened before, do you know?" I ask. "The room started spinning and my head hurt before everything went black." She says. "Can you get up?" I ask. "If you help me yeah." I help y/n get up and bring her to the couch.

"You need anything?" I ask. "No, I'm fine. I just fainted that's all. I should start cooking again." I stop her from getting up. "You're not going anywhere. Sit down." I tell her. "You know the dog kept rubbing their head against my leg and walked around me all the time. Would that be because they'd know this was going to happen?" She asks me. "I don't know, can dogs do that?" I question looking at our dog. "Neo is smarter than you think." Y/n chuckles. "I'm glad you can already smile again."

"I should continue dinner for real now. Else we won't have anything to eat." Y/n says. "Are you sure? I can cook too. You should rest." I say. "But a always cook!" She sighs. "But you literally fainted like 10 minutes ago." I exclaimed. "I'm sorry." I quickly apologise. "I'm not someone to sit down on my ass. I need to do something." She said. "Make a puzzle, draw something, watch a show or so. But don't get up." I say. "I hate you." She pouts. "But you love me." I smile and kiss her as I go to the kitchen and continue preparing the meal.


Taeil just got into the kitchen and I was already bored. I look around to see if I could do anything. "Neo, should I just go and help him?" I start talking to the dog. "You'll tell me when you know I should sit down and rest, right?" Of course the dog couldn't answer but I trusted them. I adopted her when she was a year old and the mom was also a trained dog for the family they were with. Maybe she learned some. That would be cool and helpful. But is it right to have them? If they can help many others.

I get up and go to the kitchen. "Let me help please Taeil!" I beg. "No. Go back to the couch." He says. "Yah I'm not some animal." I say. "No you're my sweetheart who needs to rest." I roll my eyes. "Dinner will be ready before you know." Taeil tells me. "Fine." I turn around and lay down on the couch. "Hey baby, you wanna play? Where's your tennis ball?" I ask. Instead of getting it they sit down and rests their head on the couch.

"What's wrong?" I ask. I pet them behind the ears. They jump on the couch and on top of me. "You're a crazy dog you knew?" I smile. "I love you!" I tell them. "I love you too!" Taeil replies from the kitchen. "I wasn't talking to you." I laugh. "Ow, my bad." He said. "But I still love you as well." I hear him giggle. "Shall we take a look if dinner's ready yet?" The dog gets up and follows me to the kitchen. "Is it ready yet?" I ask. "Almost, you can already sit at the table."

Once he placed the plate of pasta in front of me we started eating and talking about our days. "You know, I think Neo is secretly a hero." Taeil laughs. "Why would you think that?" He asks. "Because without realising they signed me that I should rest. But I didn't know and fainted. And earlier when I lied down they looked at me with these big eyes like they were thinking that something's wrong." I explain. "Sweetheart, I love you but you're a little crazy sometimes. Your fantasy goes really far." He chuckles. "Fine don't believe me then. I love them more anyway." He gasps dramatically. "You don't dare say that again." We laughed together for the rest of the night.

A/N: um trashy I know but I guess it can work out. Btw I have no idea how these trained dogs work or think so don't attack me about it pls. I just thought it was maybe a little fun to add it to the storyline...

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