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Osaki Shotaro
Word count: 1000


Today I'm on the same show as NCT U. I'm happy because it's no secret that me and NCT are close friends. "Hey y/n!" They smile as I walk in. "Hi guys, how are you doing?" I ask them. "We're fine." Taeyong smiles. "Are you ready for today?" Shotaro asks me. "I sure am. You?" He nods and winks at me. "Of course." He then cutely smiles. "Y/n, you have to come for your makeup." A staff said. "What's wrong with her makeup?" Shotaro asks, he's just as confused as I am. "Don't ask me, I just say what the manager tells me."

We get to the set, they first introduced NCT before they introduced me. Many questions were asked and answered by us, for both our comebacks as our dorm life. "It's right that all of you are friends with y/n, am I correct?" We all nod and agree. "Y/n who'd you say you're the closest with?" They ask me. "Uh I don't know, I think we're all very close." I answer. "Isn't there one person that you think of? Maybe Jaemin." I look at Jaemin. "Because fans really seem to like your friendship together."

I bit my lip nervously. It's true that I'm close with Jaemin but that's all, just friends. "Some even think you're dating." We both look at each other and laugh awkwardly. I then look at Shotaro, he was looking down. "No we're not. But I do think it's funny whenever I read some of the fans comments." Jaemin explains. "Is Jaemin your ideal type?" They ask me another question. I only got more nervous. "N-not really." Jaemin pretends to be hurt. "Then who do you think is more like your ideal type?"

I look at all of them and lock eyes with Shotaro. "I think it'll be Shotaro then." I answer. "Oh Shotaro, what's your answer to that?" They ask him. "I feel honoured." He says as he starts blushing a light tint of pink. The show goes on, me and Shotaro having some eye contact and smiling at each other from time to time. No one, and I really mean no one knows that we're dating. Not even the members know it yet. We're worried that people won't accept this relationship, that's why everything's a secret. The shoot soon ends.

Me and Shotaro following behind the other guys. "What was all of that?" He asks me. "I have no idea. I'm sorry." I apologise. "For what are you apologising? It's not your fault they asked these type of questions." He tells me. "I know but still, it was so awkward. And you're my first boyfriend, I don't want to do or say anything wrong." I explain to him. "You won't do anything wrong. You're too kind for that." He smiles sweetly. "Shotaro, we have to go!" His manager calls for him. "Now already?" He sighs quietly. I chuckle. "Go, I talk to you later. Bye."

I finally get home, I take a shower and go to bed. I'm ready to sleep but see that I received multiple texts. It's from the guys, separately and the groups chat. Why are they all still awake? It's like 3am. I read each text slowly, as I realise what they're about. I dial Shotaro's number. "Hey, did you read the texts?" He asks. "What happened? How do they know?" I ask him curious. "Look, it was an accident. I didn't mean to say it, it just happened." He tells me. "But what exactly happened?" I ask again.

"They were teasing me about earlier that you said I'm more your type than Jaemin and they noticed I was blushing. And since it all aired live fans noticed too and already posted about it." He explains. "So you decide to just say it?" I ask. "No. They kinda forced me to say it. I'm really sorry." He apologises again. "As long as this doesn't affect our carriers it's fine, I guess. I hope." I say. "I'll make it up to you, I promise. Do you have time tomorrow morning?" He asks me. "Why?" I ask. "We can have breakfast together." He tells me.

"That's really sweet but I can't." I tell him. "Lunch? Dinner? Please y/n." I just know he's pouting even though I can't see him. "I think I can for lunch." I tell him. "But you don't have to make it up. It's fine." I say. "No, I messed up so I have to do this." He tells me. "You didn't mess up anything but if you really want to." I smile, he's so sweet that he wants to do this. "Okay, I see you tomorrow. Good night!" He tells me. "You too goodnight."

"Can we now go to the company again?" I ask my manager. "Why? Don't you want to go home and rest?" She asks me. "Well I kinda have something to do." I tell her. "What is it?" She gives me a questioning look. "Well Shotaro and I are having lunch together." I say. "You and Shotaro huh? After what I've seen yesterday I'd almost say you 2 are dating." She says with a chuckle. "Would you be mad if we were?" I ask. "No, I think it'll be cute but of course because he just debuted it's risky if it'll come out to fans." She explains.

"Well actually, we're dating. We were keeping it secret but the rest of NCT got him to say it so now they know." I tell her real quickly. "That's great news. Let's get you to the company so you can have your adorable date together." She smiles. "It's not really a date." I say. "He's your boyfriend and you're having lunch together because it's the only moment you can see each other today, y/n it's a date." She tells me. I smile and start blushing. "Maybe it really is a date." I chuckle.

A/N: I don't have much to say except that Shotaro is absolutely adorable and I wanna adopt him like YangYang 👉👈 and you're lying if you say you don't like him, how can someone hate him

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