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Wong Yukhei
Word count: 1007


I was getting ready for a party. One of my friends is picking me up and he's bringing another guy that I don't know yet. I'm curious, who is he and how is he like? I got a text from YangYang. He's here. I get my shoes on and open the door. He was sitting in the car with his other friend. I get in in the backseat. "Hey. Looking good again huh?" I chuckle at YangYang. "it's alright I guess. And who's your friend here?" I ask. "I'm Lucas, nice to meet you."

His voice was deep, it was nice. We drive to the party. We soon arrived. "Are we ready?" I ask YangYang. "I totally am, let's go!" He smiles. We get in, loud music was all we could hear. "Oh I see Xiaojun and Hendery, I'm quickly going to say hi." YangYang already left. "I guess it's just us for now." Lucas says. "That's right, wanna get drinks?" I ask. "I'm driving, no alcohol for me." He says. "Did I say you need to drink alcohol? You can also get a soft drink." I take his wrist and pull him to the bar.

"Hello beautiful lady, what can I get you?" The man asked. "A beer. What do you want Lucas?" I ask the tall guy next to me. "A cola for me." He answers. "A beer and a cola please." I say. "A beer? Are you sure?" Lucas asks me. "Yeah. Surprised that a girl drinks beer?" I question. "Uh n-no. It's just. Never mind." I took my beer and handed Lucas his drink. "Yah, Lucas. Hendery wants to speak with you. He's over there." YangYang points out. Lucas left, now it's me and YangYang alone.

"So How is it going with you 2? Already friends?" I shook my head. "He questioned if I could drink beer. How stupid. I don't want comments about what I drink or eat." I say. "That's sad. I thought you 2 would become good friends." He says. "No, I'm sorry if you expected something else." I apologise. "It's fine but maybe you can give him another chance. He's actually really nice." YangYang tells me. "Okay, I'll give it a try. Just because you're my friend okay." He smiles cutely. "Yay, thanks. You're a sweetie!" I playfully roll my eyes.

I drank already some drinks and I'm giving Lucas another try. But it's boring, it's awkward between us. We got to know each other and then there was a continuing silence. YangYang knew practically everyone here so he was everywhere. "Hello there. Do you have a name or can I call you mine?" It was the worst pickup line I've already heard. And the guy itself wasn't one of the greatest as well. "I'm sorry, I'm not interested." I say. "Are you sure? You're missing out on something." He says. "Nah I don't think so." I tell him. "I see, you're playing hard to get."

I was disgusted by the man in front of me. He clearly had too much alcohol by the smell of his breath. "No I'm not you stupid ass!" I try pushing him away but instead he comes closer. "Leave her alone. Can't you see that she doesn't want you around?" I look up and see Lucas. "Mind your own business. She's fine with it, I know her." The drunk guy said. "Oh yeah? What's her name?" Lucas asked. "Brittney." The man lied. "Oh and does she also have a boyfriend?" I don't know why he asked that but at least he's helping me.

"Uh yes, me of course." Lucas scoffs. "Stop lying, her name's definitely not Brittney and I am her boyfriend so get out of here!" He yelled at the man. I looked at him confused but also thankful. "Thanks for saving me!" I hugged him. He slowly hugged back. "I'm sorry to say that I'm your boyfriend. It's the best way to get rid of these type of guys." He tells me. "It's fine, really thanks." I thank him again. "No problem, if someone disturbs you again just call my name." I nod and blush a little.

A while later I was just having fun with Lucas. This time we actually kept talking and there were no awkward moments. I was holding my lemonade as we were dancing together. Lucas' eyes widened. "What's wrong?" I ask. I wanted to take a sip of my drink as Lucas slaps it away making me spill my drink on my clothes. "Lucas what was that for?" I ask, getting mad. "Someone put something in it. I'm sorry for your clothes. Let's go to your home. I don't want anyone else harassing you any longer." He takes my hand and drags me out of the building.

"What about YangYang?" I ask. "He has enough friends who can bring him home. Let's just go. Here take my jacket to cover up the stain." We quickly get to his car. "I'm sorry for getting mad. You didn't mean to ruin my clothes." I said. "I just don't get why people'd do that. Just get to know a girl on a good and nice way, is it that hard?" He was frustrated by the many people at the party. "You're actually nice and funny and cool. I got to know you by just talking, not drugging you or almost raping you."

"Can we please not bring that up. It's already worse enough." I say. "I'm sorry." He apologises. "No need to say that. All that needs to be said is a thank you, for pretty much saving my life." I look out of the window, avoiding to look at him. "We're here." He said and stopped in front of my house. "Thank you for driving me home, it was nice meeting you." I say. Lucas smiles. "Wait, before you get out. Can I maybe get your number?" I blush and nod. I gave him my number before saying goodbye.

A/N: Lucas is definitely the type to help a girl out and protect her from dirty ass men- no doubt about that!

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