•Ten pt2•

734 13 0

Ten Lee
Word count: 1030

I got home and looked at my phone, I looked through the different contact names I have. Then I found hers, she put a cute emoji behind it. I smile to myself, it's only the first day I know her and I already like her. As friends of course, it'd be crazy if I already loved her. I decided to text her, just a simple goodnight text. But before I knew we ended up texting a whole night, not noticing the time passed by. Me and y/n are really getting closer.

"Hey there!" I smile as I walk into the dance studio. "Hey Ten! How was your week so far?" Y/n asks me. "It was okay. How was school for you?" She looks at me and sighs. "You really have to ask that? I'm here to not think about it. Let's just get everything ready before the kids are here." She says. We get the music ready and turn on all the lights. "Ten, y/n!" The first kids run inside to us. "Hey, are you ready for today's lesson?" Y/n asks them on a joyful tone. She's so cute with these kids.

"Ten?" One of the girls pulls my sleeve. "Yes, what's up?" I ask. "Are you and teacher y/n a couple?" She asks. "What? Oh uh haha n-no. Do you think we are?" I question. "We asked y/n and she said she likes you." The girl said. I look at y/n and we share the same look. "Oh really? Does y/n like me?" The little girl nods. "Do you think we'd be cute together?" She giggles. "Yes! Y/n and Ten are in love!" She giggles and runs around. We stand next to each other and smile.

"So you like me?" I ask. "It's for the kids dummy." She playfully rolls her eyes. "Okay everyone, let's warm up!" I'm going to be honest, it lightly hurt when y/n said it was just for the kids. Maybe I do really like her. I should stop pretending. No more lying to myself over my own feelings. We do our warm up and after that we repeat everything we learned last time. After that we learned new dance moves. "Nice work everyone, you can take a break now." We sit down next to each other.

"Are you tired?" Y/n nods as she drinks from her water bottle. "If you wouldn't keep me awake at night, I can take some rest." I pretended to be offended. "You were the first one to text me last night." I laugh. "Keep on dreaming." She comments. Y/n playfully hits my shoulder. We suddenly hear the kids giggling and whispering. "What are all of you talking about?" Y/n asks. "Nothing!" They sheepishly smile. "They think we're dating." I say. "Oh I didn't know that." She sarcastically laughs. "I think you had enough break, let's continue." I say and get up.

"When is the next group?" Y/n asks. "We have half an hour before the next group." I tell her. "Okay then I still have time." I give her a confused look. "Time for what?" I ask. "Nothing." She says. She's very mysterious at times. "Where's y/n?" WinWin asks me. "I have no idea. She suddenly walked away but I guess she's coming back." I tell him. "Why do you need her?" I ask. "One of the kids left her a note. Can you give it when she's back?" I nod and take the note. I was too curious and opened it.

"What's that note?" A sudden voice asks. "Wah, ow y/n it's you. Um a kid wrote it for you." I say. "And you're reading it? Maybe you don't deserve any of the donuts I bought for us." I tilt my head. "Donuts? Was that why you lefts?" She nods and shows the box. "But you read my note, so I can't give it to you." She turns away with the box. "No, I'm sorry I read it. Please give me a donut!" I pout. "Can I get my note?" I nod and give it to her.

"The donuts are for after class anyway. You'll have to wait." She walks away with the note and the box with donuts. "Y/n, come on. Can't I get one now?" Instead of answering she gasps. "What is this? You sure one of the kids wrote it?" I nod. "But it says it's from you. Do you want to be my girlfriend, Ten." She reads out loud. "Wow! You're asking y/n out, cool!" I turn around and see the next group walking in. "Are you 2 dating? That's amazing." We got a few more of the same comments.

I look at y/n in panic, what do we do? Is she still going to say that it's for the kids? "We're not dating. It's a joke from the younger group." Y/n explains. "Yeah sure. Have you seen him looking at you, he totally likes you." They whispered but I still heard everything. "No, he just sees me as a friend and coworker. Now get on your places we're going to start." Y/n says. We do the same routine as always. Warm up, rehearsal, learning and another rehearsal. After class we say goodbye to everyone.

"Can I now get a donut?" Y/n nods. We sit down in silence and we eat our donuts. "Y/n. I have to be honest with you." I start. "What is it?" She asks me. "I like you." I tell her. "So nothing was a joke?" She asks. "Well I didn't know about the note but that everyone notices how I look at you, that's no secret anymore." I nervously chuckle. "Do you like me too y/n?" It was quiet for just a few seconds. "Yes of course. You're an amazing guy! I always have so much fun with you!" She smiles sweetly. "I'm glad to hear that. Do you maybe want to go on a date some time?" I ask. "Yes Ten!" We hug each other and smile happily.

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