
858 9 1

Lee Ten
Word count: 1013
~Hybrid au~

Ten's POV

It had snowed last night, everything's covered in white snow. I like it, it's fun. "Where are you going?" Kun asks me. "Out for a walk." I say as I get my beanie and scarf on. I get out of the dorm and start walking, I decided to make a walk in the forest, obviously staying on the pathway. It was so calming to hear the snow under my shoes crack, leaving footprints behind me. I didn't care about the time or anything to worry about, I'm enjoying this truly.

It was pretty quiet until I hear some weird noise, something I've never heard before. Even if I have no idea what it is, I followed it until I found a little deer trembling from the cold. They're left alone and making sounds, probably to find their family back. "Ow baby, are you left alone. I need to find a way I could help you." I talked to the deer as it could understand me. I take my phone to make a call but it put it's head on my arm. "But I need to call for help." I say but it shook its head.

"You understand me?" I said in shock and it responds with a nod. "This is not real, You're a deer not a human. You can't understand me." I say. They looked me in the eyes, their big pearls twinkling. "Could it be that... nooo. Hybrids don't exist." I chuckle to myself. The dear let's it's head down. "Wait, you are a hybrid?" I questioned, they nod. "Oooh wow... wow!" I couldn't say anything, I was just in shock. "Why don't you change into your human form?" I ask. But they just shook their heads.

"You need help?" They respond with a nod. "It might sound weird but let's go to my place. Let me first make sure, no one's home." I text in the group chat. Most of the boys are out or in their rooms gaming. "Follow me." They get up, I saw they were still wobbly on their legs. "I can't carry you, that will pull all the attention from people. Make some sounds if we need to take a break okay?" We start walking towards the dorm. Once there I open the door and look if someone's in the living room. "Hello? I'm home!"

As I got no response I got in with the deer following closely. "Come into my room, quickly." We got in and I closed the door behind me. "Now you can switch to your human form right." They pushed me lightly with their head. "Do you want me to turn around?" I ask and they nod, so I turned around so I could not see anything. "Tell me when you're done okay?" I tell them. "I'm done, but don't turn around! I'm naked." It was a feminine voice, very soft and also a bit weak. "Um in that closet, you can find some clothes from me. Just take something."

I hear the closet doors open and close. "I'm ready." I turn to see a pretty girl sitting on the floor as if she's still a deer. "Sit on my bed, it's more comfortable right. Um I'm Ten." I tell her. "Y/n. A deer hybrid." She tells me. "Are you hungry?" I ask. "Yes, and it's cold." She says. "Here an extra blanket. Wait here I'll get something to eat and drink." I go to the kitchen. "Who are you talking to?" Xiaojun asks me. "No one. Just to myself."

"Okay, why so much food?" He asks. "I'm hungry, why so many questions?" I ask him. "Nothing, I'll be in my room." He says and left. I took the plate and the bottle of water and go back to my own room. "Here take this." She eats it all pretty quickly. "How long have you been there?" I ask. "Way too long. My previous owners kicked me out, literally kicked. Then I stayed in my animal form and tried to find some other deers to stay with but they didn't accept me. But you saved me, thank you."

She lays down with her head on my lap. I didn't know what to do. "Can you be my new owner? Please! I promise I'll behave and very easy to take care of." She said. "Y/n, why do I have to own you? You're literally half human, you have just as much rights as I do. Be your own owner." I tell her. "What no, I can't take care of myself. I never learned how to. Please Ten, take me as your hybrid. I'm begging you!" She looks at me with the same sparkling eyes as earlier.

"I can maybe let you stay, but I won't own you. I'll learn you how to take care of yourself and be independent. Once you got a job you can look for an apartment and live your own happy life." I explain to her. "As long as we'll be together, I'm fine with it." She snuggles her head on my lap again. "But you got to stop doing..." She looks at me again. "Never mind, You're cute." I brush her hair out of her face. "Kun asked me what... oh so you have a girl over? That's who you're talking to. I'm sorry for disturbing."

Before Xiaojun could leave I stopped him. "She's not just a girl I brought over. This is y/n and she needed help. She's a hybrid." I tell him. His eyes widened. "A hybrid, like a real half human half animal?" We both nod. "We need to help her, please." I ask him. "Sure, I'll tell Kun we're having an extra guest for dinner. That reminds me, he asked what you wanted to eat." He said before leaving. "Anything is fine for me." I said. "So a fruit salad for you." He joked. "Mhm sounds good." Y/n said making Xiaojun laugh. "Ew no. Everything except fruits is fine for me."

A/N: I'm still working on my Jeno imagine but this was just quicker done so I decided to write this first and upload already, have a good day/night!

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